Before baptism!

Michelle asked Ganis to kneel in front of him, and the latter knelt down decisively without hesitation.

Michelle did not remind him when he saw this, but just held a metal Bible.

"Before baptism, I will tell you a page of the Bible.

This is the story of the devil and God. The hypocritical devil is good at disguise... Then God finally showed his mercy and let the lost lamb return to the right path."

After Michelle finished speaking, he looked at him meaningfully and closed the page.

"Gannis, God is merciful and fair. God's greatness is incomprehensible to mortals.

What do we cling to, what we think is sin, and what we can't see, look like in God's eyes?"

Ganis lowered his head and dared not raise it. He was even afraid that this was some kind of punishment. Wouldn't he chop off his head directly?

So, he whispered: "It should be mercy? God should be able to forgive all sins."

At this time, the answer can inevitably reveal the inner thoughts.

Ganis was very afraid of punishment, so his subconscious answer was forgiveness.

Michelle reached out to take a bowl of water and dipped his fingers in the water.

"Yes, the Lord is forgiving, but this is only what we see. You must remember... Never use your own mortal foolish views to speculate on the Lord.

The Lord is merciful and forgiving, but also angry and severe, sacred and majestic, and there is no lack of blood and killing. How can mortals define the Lord?

When you have such an idea, it is blasphemy."

This theory may have been heard by senior religious people, but it will not be recognized by everyone.

But at this time and in this scene, it is very appropriate.

Michelle pointed his finger in front of Ganis.

"In the name of the Seraphim, in the name of the Father, I grant you the divine grace."

A fiery force broke into Ganis's body from the forehead, and then in an unscientific manner, he retrieved the ancient genes.

Similar to the physical evolution of the high priest Manhab, it was also modified for the Colossus civilization.

Everything came naturally, and the tearing pain almost made Ganis think it was a punishment.

Of course, it was not wrong to think so, because pain can be blocked.

But Michel not only did not block it, but strengthened it for him... a little bit.

"The Lord is merciful, but I am not."

Michel said so, regardless of whether the other party heard it or not.

Ganis wanted to die at this time. This kind of pain has exceeded the threshold, but he couldn't faint.

Rebirth in pain should be... also considered... full of religious significance! ?

As for what the people in it think, is it important? Not important.

The painful groans inside the church can't be heard outside.

Although the Colossus civilization monitors this place, it dares not enter rashly.

As the mark left here was touched, Derek, who was countless light years away, also sensed it.

But after trying to communicate, he gave up this unrealistic idea.

But he could vaguely feel the direction of the Colossus civilization, but he didn't know how far away it was.

After giving up his futile efforts, Derek stood up and stretched his muscles: "Fortunately, I still have a trick up my sleeve."

Cathedral of the Colossus Civilization!

As the power of the mark was almost consumed, the transformation was about to end.

The remaining power was not wasted, and the red-gold light and shadow soared into the sky, but it was not a projection technology.

People near the church could feel the pressure that seemed to be real, and the air around them was constantly heating up.

When the image of the Seraphim appeared outside the administrative planet of the Colossus Civilization, the twelve wings spread out, as if embracing half of the planet in its arms.

This scene frightened the Colossus's top leaders and made them feel cold all over. They all thought that the Seraphim had come here.

"Where is the fleet? Where is the fleet?"

"Hurry up and start the emergency plan."

"Authorize the deputy consul to form a provisional government."

The Colossus Civilization naturally has emergency measures. Even if the Seraphim overthrows the central government of the Colossus Civilization, it will not directly lead to the collapse of the entire civilization regime.

The scorching flames are real, but the Seraphim is fake.

The short-lived abnormality ended quickly, and the temperature of the Colossus Civilization dropped rapidly.

The riots naturally began to subside, and the church door opened.

The church began to receive believers, and immediately a group of "believers" swarmed in, as if there was no impact at all.

Of course, it was normal for believers to flock in because of the miracle, but the speed was abnormal.

The knights of the church looked at it coldly. They didn't care whether these were true believers or fake believers, anyway, they didn't want to make trouble.

In the backyard, Ganis had woken up.

But now he was a little uncomfortable, and the sudden extra limbs made him feel very strange.

And his shirt had been torn, and he felt a little chilly at this time.

Then he quickly reacted and grew a pair of wings.

And there was an extra force in his body, with the wings behind him as the center, as if he could support himself to fly.

As we all know, birds can fly because they are light and hollow.

The same wings are installed on humans, and it is impossible to fly.

But Ganis can feel that he can fly, absolutely sure.

Michelle seemed to know what he was thinking and said, "Try it, the dome of the church has been opened for you."

This was taken into consideration when the cathedral was designed, so the dome can be opened.

Gannis was in a complicated mood, but his instinct made him want to soar into the sky.

He nodded, flapped his wings, and flew into the sky.

The dome of the church was opened, and Ganis himself had not reacted before he flew into the air.

The people outside immediately found Ganis.


Although there are many people who oppose the theory of bloodline, the legend of feathered people is very popular in the Colossus civilization.

There are many secondary creations.

So, seeing Ganis flying after the miracle immediately attracted onlookers.

For the Colossus civilization, various observation equipment is very comprehensive, and Ganis's identity was quickly confirmed.

"Is it Ganis, has his baptism ended?"

"Is it a return to the ancestors? It is indeed an incredible power."

"Stupid, what we should care about is... why wings can really make people fly?"

Obviously, according to scientific deduction, the Colossus civilization recognizes the existence of ancient feathered people, but denies that ancient feathered people can fly.

They just think that wings are a symbol of incomplete evolution and a transitional stage.

Until I saw Ganis, all science was bullshit.

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