The warship was full of piercing alarms, and the automatic maintenance robots were running around, trying to save the warship.

The damaged compartment was directly partitioned, and then Burdett destroyed it again without any care.

When he left the warship, the warship behind him had basically lost its combat effectiveness.

Under the gaze of the entire Colossus civilization, the Angel of Power showed its powerful strength.

"According to the assessment, at least a cruiser-level warship or above can defeat this angel head-on."

This is the latest data analysis of the Colossus civilization. It may not be accurate, but it is almost the same.

Don't underestimate the technology of the Colossus civilization. It can suppress the Blue Star Federation. Its strength is stronger than their attitude.

The Colossus Archon didn't care about this data at this time. When Burdett killed a warship alone, the real trouble began.

"I don't know what excessive demands our friends in the Angel civilization will make." The Archon was already prepared.

On the other side, in the special channel of the extraordinary mecha, Michel first thanked Knight Burdette, and then said: "Teacher, should we be tougher now?"

"The tougher the better, at worst we can break up, and we are not afraid now." Burdette does not like to get involved in politics, not because he does not have political wisdom.

Michel actually thought so too, but he was just unsure and asked.

After he knew what to do, he knew what to do.

Soon, the clear code signal was sent directly, and all nearby Colossus civilization spacecraft could receive it.

"Earl Michel of the Great Xia Empire officially notified the Colossus civilization that the heretics who participated in the attack on the Holy Bloodline must be handed over and their immediate family members, and they must be punished fairly."

There was no need to meet and negotiate, Michel unilaterally announced the result of the handling.

This also means that there is no room for negotiation, and it is a request that tramples on the dignity of the Colossus civilization.

No sovereign civilization can accept such a harsh request.

Even if there is a criminal act, it should be convicted and handled by the civilization itself. Even if the criminal is handed over to other civilizations, both sides should find reasonable reasons through formal diplomatic channels.

Compared with the Great Xia Civilization, the Colossus Civilization is more "free and equal", and the Archon cannot do whatever he wants.

So when they heard this request, almost all the Colossus people changed their faces.

Even the Archon of the Colossus did not expect that the attitude of the Great Xia Empire envoy was so tough.

Originally, he thought that private negotiations could be compromised, but now it seems that things are beginning to get out of control.

He doesn't like this feeling, but he also knows that the universe does not revolve around him.

Within the Colossus Civilization, his power allows him to control everything, but the power from outside... obviously will not be too obedient.

At the moment, it can be regarded as a wake-up call.

Therefore, his response strategy is: "Don't worry about this notice, wait until the people from the Great Xia Empire come."

Unconsciously, he changed the name of Michelle and others from Angel Civilization to Great Xia Empire.

This is exquisite. The two subjects are different, and it also represents the attitude of the Colossus Civilization.

Even if there are contradictions, he tries to control between the two political subjects, rather than deviating from the Angel Civilization.

Obviously, he supports the Angel Civilization to enter the Colossus Civilization.

With this complex thought, Michel finally met with the top leaders of the Colossus Civilization.

The two sides greeted each other, one claimed to be the earl of the Great Xia Empire, and the other claimed to be the government of the Colossus Civilization, which was considered to be a bottom line for each other.

After a few polite words, Michel went straight to the point: "Your Excellency, Archon, I am the earl of the Great Xia Empire, but I am also a clergyman who came with a sacred mission. The attack on me is not just a dispute between the two political entities, but also a blasphemy against God. I punish the sinner in the name of the Great Xia Empire, which is the greatest tolerance. I hope your government can cooperate."

"Mr. Count, I understand your good intentions, but our government is employed by the people. Criminals should be punished as they should, but innocent people should not be implicated. This is the right of every Colossus person."

The Archon did not give in. He insisted on the bottom line of the regime, which is the foundation of the government's existence.

However, Michel seemed to hear something else. He wanted to see the other person's back, but it was obviously not visible from this angle.

So, he said tentatively: "The divine will is above everything. If the Colossus civilization wants to return to the divine glory, it will change sooner or later."

What he meant by this was that, let alone freedom and equality, the angel civilization did not even do the superficial work, and told you nakedly that there is a class.

The noble title of earl itself represents privilege.

The consul understood and even smiled a little.

As the highest authority in the Colossus civilization, his power is time-limited, and there are many shackles in the inheritance of power.

There are always many declining political families, and there is no permanent privileged class in democratic regimes. should ride on the emperor's canopy.

Ambition, the ambition for the inheritance of power, has always existed.

Seeing the opportunity, the consul naturally wanted to fight for it.

At least, Michel, the earl, seems to be a very good example.

"The Colossus civilization will not change," the consul emphasized, and then said: "But we respect the divine will, and perhaps...the people will agree to your request."

The phrase "respecting the divine will" implicitly expressed his meaning.

As for the sovereignty and face of civilization, as long as they don't care, what's the point of ordinary people's opinions?

When selling out a country, it is always a decision made by a minority, not a referendum.

Michelle was really surprised. He didn't expect that the Archon of the Colossus Civilization was the biggest guide. What do you think he is asking for?

Although he couldn't understand it for a while, he still responded to this goodwill: "I am also willing to respect the opinions of the people of the Colossus Civilization. The disciplinary action can be temporarily postponed, but it will not be changed."

This answer is really very tough, which also makes the Colossus Civilization's first impression of the Great Xia Empire very special.

At least, no one will dare to provoke this group of hedgehogs easily.

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