After the sun reaches its end, it will become a white dwarf or a black hole.

But the Seraphim can recover.

The blazing flame, like the Last Judgment, lit up again on the battlefield.

He reigned over the battlefield again with an unrivaled attitude.

Yes, my weaknesses are clearly visible.

But weaknesses do not affect my strength.

When the power is strong enough to sweep everything, when you can't use my weaknesses against me, then it is not a weakness.

What is called joy leads to sorrow, now the Blue Star Federation Development Command has experienced it.

In the last second, they were still cheering that the enemy was not invincible, and in the next second they saw the Seraphim brought light and fear again.

The weakness of mortals is now fully revealed.

"Fight back, fight back, I don't believe that He has no limit, otherwise he would not have interrupted the attack."

Commander Cao Yang is very determined, and his will is unbreakable.

People like him will not give up easily, even if there is no hope.

For him, death is not the most terrible.

On the contrary, it is the morale of the soldiers, and it is impossible for everyone to be like him.

Wars never decide the outcome based on personal will, at least for mortals.

So only when people gather together can there be concepts such as equality and fairness.

Commander Cao Yang was so determined, but unfortunately the flames of the Seraphim were still burning.

Derek swept through and made some subtle changes according to the situation on the battlefield.

The closer to the fortress itself, the greater the consumption.

So if you can choose, try your best to kill the warships.

After all, the fortress is just a dead object and cannot move.

If you want to control the resources in the galaxy, you still need warships to escort.

This is the new form of interstellar warfare. The expensive fortress cannot protect every resource point.

So control is very important.

Derek, who changed his strategy, brought greater casualties to the Blue Star Federation's pioneering fleet.

This is not the main blow, the destruction of morale is more serious.

When the Seraphim disappeared again, including Commander Cao Yang himself, everyone breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and some soldiers even began to pray, hoping that this terrible existence would not appear again.

"Commander, the other side seems to be intent on sniping, and the loss of warships is very large.

We need to change our strategy."

The staff took out the latest data. The command system of the interstellar era has been perfected to an incredible degree.

There may be misjudgments, but this change in basic data will never be wrong.

Through the comparison of big data models, it is easy to find that the action mode of the Seraph has changed.

Cao Yang understood the staff's implication. It is obvious that they think the Seraph will come back.

Now, he also agrees with this point of view.

"Let the fleet retreat and do not leave the protection range of the fortress."

This is equivalent to a compromise. To be honest, it is very humiliating for a soldier.

But compared with the loss, personal honor and disgrace are obviously not important at all.

This order also allows the precarious morale to continue to be maintained.

Otherwise, if the front-line soldiers are allowed to take the initiative to attack, they may really collapse.

Sure enough, after a while, the familiar red gold color appeared on the battlefield again.

This time, Commander Cao Yang did not speak again, but just watched the other side wreak havoc silently.

Derek discovered the adjustment of the federal army. To be honest, this measure made it much more difficult for him to cause casualties.

But he laughed instead: "Are you afraid of this level?"

I'm not afraid of your rationality, I'm afraid of your stubbornness.

In the final analysis, the potential strength of the two civilizations is very amazing. If they really don't care about it and fight to the death, the Great Xia Empire will definitely be doomed.

Derek's purpose of fighting alone is also to destroy the opponent's fighting will from a spiritual level.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

Just wait for someone who continues to be stubborn to appear and give him a few more slaps.

But it's useless to shrink back. This Seraph has been awakened, so it can't be wasted.

So in full view of the public, the Seraph once again showed what it means to be a god-like power.

The Colossus civilization is now comfortable. Originally, it was really miserable to be attacked by the Seraph's dimensionality reduction.

But seeing that the Blue Star Federation was plowed three times repeatedly, I inexplicably felt much happier.

As for the Blue Star Federation's development command center, it was really numb.

They tried a variety of weapons, including some physical fission weapons, but they didn't have any effect.

After trying all the conventional weapons, they were dumbfounded.

Since they couldn't resist, they could only lie down.

The Seraph was fair. They opened a hole for the Colossus and the Blue Star Federation.

After the Seraph left and didn't appear again for a while, Commander Cao Yang collapsed in the chair.

To be honest, he had been holding on to his will, otherwise he would have given up.

After a while, he said: "Pack all the information and send it back to the cabinet, tell them... Either establish communication with the other party directly, or change someone."

While his family assets were not wiped out, he wanted to get away.

Otherwise, even if he died, he would be liquidated.

Commander Cao Yang's thoughts can be said to be extremely depressed, but no one else thought there was a problem.

Facing such an enemy, no one obviously felt that they had a chance of winning.

Blue Star Federation Cabinet!

In fact, the news from the front line has never been interrupted, but it is not as shocking as the official report.

After watching the edited version of the front line, they even doubted whether Cao Yang was joking with them today.

"This... is it really not a special effects video?" The chairman of the Federation wanted others to tell him that it was just a prank, and he felt that he could forgive the other party.

"Mr. Chairman, I also hope this is a prank, but we must face the reality. Commander Cao Yang has requested to resign, and our Ministry of National Defense has rejected his request." The Minister of Defense reminded everyone that this is not a joke.

As for Commander Cao Yang's request, naturally no one would agree.

What a joke, how active you were in fighting for this position, why do you say you don't want to do it now?

Want to run away when you encounter difficulties? Really think too much.

Before, the pioneer commander was a hot and good position, even enough to make a family rise.

But now, it is still hot, that is, it may be hot in the physical sense.

The cabinet will naturally not agree to this outrageous request. Until a solution is found, you should just take the blame on the front line.

Anyway, the front line needs heavyweights to take charge. If you leave, who will enjoy the meat barbecue?

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