The efficiency of the Great Xia Empire is very high now, at least building a space city is very efficient.

If we do not consider industry and development, and only seek internal stability and closure, it will be even simpler.

A large number of modular modules are directly applied and assembled, first building a rough double-layer structure, and then starting experimental operation.

This is a breeding farm, even if it is called a utopia.

In the case of Davis's urgent need for consumables, a large number of black slaves were thrown into this new space city.

Utopia is located in a desolate galaxy planetary belt, and there are no large number of resources around it.

The only neighbor is a fleet that monitors here.

As a place to collect materials, they are resources.

However, Davis is still very dissatisfied with this progress, because the experiment needs to be larger and larger, and even a batch of fourth-generation mechas need to be produced in small batches, and the demand for raw materials will naturally increase infinitely.

After the experiment was forced to stop again, Davis finally lost his temper: "Raw materials, raw materials, I need raw materials. I don't care what method you use, steal, rob, kidnap, don't we have some black slaves with enough faith? Or..."

"Director Davis!!!"

The official responsible for monitoring the laboratory shouted at Davis, although his duty was only to supervise the progress of the institute's experiments and would not interfere with specific experiments or even funding and personnel arrangements.

But...some things can't be said or done.

The royal family can use all ordinary people as materials, but they must not break the bottom line unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once the bottom line is broken, the catastrophic consequences are very terrible.

But Davis is like this, there is really no bottom line when he goes crazy.

Davis was hit hard and seemed to sober up a little, but his eyes were still red: "I don't care, you are responsible for providing the materials, I only look at the results."

Looking at him, he can really do something like filling in his own people.

Of course, this is wishful thinking. If he can do it under strict monitoring, he will not be a researcher here.

The supervisor was in a lot of trouble. It was not easy to work with Davis. The key was that such an important researcher could not be suspended from experimenting just because of a few words.

As for the fine or even the reduction of treatment, did Davis care?

Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and say: "I will communicate with the higher-ups and provide you with a new batch of raw materials as soon as possible."

The progress of the experiment was very important, and it was also his job to ensure the progress of the experiment. As for the communication of the results...

The person in charge of this matter happened to be Count Jeffreys Jr.

A city like Utopia is actually a large prison. The black slaves in it are either pure slaves or slaves who have been convicted.

Therefore, the Ministry of Justice is also a professional counterpart.

After learning about the situation of the institute, Count Jeffreys Jr. temporarily gathered a group of people to send over for emergency, which was regarded as stopping the turmoil.

But the fundamental problem was not solved, and patchwork was not a long-term solution.

Count Jeffreys Jr. thought for a while, and then he remembered that there seemed to be a black slave named Abraham in the New World, who seemed to be a subordinate of Black.

At that time, the silver mines were very efficient under the management of the other party, which shows that he was good at exploiting black slaves.

Thinking of this, Count Jeffreys made a phone call.

"Blake, long time no see. I have something to ask of you."

"Count, please tell me."

The other side of the phone was very respectful. There was a gap between their identities and their power.

"I have a very important job that needs help, but the current position is not very high. Are you willing to condescend?"

After all, Blake is an old meritorious official. He is not as good as Count Jeffreys, nor is he so bad as to manage Utopia.

But with Count Jeffreys' current status, he can't promise more.

Blake hesitated for less than a second and seized the opportunity: "I will follow the arrangements of the empire."

His current position is low, which may not match his status.

But with Count Jeffreys's status, how could he really let him suffer?

And if he can say that it is an important job, the prospects will not be bad.

Under the framework of the empire, the higher the class, the more difficult it is to jump.

Black chose to seize the opportunity directly.

Earl Jeffreys was very satisfied and promised directly on the phone: "Very good, the Empire will not let you suffer. Prepare to hand over the work. I remember that you have a group of black supervisors. Bring them with you. I need your experience in managing black slaves."

After hanging up the phone, Black began to think about what tasks require experience in managing black slaves?

Today, the Great Xia Empire has no demand for the basic labor of black slaves.

The number of black slaves has decreased year by year. Except for hearing that some institutions have kept a group of them in captivity, they are basically equivalent to wild animals.

"Is there any change?" Black thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

The black slave supervisors under his command basically lived in the black reservation area of ​​the New New World, and were considered nobles among the blacks.

However, in the system of the Great Xia Empire, this kind of nobles are obviously not recognized.

White people are at least third-class citizens, and their so-called upper class is almost third-class citizens.

Therefore, these black slave supervisors would rather live in black settlements than go to more developed areas.

Abraham was one of them. He had the highest status among the black slaves and could even live better than ordinary Daxia people.

But he would rather stay in the hopeless mud pit than go to other places in Daxia.

Back then, he also wanted to change his life, but after experiencing the beatings of society, he had completely given up this idea.

Now, he is just a corpse waiting to rot completely.

Until Black called again.

"Abraham, can you still swing the whip?"

Abraham will never forget Black's voice for the rest of his life, and this old leader is also caring for him, otherwise he could just throw him away as a used urinal.

"Of course, your servant is not old yet."

"Then take your whip and continue to work for me!"

Black did not say much to him, but just ordered him to prepare for service.

But this attitude made Abraham see hope again.

The reason why he lost his fighting spirit was because he saw the reality clearly. With the development of productivity, black slaves have no value, and he himself has no value either.

Worthless garbage should be left to rot somewhere.

But today he saw hope again. Being needed... is the only hope.

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