"But... he really has super powers." The envoy said weakly.

"I also have super powers, do you want to see it?" Commander Cao Yang said angrily.

"Really?" The messenger's eyes widened, looking expectant.

Commander Cao Yang laughed angrily. He slapped his sidearm on the table, pointed at it and said, "You can take him to primitive civilization and say you are.

I prefer to believe that the angel civilization has broken through some kind of genetic technology. Even if it is incredible to be able to manipulate energy, it is just a certain kind of technology. Do you understand? "

Technical barriers are sometimes like this. The difference between zero and one is far greater than the difference between one and one hundred.

Intellectually speaking, he is more willing to believe that the angel civilization is deceiving himself, or simply deceiving himself.

"From now on, everyone should wake up and don't be fooled by the angel civilization. They are just a new civilization with some unique technology. Our purpose is to learn this genetic technology, not to be fooled by them."

The people present have received elite education, and everyone has rich experience. Normally, they will not be easily fooled.

That is to say, the angelic civilization is too confusing.

The messenger suddenly realized that he had just been deceived by various words. At this time, he was awakened and his reason immediately regained the upper hand.

"I understand, Commander, I was wrong." He looked ashamed, then picked up his satchel and left.

"What are you doing?" Cao Yang called him.

"I will destroy these confusing things."

"Put it down, and I'll teach you something more. Before the mistake is proven, we must believe that what he said is true." Cao Yang turned to order the adjutant: "Find a group of unintelligent people and try to see if the belief is effective."

Although he was ninety-nine percent sure that the angel civilization created the Big Lie, there was still a one percent possibility.

So, need to give it a try.

The religious symbols he brought back were to be distributed, and he would also ask someone to make another batch to see the effect.

The adjutant smiled and wanted to take away these gifts, but Cao Yang couldn't help but reached out and took a few.

"I'll do more research and see if I can find any flaws."

There are two official words, what if this thing is real?

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

In fact, this was the purpose of the Daxia Empire.

You don’t need to believe everything, or even all of you, just open a hole.

After all, extraordinary abilities are real. If there is a being who can listen to prayers from a distance and give the power to respond, then what's wrong with calling him a god?

As long as they are strong enough, Blue Star people don't mind believing in gods.

Both civilizations are doing the same experiment, trying to figure out the flaws of the angel civilization.

At this time, the Daxia Empire, which had been silent, took the initiative to contact both parties.

"What? You want to develop an eco-star?"

The envoys from the three parties sat together, and the envoys from the Colossus Civilization and the Blue Star Federation were very surprised.

Now that the ownership of this galaxy has not yet been settled, the angel civilization will occupy the ecological star. Isn't this unruly?

If they weren't afraid that Seraph would show up at any time, the two of them would definitely leave without hesitation.

"No, we are not trying to develop an ecological planet, we are just trying to guide the lost lambs back to the embrace of the Lord." Michelle corrected the two of them.

"Is there any difference between this?" The envoy of the Blue Star Federation expressed his opinion firmly: "In view of the friendly cooperation and exchanges between our three parties, we cannot agree to the exclusive use of the ecological planet by the angel civilization. If we want to develop it, we must develop it together."

The Colossus Civilization also rarely stood on the united front of the Blue Star Federation and stated: "Yes, we can allow the three parties to jointly develop this new galaxy, but we cannot allow you to monopolize it."

Michelle looked very surprised and asked: "Why should we develop ecological planets? Shouldn't they be left as they are? We just want to guide the humans on this ecological planet to believe in the Lord again, not to develop ecological stars."

This explanation confused both messengers: "Guiding faith? What's the point of this?"

They want to say, isn’t this a loss-making business?

After discovering the ecological planet, exploitation and slavery are the norm, not some kind of belief.

But for the Daxia Empire, it couldn't monopolize this ecological planet anyway, so it simply had to take a higher stance.

So Michelle explained with a sacred look: "Faith is the most precious wealth. We are not going to interfere with the environment of this ranch. We are just bringing faith to them. Maybe in the future... this ranch can also give birth to the Lord." Holy Spirit.”

After detailed understanding, they confirmed that these people from the angelic civilization were really crazy.

They really don’t want to develop the precious ecological planet, but they have some kind of belief.

But to a certain extent, the angel civilization really does not have a monopoly on this ecological planet.

After all, the other two parties don’t believe in this thing of faith!

They are completely unable to understand the thoughts of angel civilization, but the other party will never do anything meaningless.

Could it be that...what the other party has been saying is true?

If what the angel civilization has been saying is true, then it is obvious that the top leaders of the two civilizations have been clowns.

But how could it be true?

Abandoning this ridiculous idea, the two quickly communicated with the rear and agreed to the angel civilization's action plan.

"We can agree to your activities in the new galaxy to a certain extent, but you must be accompanied by our people, and no activities to develop new planets are allowed."

"Of course, our Great Xia Empire will never interfere with the development of a ranch. We just guide them to return to faith." Michelle said calmly.

The spread of faith, even if resources cannot be mined in a short period of time, is also a kind of gain in itself.

Not to mention the spiritual domination of the new civilization, no matter how backward this primitive civilization is, the warriors it provides will not be fake.

Every extraordinary knight born from this subsidiary civilization is a high-quality cannon fodder.

If several civilizations really go to war one day, they will be sharp blades stabbing them.

But at this time, even if they realize this, the Blue Star Federation and the Colossus Civilization will not hesitate.

Because this is a rare opportunity to observe the angel civilization up close.

They believe that no lie can withstand the test of the long term.

If there is... that is the truth.

The lies of the angel civilization actually have fatal weaknesses.

They need to find them out and expose them.

The three parties have their own ulterior motives and soon reached detailed regulations.

The Protestant Church will come to the new planet on behalf of the Great Xia Empire, and the other two civilizations will send observers to go together.

So far, the Great Xia Empire is ready.

Facing the primitive civilization on this planet, they arranged a shocking appearance.

Derek had rested for a few days and it was a good time to get some exercise.

When the Seraph easily jumped over the new planet, it was right above the primitive civilization.

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