Davis's experiments in the past six months have been intermittent.

Although we have tried our best to gather raw materials for him, it is obvious that there is no place to find more for a while.

The main reason is that there was no demand before, and it is impossible to get it out when it is suddenly needed.

After all, it is very troublesome to cultivate this kind of special living material.

Like the materials needed for neural networks before, the cultivation has always been simple and rough, and there has never been a shortage.

Davis is now so irritable that he loses his temper several times a day.

However, the supervisor keeps a close eye on him to ensure that nothing will happen.

Until today, as soon as Davis went to work, he found that the supervisor who always had a dark face was smiling brightly today.

No matter who is scolded every day, the mood will not be much better.

Davis also knew that his irritability was wrong, but he just couldn't control his temper.

And this time the other party actually took the initiative to come over: "Director Davis, there is good news today."

"Have you gathered another batch of materials?"

Davis was not surprised. In the past six months, there have always been materials from all over the country that have tried their best to gather every once in a while.

But compared with the consumption required for the experiment, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Recently, he even considered whether to divert the materials of the long-term experimental plan.

However, Tru was strict over there, and he did not find any loopholes for a while.

The supervisor was in a really good mood today, and said with a smile: "There is new progress in Utopia. The material supply will increase three times every day in the future, and the scale is still expanding."

The Utopia plan is already the main force in providing materials, and Davis has always been paying attention to it.

However, the administrator who took office half a year ago has not achieved any results, and he is almost giving up hope.

The increase in production has actually always been due to the increase in the scale of Utopia, and has nothing to do with output.

But now the sudden increase in output is obviously good news.

"Is there any new progress in Utopia?"

"Yes, it is said that the group of black slaves who have been used are very capable, and the production efficiency will be improved in the future. In addition, Utopia has been expanding, and it should be able to meet your experimental needs soon."

Davis finally smiled. He didn't care about the consumption of resources or how difficult it was to collect raw materials.

"I can finally put many of my ideas to the test," he couldn't wait to do the experiment. After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned back and said, "By the way, I'm in a bad mood recently. Sorry, I'll give you a little gift when I succeed."

The supervisor felt that he had really opened his eyes today. Davis would actually say sorry with such a temper.


Davis came to the laboratory, which was different from the usual laboratories. It was full of screens, and the screens were clean and white rooms.

There were all kinds of strange equipment in the room, full of fantasy style, but it had nothing to do with science anyway.

On the contrary, there were not many finished mechas. I didn't know that he was not researching the new generation of mechas.

When all the people arrived, he first announced the good news of increased production of experimental raw materials.

Now, everyone can finally let go and do it.

"We need to adjust a complete set of rituals as soon as possible. Complete, efficient, and economical. This is the goal.

By the way, since we have enough materials, let's open a separate group to carry out brainwashing... and then conduct research on faith empowerment to see if the laws we observe are real and effective."

Davis casually opened several new research branch projects, all of which are directions with development potential that they found in their research.

Research is like this, cast a wide net and catch more fish, maybe you will catch a valuable one.

With sufficient raw materials, Davis can finally increase trial and error experiments.

His previous experiments were successful, but the replicability was too poor, and the strength of the new mecha did not meet the requirements.

What we need to do now is, on the one hand, to continue to improve the capabilities of the fourth-generation mecha, and on the other hand, to explore a set of "mass production" models.

After all, raw materials also cost money. Building a utopia, maintaining a huge utopian society, and even black slaves themselves are valuable.

That is, the population of the Great Xia Empire is growing rapidly, and the national strength is growing explosively due to the development of productivity. Otherwise, there is no spare capacity to maintain a raw material base of this scale.

Time is a completely different measure for interstellar civilizations.

Michelle and others spent a year and finally gained a foothold in the Colossus civilization.

The top leaders of the Colossus civilization tend to welcome the angel civilization, but... don't think they are doing it for faith.

There may be some firm believers, but most of the top leaders are taking advantage of the angel civilization.

Learning the parts that are beneficial to oneself, eliminating the parts that are not beneficial to oneself, and suppressing the power of the angel civilization by the way, these are the truth of political games.

Michelle had expected this, he was not so naive.

Obviously, the Colossus civilization does not know what it means to invite gods easily but send them away.

All intelligent life actually constructs behavior patterns based on experience.

They learn lessons from history and gain success from failure.

This is a very wise and effective model that helps to build a complete and stable worldview.

But once you encounter something beyond your experience, you will often learn a hard lesson.

Obviously, even if you keep reminding yourself that the angel civilization is different from the religions of the past.

However, in terms of the mode of action, the top leaders of the Colossus civilization still involuntarily put on similar successful experiences in the past.

Therefore, it is impossible to send this god away.

On this day, the supply ship from the Great Xia Empire arrived smoothly.

Knight Burdette went to receive the supplies as usual, leaving Michelle waiting in the church.

This church is currently the only angel cathedral of the Colossus civilization, and it is dedicated to the Seraphim.

There are many believers, at least many residents within the radiation range of the church have become believers.

But this number is really a drop of water in the ocean for a civilization.

And Ganis, who once represented the Colossus civilization as an envoy, is one of them.

He came to the church to pray again today. In a normal week, he basically comes three or four times.

Because of his identity, Michelle will personally receive him every time.

But Michelle is a little out of shape today.

According to the test standards, Ganis has met the development standards.

The Great Xia Empire wants to make trouble within the Colossus civilization, and locals are indispensable.

Ganis is one of the selected guides. The reason for the delay in the plan is entirely because of waiting for new... support.

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