Michelle started his own propaganda campaign in the Colossus Civilization. The situation inside the Colossus Civilization is very complicated. There are elites who support the Angel Civilization, and there are liberals who oppose the faith.

And those who seem to be friends may not really be friends. They may just want to use the Angel Civilization to achieve their own goals.

Michelle established his prestige in advance, which saved a lot of trouble.

But even if no one took the initiative to provoke, it is not so easy to make some achievements.

As for the Great Xia Empire, the Blue Star Federation missed the opportunity and has been requesting deeper exchanges with the Great Xia Empire recently.

But they were all dismissed for the time being, which was considered to whet his appetite first.

At this time, Derek's attention was not on the Colossus Galaxy.

In the homeland, Davis, a researcher who returned from the Blue Star Federation, made a big thing again.

Davis, who is considered a bloody researcher, is generally valued in the research system within the Great Xia Empire.

Although he developed a neural network system, which has always been an important component of mecha, it is not easy to develop it later.

From the Gargoyle series of mecha he later developed, it can be seen that although he seems to have independent research rights, the results are really not many.

But recently, he made big news again.

Today's knight mecha has developed three generations, namely the first generation angel level (soldier level), the second generation archangel level, and the third generation angel level.

Although each level of mecha is constantly being modified and upgraded, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

However, it is generally believed that the fourth generation of mecha will be a brand-new mecha that takes energy as the route and truly surpasses the current technical level.

The orthodox school represented by Tru is actively absorbing scientific and technological knowledge, hoping to break through the bottleneck.

But this road is very difficult. Taking the current Blue Star Federation as an example, it is basically the average level of the known civilization circle, but energy is still out of reach.

Energy weapons have been developed very maturely, but the next generation technology of energy shields still exists in the laboratory and has no value to be used.

Moreover, similar cutting-edge technologies are really the bottom of the box and will not be sold at all.

So the Daxia Empire has also fallen into a bottleneck, and the fourth generation of mecha has been slow to move.

Derek did not urge it. Things like technological progress cannot be urged to produce results, otherwise the Blue Star Federation would have unified the universe long ago.

In this context, Davis, a researcher who took an unconventional path, naturally wanted to produce some results.

He himself also liked to take an unconventional approach, and had never achieved any results, but since the dazzling performance of the Seraph, he suddenly had a new idea.

"Soul... or spirit, is real, and we ourselves have the most experience of this, so I was thinking, since the power of the spirit can leverage extraordinary power, then is it feasible to let the whole body of the mecha have a soul?"

Davis introduced his initial idea to Tru with a red face.

Obviously, his way is not a serious way.

"I cultivated a group of consumables, let them focus on praying, select the most pious among them, restrain his spirit, and through... success can complete the energy of the body, but it is a pity that it can only be regarded as energy immersion at present, not a complete transformation to energy, but I think this idea is correct."

Davis showed his results. He had two aspects of speculation. One is to see if the energy process of the body can be completed through long-term spiritual power belief. The current research has only detected a weak reaction.

Another method is simple and crude. Cultivate a group of devout believers, and then kill them to take their spiritual power and completely immerse them.

After being immerged in spiritual power, the body seems to be endowed with certain characteristics. Things like energy transformation and supporting energy shields cannot be done, but the extraordinary energy is infused into the body itself, which greatly improves the ability to resist attacks, especially the attack ability of energy weapons. The effect is still very obvious.

After a round of experiments on the scene, Tru had to admit that this kid is a talent.

He doesn't care about taking a different approach, as long as he has results.

In fact, there is no orthodox route in scientific research. Only those that can produce results are orthodox.

After reading it once, Tru had an idea in his mind.

"I will help you apply for more resources. Just tell me what you need.

In addition, long-term spiritual rendering cannot be ignored, and control experiments must be continued.

Your idea seems to be correct at present, so go ahead boldly, and your majesty will continue to pay attention."

With a breakthrough, the next step is to invest resources to produce results.

This is the least problem for the Great Xia Empire.

Davis was not a polite person. He wanted scientific research resources, not for personal enjoyment.

So, he made a request directly: "What I lack most now is consumables. I am going to increase the quantity to try to render spiritual long-term beliefs.

In addition, a batch of consumables is also needed for loss research, and I have some new ideas, but the approval of consumables has not been passed."

In the final analysis, the most lacking is consumables.

Tru knew the situation of these black slaves, and their number had decreased a lot in recent years.

The compression of living space has caused the number of black slaves to begin to decline.

I just didn't expect that one day I would need to actively raise and breed them.

But for the empire, this is not a big problem.

"I can make the decision and promise you this. Since research and subsequent industrialization are needed, let's build a captive city first. Let's just call it Utopia!"

Tru briefly described the two-layer Utopia, which consists of the upper layer that does not need to work at all and enjoys absolutely abundant materials, and the lower layer that needs to survive with difficulty.

The only criterion for mobility between the upper and lower layers is faith. Those with devout faith can enter the upper layer of Utopia, otherwise they must struggle to survive at the bottom.

He plans to build a separate space post as a cage to confine these materials.

By differentiating treatment to stimulate faith, when entering the upper layer of Utopia to enjoy, they will naturally become alternative materials.

Faith is born in suffering. The lower layer is a breeding base, and the upper layer is a material harvesting base.

There is even a legendary uppermost layer, the land near God.

Materials that have experienced the transition between the upper and lower layers must fully believe in the more beautiful land near God.

All the upper materials can be advertised as having walked out of this world and gone to the land near God after they disappear, which can inspire their faith.

As for the result, it is not considered cheating. After all, becoming a part of the mecha, isn't it close to God?

Tru simply described his idea, which can be said to have played with human nature to the extreme.

So much so that Davis' eyes became weird. They all say that I am a bloody researcher, but your method seems to be more cruel!

It can only be said that Tru, who has come all the way from the bottom to where he is now, just doesn't need to use these cruel methods anymore, but it doesn't mean that he won't use them.

They are just some lowly slaves. In the mainstream culture of the Great Xia Empire, there is actually no difference between slaves and consumables.

This matter was settled, and Tru hoped to see the fourth generation of energy-drenched mechas as soon as possible.

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