Abraham suddenly found McCanns very interesting, so interesting that he could not bear to let him take the blame.

But it was a pity that his core team could not be people from Utopia.

His origin determined his future.

But this did not prevent him from appreciating the other party, at least before the final result came, he could let the other party get a certain amount... now.

After Abraham said some of the goods he needed, McCanns also fell silent.

This kind of thing is indeed a bit conscienceless.

"For the bottom-level industries, we also have some say. I can give you the management rights of some industries. This is your reward.

Of course, we will pay a part of the deposit in advance, you can go back and think about it.

Abraham offered the conditions, I believe it is enough temptation.

McCanns simply gave up his conscience.

"Happy to serve you, Mr. Abraham. "

After McCanns left the second floor of Utopia, Abraham got a detailed list from other subordinates.

Of course, he would not put all his hopes on one person. What Utopia needs at the bottom is a class that oppresses the people at the bottom at ordinary times and takes the blame at critical moments to consume the extra negative emotions of Utopia.

McKenns is just a representative, a representative of a group of smart and ambitious people.

When he returned to the bottom of Utopia, McCanns found that the situation was worse than when he left before.

There were more people doing nothing on the street, and everyone looked more embarrassed, but fortunately, their complexions were not bad, and they should be able to eat.

How can this be?

If everyone can eat well, his work will be difficult to do.

And he already knew from Abraham that the resources at the bottom Resources are limited, and resources are allocated according to the population.

If the distribution is truly equal, at least everyone can have enough food and clothing, but there will be no extra materials.

But... if everyone is equal, won't I have no way to enjoy?

Without oppression, where can I get more resources to enjoy?

Luxury means waste. When resources are limited, equality means that there is no luxury.

Moreover, he needs not only material things, but also status.

Without class and oppression, what is the difference between himself and other stupid people?

McCanns is a smart man, and smart people are often a little conceited. Of course, he is not satisfied with being exactly the same as ordinary people.

Fortunately, he already has capital.

What Abraham handed him was a food processing plant.

Utopia He will provide raw materials to the factory, which is the kind of quota provided, but the processing itself still needs to be done by the Utopia bottom factory itself.

The ownership of the factory naturally belongs to Utopia, but in the absence of upper-level supervision, the management right is not much different from the ownership.

When the quota is fixed, he needs to pay a certain amount of credit currency.

Before, it was in the trusteeship state of Utopia, and all the food produced was supplied at cost price, which did not put any pressure on the bottom people.

After McCanns took office, the first thing he did was not to raise prices that would anger the heavens and the people, that would be a way to death.

The first thing he did was to enrich the product line.

From a single food to a hierarchical differentiation.

Naturally, affordable food is still sold, but the quantity is slightly less.

The price of high-end products has naturally increased. Of course it has to be higher.

When the food was put on sale, this change did not attract any attention at all.

Instead, many people were eager to change their taste, making high-end products popular.

With his salary unchanged, McCanns quickly accumulated the first start-up capital.

Through this exploitation, he was able to get a salary dozens of times that of an ordinary person at the bottom.

As for the small amount of food in short supply on the market, some unlucky people went hungry for a few meals, which was really not a big deal.

At the same time, all aspects of the entire bottom have changed.

But it seems to be very prosperous, because there seem to be more products on the market.

Of course, he also heard about the fact that some factory managers raised prices wantonly. For this behavior, he can only say stupid.

McCanns would never do such a suicidal behavior.

After two months, the urging from the second floor of Utopia began to appear occasionally.

McCanns has now upgraded his guns and cannons. Not only has he replaced a larger house, he has also hired several bodyguards, and his living standards have been comprehensively improved.

Relying on a little bit of changes like boiling a frog in warm water, he began to accumulate a lot of wealth.

And on the market, some people have begun to starve for a long time.

As the small number of wealthy people consume a lot of resources, the amount allocated to each person is naturally less.

The latest news is that a factory manager who raised prices has been hacked to death by angry poor people.

McCanns silently strengthened security and became more cautious in entering and leaving.

He originally wanted to wait until the situation was more stable before taking action, but Abraham had told him that the management rights of the factory were limited.

For people like McCanns, Abraham would definitely not make them too comfortable.

After all, they need to take the blame, not to enjoy.

With the same resources, there is at least a 50% chance that someone else will live very comfortably, so why bother to specially select a group of smart people?

McCanns felt the pressure, but did not realize Abraham's deep intention.

In his opinion, others must be rewarded for investing so many resources, which is reasonable.

So, he could only take certain risks and start to contact some selected targets.

Yes, people are also valuable resources.

He needs to provide a group of beauties for the upper class to enjoy.

Even violence is not needed, money can solve the problem.

Whether it is family reasons, personal consumption, or face, there will always be prey that fall into the carefully prepared trap.

In order to obtain prey efficiently, McCanns carefully designed a series of traps.

Targeting the beauties in the eyes of black slaves, opportunities are created in various ways.

If you are filial to your parents, you can find ways to create some diseases for your parents, or induce gambling and other means.

If you like luxury, then you are tempted to consume.

You think it is just your own ups and downs or you can't resist temptation, but you don't know that all the ups and downs and temptations are traps designed by others.

McCanns made a series of operations and barely gathered a group of people and sent them up.

Because of this operation, the contradiction is inevitably intensified.

Beautiful women are also resources, and people like McCanns will naturally be hated.

There is no need for deliberate guidance. The original resentment towards Utopia was all focused on them.

In addition, the increasingly harsh environment made a group of people hope to enter the second level of Utopia.

And the only way to enter the second level is to have a devout faith.

Suffering can indeed give birth to a more firm faith.

Soon, the rate of increase in the number of people in the second level of Utopia began to rise.

After a long period of accumulation, the output of Utopia also began to surge.

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