Blake accepted Abraham's suggestion and adjusted some details.

Although he also looked down on black slaves, he had to admit that Abraham's ability was indeed good.

Especially when dealing with his own kind, he could be said to be very professional.

The adjustment was not carried out directly and roughly, but step by step.

Abraham did not reveal his identity, but mixed in with the residents of the second-level utopia.

He chose a tangled middle attitude as a cover-up, hoping to maintain his faith on the one hand, and actively carry out some depraved activities on the other hand.

Of course, such people are not uncommon in utopia, so they did not attract the attention of others.

The first adjustment made by utopia was the promotion and demotion system.

When another absurd and decadent night ended, Abraham, who did not participate in the activities in the second half of the night, heard the sound of riots as expected.


"This is unreasonable, this is definitely not the will of the Lord."

Because his residence was close to the church, Abraham could even see the rioting crowd not far away, including his new 'friend'.

Listening to the constant words about fairness and rights, the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a mocking smile.

"A bunch of idiots, after a few days of comfortable life, do you really think you are the best?"

Abraham could see the virtual dome when he looked up, which reminded him all the time that Utopia was just a beautiful pasture, and everyone was a beast to be slaughtered.

The reason why the owner indulged these beasts was to harvest precious raw materials.

But if it affected the output of raw materials, they would never be merciful.

Therefore, the beasts were treated well not because they were respected, but because they were worth selling.

But if it really affected the results, the owner would not be stingy in dealing with a batch of broken beasts.

There is no doubt about this.

Sure enough, the so-called protest just started, and a group of unmanned attack aircraft flew out of the sky immediately. Soon, several of the most clamoring ones were penetrated by laser weapons, and they didn't even get dirty on the ground.

This also included Abraham's new "friend", whose spirited face was now lying on the cold and clean ground.

Then, he was dragged away by a robot that appeared out of nowhere, and even the process of cleaning the floor was omitted.

Naturally, the promotion and demotion system was implemented smoothly.

Abraham then slowly mixed into the crowd and saw this huge announcement in silence.

As expected, his method was still adopted.

All unqualified believers will be demoted to the second level after a big prayer once a month.

And at the end, it was mentioned that only saints with firm faith can enjoy eternal joy in the land near God and no longer be troubled by the promotion and demotion system.

Of course, this can only be a beautiful expectation. After all, Abraham knows best whether there is a so-called land near God.

Even some smart black slaves can guess it, but the facts are not important.

Sooner or later, smart people will fall to the bottom, and at that time, it will be difficult to even survive, so naturally they will not be in the mood to consider such profound issues.

Adhering to the effective strategy of hitting a stick and giving a sweet date, Utopia then implemented more radical welfare benefits.

The first is to expand everyone's living area, from small villas to small manors, and even some special manors have private horse farms, which can be said to be very luxurious.

Of course, the price is that the living environment of the lower class continues to be poor.

After the same contradiction broke out, the lower class was given another sweet date, allowing some "pious people" to work on the second floor of Utopia.

Of course, direct exploitation is never proposed by Utopia itself.

This requires people like Abraham to play a role.

Diverting contradictions, creating scapegoats, and reaping the fruits, this set of rulers is too skilled.

After the new policy, Abraham moved into a small manor.

He was not too ostentatious, nor did he treat himself too badly.

Therefore, he also got a few of the first batch of low-level workers who were full of expectations.

Although it is completely possible to use machines to replace most of the labor in managing the manor, it is obvious that doing so will not intensify the contradiction.

Without contradictions, how can you profit from it?

Abraham usually behaves very normally in front of outsiders, at least he can't see that he is a traitor.

But intentionally or unintentionally, he would reveal some of his wealthy life to the lower-level people working in the manor.

These lower-level people who came to work actually knew that they could not be promoted to the second level normally in the short term, that is, those who did not have good faith.

But they also longed for a better life. Although they came to work on the second level of Utopia, at least they could eat and wear warm clothes, which was much better than the lower level of Utopia where the environment was getting worse and worse.

They could even help their families, which was a real good job.

The luxurious life that Abraham occasionally revealed would naturally stimulate their inner desires.

After a period of observation, Abraham chose one of the workers.

This lower-level person named McCann had a smart mind and ambition.

Abraham did not need a fool, because a fool could not do the technical job of taking the blame.

On this day, he called McCann to him alone.

After observing for these days, McCann had some understanding of the situation on the second level of Utopia.

Therefore, he was more certain that it was impossible for him to live on the second floor through normal means.

Therefore, serving Abraham well was his only chance to stay here.

After all, serving people is better than struggling in the mire.

So when Abraham called him alone, he was still a little nervous, afraid that he would be driven back.

Abraham was not polite to him. To control a person, you don’t have to respect him much. Sometimes strengthening the class existence will help control.

"McKens, I want you to live at the bottom." Abraham said.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have begged for mercy in fear.

But McCann was keenly aware of Abraham's words, and took the initiative to ask: "Sir, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Some 'products'," Abraham looked at McCann meaningfully and said, "Maybe products that will condemn your conscience."

McCann felt that his understanding of Abraham might not be enough, but only such a person could bring changes to himself.

He bent down, lowered his head, and said humbly: "I am only loyal to you, sir, I have no conscience."

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