Gannis was very excited. The most primitive and direct power, without any thinking, really gave him a different kind of happiness.

After flying for a while, he was no longer satisfied with simply flying in the air.

He mobilized the power in the wings behind him, and the hot power was surging.

His speed increased again, and he felt that he had more abilities.

The surge of power made him want to show off, and he slapped a nearby pointed roof.

With a bang, the composite roof was overturned.

Ganis himself was stunned. Isn't this power mechanical?

The body of the Colossus was originally tall, and now with wings, it was even more burly.

The scenes of the past kept replaying in front of him. Ganis's mood was very complicated, and the balance in his heart was completely unbalanced.

Obviously, this was a power that the Colossus civilization could not give him. The identity of a supporter of the bloodline theory, which was originally used as a political bargaining chip, now overwhelmed politics.

In other words, the long-term inertia prevented him from jumping back immediately, but he also began to change his attitude.

He now felt that since God existed, some stubborn ideas were out of date.

So he looked at the government official who was gesturing to him and turned back to the church.

With extraordinary power, he felt different from before.

He could feel that there was a vague extraordinary power surging in the bodies of the knights around him.

It felt like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

"Congratulations, you have received the Lord's gift. I hope you will remain pious, otherwise... you will lose what you get, and what you have is not eternal."

Michel's words were not a warning, but a piece of advice.

He had seen many people whose mentality was unbalanced after having power.

This time, Ganis knelt on the ground devoutly. At least at this moment, faith and civilization were equally important in his heart.

"Thank you, Your Highness, thank God."

Michel accepted it calmly, and he did not feel ashamed of it.

But he also understood that extraordinary power would not necessarily make the other party completely turn to his side.

Faith does not stipulate that the Great Xia Empire is orthodox.

There must be smart people in the Colossus civilization, and they will guide Ganis to turn to their own civilization again.

Origin is a symbol in itself.

So, he also wants to give Ganis an origin and a hope.

"Thank the Lord, thank the great Seraphim, Ganis... The Seraphim's divine power has activated your bloodline. You can no longer change your camp. You must know that the angels under the Lord's throne also have different ideas, each representing the sacred side. Are you... ready?"

Michel directly invented an enemy and gave him the origin of the Seraphim.

At this time, even if the Colossus civilization guides Ganis to independence, it will only become one of the civilizations under the Seraphim.

Unfortunately, the Great Xia Empire is the most orthodox bloodline inheritance of the Seraphim, and the Colossus civilization should be obedient.

Playing politics has nothing to do with the technological progress of civilization.

Sure enough, Ganis quickly constructed a complex political drama of the struggle of the gods in his mind.

The reference object is the ten thousand years of civilization and political history of the Colossus civilization. He believes that there are also struggles between angels, at least there are struggles between the bloodlines of angels.

Because mortals, even if they have sacred bloodlines, still cannot get rid of the roots of mortals.

Desire and ambition may provoke war at any time.

Compared with this, the Colossus civilization is very small.

The oppression of foreign enemies quickly reduced his sense of belonging to the Colossus civilization, because he consciously brought himself into the Seraphim pantheon.

Even if the Colossus civilization participates in the politics of the gods again, it is a member of the Seraphim civilization, not an independent individual.

The seemingly slight difference in sovereignty is a world of difference between two concepts.

Of course, Ganis at this time has not realized such a complicated calculation.

He just expressed his loyalty very tactfully: "Your Highness, I will be the most loyal knight of His Majesty the Seraphim."

Peter was a little dissatisfied with this, and snorted coldly: "Boy from the Colossus civilization, you are still far from being the most loyal knight of His Majesty."

Ganis heard a strong taste of competition as soon as he heard it.

Suddenly, a sense of urgency arose.

People are actually such a cheap skin. They will not cherish what they get easily, but they will rush to stick to it if there is competition.

Michel did not stop this healthy competition. He just made a final warning: "We are all passers-by in the Colossus civilization. The ultimate future of the Colossus civilization is still in your own hands.

Guidance and enlightenment are our responsibilities.

Now, it's your turn to take over the baton of pursuing the Lord and find more knights who are loyal to the Lord!

Then fight for the Lord and for yourself.

Of course, you need to go back now. I think there are still many people waiting for you."

This time, Michel's hint was much more straightforward.

Gannis was embarrassed and did not hide his spy attributes: "Your Highness, I'm very sorry, please believe me... From now on, there will only be Ganis, the most loyal knight of the Lord and the Angel."

He made up his mind to treat faith with sincerity.

Michel smiled without saying a word and waved to him to leave.

Gannis was even more ashamed. He walked out of the church with his bare chest.

At this time, the real believers who were surging were stopped by the security personnel of the Colossus Civilization Government. The fake believers who had pretended before did not act anymore, and all "protected" Ganis in the middle.

Someone saw the wings behind him, and someone shouted from afar: "Angel!! Son of God!!"

Various cheers and fanatical prayers filled Ganis' ears.

He felt a sense of arrogance and looked down upon him. He enjoyed the cheers, but he also felt that being the center of attention was not a big deal.

Compared to real faith and power, these are mortal things after all.

"Mortal things...will eventually wither, and only the gods will live forever." Ganis muttered to himself. According to the description in the Bible, not only God exists forever, but even the angels under his seat will enjoy eternal joy.

So, the pursuit of mortal things has lost its appeal.

Gannis soon met the Archon, who was his direct subordinate before.

As a member of the government, the supporter of the blood inheritance theory is just his personality. Of course, he does support this theory, but he is not as fanatical as he appears.

Usually, he relies more on the influence of the blood nobles until he becomes an envoy sent to the Great Xia Empire.

But now, Ganis, who has seized a series of opportunities, is no longer an ordinary Colossus government official.

The Archon obviously understood this. He was very curious about baptism before, but he would never take the risk himself.

Therefore, this opportunity was smoothly taken by Ganis, who had been in contact with the angel civilization.

Although he had expected that baptism might involve extraordinary power, now... he still felt regretful.

Regret is an emotion that rarely appears in the Archon.

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