Brak really doesn't have any feelings for Abraham. Even if he does have feelings, it's just like an owner has feelings for a sheepdog.

The reason why he didn't throw the other person away like a urinal was just out of habit.

Who knows if it might come in handy one day?

The urinal is also valuable, not to mention that it costs almost nothing just to find a place to store it.

On the contrary, if the urinal wanted to become a wine glass, he would have destroyed the urinal long ago.

Therefore, the two sides are not on the same level at all, so there will inevitably be errors in their views.

However, this did not affect the result. After Brack gave the order, Abraham gathered a group of old guys and quickly boarded the airship.

To be honest, the world outside is changing so fast that it is difficult for black overseers like them to adapt.

Fortunately, Brack didn't ask them to operate any high-tech products, he just asked them to be managers.

When they arrived at Utopia, Braque was already waiting.

Only when he got here did he understand the content of his work.

Although he doesn't know the final destination of these raw materials, it does not affect his work.

"Mr. Brack!!"

Abraham knelt down very humbly to express his gratitude.

"Get up!" Brak said politely, and then briefly explained the task: "Utopia is divided into three levels, an illusory place near God, a place of carefree enjoyment, and a place of suffering below. It aims to cultivate the most devout believers.

But the current efficiency is not high. Very few people can advance to the second level, and too many people fall to the second level. Do you have any ideas? "

Abraham had no feeling at all about this kind of behavior similar to being raised. This was the fate of black slaves.

After thinking carefully, he replied cautiously: "I need to conduct an on-site inspection before I can reply to you."

"Okay, you have enough permission here, I only want to see the results."

Braque gave him a very high degree of freedom, of was also because the slaves in Utopia itself had no value, only the materials they produced were valuable.

Abraham said goodbye and left, received the corresponding equipment, and entered the permission rights.

However, he thought about it and brought nothing with him. He just changed into Utopia's clothes and started walking down from the upper level.

In a space city, space itself is valuable.

On the second floor, everyone has a small villa.

This is already a very generous treatment.

And everyone seemed to be very pious, with their bodies covered with religious ornaments.

Someone noticed Abraham's new face and came up to chat with him: "Hey, brother, are you new here?"

"Thank the Lord, I just came to the second floor." Abraham cooperated with the other party to act.

"Have you chosen a place to stay?" The person who struck up a conversation was very enthusiastic and chattered: "If you want to go to the third floor, you can choose to be closer to the church for prayer. If you want to take a rest, you can stay with us. Together, we hold banquets every day. If you are interested, you can come and have a look. Maybe we can have a common language."

The other party winked and looked very ambiguous.

Abraham was not a fledgling, so he immediately understood what the other person meant.

He deliberately pretended not to understand and looked pious: "I want to be closer to the church so that I can hear the voice of God all the time."

The other party is not surprised, it is the new arrival who is ungrateful.

However, it turns out that after the needs are solved, faith will only continue to slip.

He doesn't mind the other person's stiffness, maybe he will become like himself in a few days.

"Hey! Don't make a decision in a hurry. Come with me to attend a few banquets first and see?"

Abraham pretended to hesitate and agreed: "Okay... okay!"

Soon, he integrated into this small circle.

A group of people had a party on the second floor of Utopia.

All kinds of food, drinks, and even basic entertainment facilities are available.

Some people even have promiscuous sex in public, regardless of gender.

It can be said that it has fallen to the extreme.

In such an atmosphere, it’s damn good that faith can continue to be maintained.

After Abraham rejoined his men, someone immediately complained: "These bastards should cancel all the treatment and let them pray every day. Maybe there will be more qualified products."

This is what most people think. They feel that the treatment is too good, which leads to ungrateful beliefs.

Abraham was noncommittal and went to the bottom of Utopia again.

The treatment of people here is much worse. Hard work, a room as big as a prison, limited supply of various supplies, and basically no entertainment facilities.

This time, everyone's opinions are more divided.

"We should continue to squeeze. Only suffering can better generate faith."

"No, the treatment should be improved. Where can there be faith without hope?"

Abraham still didn't speak until he went back to report to Brak.

"After walking around, how do you feel? Do you have any ideas?"

"Yes, I feel that Utopia has not done enough. We need to continue to expand the class and open up the flow of information on the two levels." Abraham obviously has a comprehensive consideration: "The treatment of the second level must be further improved, and the living space must be increased. More luxurious and spacious, these can be replenished from the first floor.

And we need to provide them with more enjoyment, so we can select some beauties and handsome men from the first floor.

In addition, there must be a punishment mechanism to demote unqualified people from heaven to the lowest level. "

Brack thought it was interesting. He had also thought about promotion and demotion, but some details were not so detailed.

"Go on."

"The same applies to the bottom. Widen the class gap, make the living environment of most people worse, reduce material supply, support a group of exploiting classes with more devout beliefs, let them enjoy limited enjoyment, and intensify conflicts.

In addition, residents who are demoted from the upper class and residents who go to the upper class to provide services should keep circulating so that they know the gap.

Regularly support a group of cases where the lowest level is promoted to the second level, and increase publicity.

I even saw children playing on the first level, which shows that we are not doing enough."

Abraham had no emotions, but just coldly said one by one the strategies of class division and intensification of conflicts.

In Utopia, there is no possibility of successful internal resistance.

After all, how can a group of unarmed slaves resist interstellar battleships?

Therefore, all internal conflicts can only be vented in one direction in the end, that is, faith.

There may be a lot of losses in the process, but there will definitely be more results.

Survival of the fittest. If you are not qualified raw materials, you are not qualified to enjoy precious resources.

As for the slaves who were consumed in the fierce conflicts, they are not without value.

They will turn into rotten soil and nourish delicate flowers.

It can be said that by doing this, basically every slave can be squeezed out of value and contribute to the final product.

Even under the squeeze, even the consumption of Utopia itself can be solved for the most part, greatly reducing the operating cost.

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