Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 846: Continue to fool people

Participants are very cautious when making their first contact with a strange and mysterious civilization.

But for Michel, it is not so novel.

Needless to say, he has seen too many people from the Blue Star Federation.

The Colossus civilization is the first time he has seen it, but it is also a humanoid race in essence.

In other words, all the currently known civilization circles are humanoid races.

It is as if there is an unobserved God who spreads humans to every corner of the universe and finally forms brilliant and different civilizations.

The study of the form of intelligent life is also an important direction of theology in the interstellar era.

Michel smiled, the human form is good!

The Colossus and the Blue Star people are a few steps apart, and there is a hint of hostility between them.

After all, let alone the previous war, it seems that there is some competition when they are in contact with the unknown angel civilization at the same time.

"Welcome brothers from strange galaxies, this is the place of the Seraph's approval."

Michel's current role is a charlatan.

But unlike other charlatans in the interstellar era, he has enough confidence.

The representatives of the Colossus civilization and the Blue Star Federation did not raise any questions. At this stage, it is the initial contact, and try not to have sharp conflicts.

"Greetings, guests of the angel civilization."

The three parties seemed to have no grudges, and were so friendly that it seemed like a joke.

Michelle didn't care and took the initiative to take the two of them around.

Along the way, the various forms of mecha made both sides stare wide-eyed, trying to remember everything in their hearts.

Every detail seen at this time is valuable.

And then...the first time ended so amicably.

It is not realistic to expect everyone to get straight to the point at the beginning. It is serious to establish basic connections first.

In the new galaxy, the three parties maintained a tacit understanding and did not continue the war.

Anyway, the development of a planetary system is very long, and even the only ecological planet, everyone tacitly did not land directly, but only placed some reconnaissance satellites, waiting to decide the true owner of this galaxy.

But there is no doubt that their attention to the angel civilization is the highest, higher than their curiosity about each other.

As time goes by, they find that the angel civilization seems to be no different from ordinary civilizations.

The same battleship fortress, the same interstellar development, just like an ordinary interstellar civilization.

If they hadn't seen the scene of the Seraphim's arrival with their own eyes, it is estimated that everyone would think that this is a strange ordinary civilization.

The Blue Star Federation Cabinet has urged many times, and they can't stand Commander Cao Yang's delay.

In their view, this is an inefficient delay strategy.

After receiving the cabinet's urging again, Cao Yang cursed directly: "A bunch of people who are talking without any pain in their waists, if you have the ability, come and try it yourself."

He felt that the guys in the back were all bastards, and they didn't consider the difficulties of the front-line personnel at all.

But after venting, he also slumped in the chair helplessly.

It really can't be delayed any longer. The angel civilization seems to be kinder and not very aggressive.

But no one can really rest assured without figuring out the mysterious Seraphim.

He thought that the two sides had established a certain trust now, maybe he could try to ask some confidential things?

Soon, Michel heard the temptation from the Blue Star Federation.

They are more patient than the Colossus civilization, and the Colossus civilization has asked the same question.

In this regard, Michelle told the diplomats in a serious tone: "We, the Great Xia Empire, are a member of the Angel Civilization, serving the great gods, and the Seraphim is the guardian angel of our Great Xia.

What is God? God created the universe and gave us free pastures to graze. Although God does not need faith, shepherds like us have forgotten the existence of God.

However, our Angel Civilization is committed to awakening the sacred faith."

The envoy of the Blue Star Federation felt absurd. Although theology has never disappeared, there are not many people who really believe in it.

Therefore, when he heard Michelle talking to him seriously about gods and shepherds, he felt extremely absurd.

"You mean, our ecological planet is the pasture given by the gods, and we are all lives created by the gods?"

"Of course, otherwise why is the human form the mainstream form of the universe, why does there exist interstellar channels, and why do holy angels descend?" Michelle answered as a matter of course.

"Wait...please allow me to ask a question, isn't the Seraphim the crystallization of some technology, another form of weaponry?" asked the envoy from the Blue Star Federation.

The same question was asked by the people of the Colossus civilization not long ago.

Therefore, Michelle said with ease: "Why do you have such absurd ideas? We serve the gods, and the gods also give us blessings. Angels are the holy spirits under the gods, so they come to the world."

Michelle's palms lit up with white light, emitting gentle power.

"This is the sacred power given to me by the gods. I am now temporarily showing part of the power of an archangel. Have you... also lost the feedback from the gods?"

Michelle's puzzled expression seemed to be looking at heretics.

The envoy of the Blue Star Federation felt inexplicably guilty, as if it was his own fault that he did not have the sacred power.

But the facts in front of him made him unable to think of opposing.

Believe in science and embrace theology.

He even forgot his purpose and said very sincerely: "How can I get feedback from the gods?"

Michel showed a sacred smile and told him very 'frankly': "Faith, faith will build a bridge between you and me and the gods. Of course, it is difficult for mortals to communicate directly with gods, even angels.

We, the Great Xia Empire, chose to go through the great emperor, the human incarnation of the Seraph, the future angel Holy Spirit.

I will teach you, when you are pious enough to attract the attention of your majesty, you will get divine feedback."

Michel took the opportunity to stuff the grand unified theory, the theory of gods, and the angel system compiled by the Protestantism into the other party's mind.

His behavior is a typical missionary mode, but the effect is very good.

When the messenger left, he was carrying a large bag of religious symbols in his hand, and the whole person was dizzy.

Don't care whether others believe it or not, he believes it.

After all, there is a live demonstration of the existence of a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus Rex, so you have to believe it even if you don't believe it.

When he returned to the pioneer headquarters, Cao Yang carefully looked at the religious symbols he brought back and was immediately furious: "Ridiculous, so stupid, where is your reason?"

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