"Gannis, are you a believer of God or a servant of the people now?"

The Archon asked a sharp question. In response to Ganis's psychological changes, the government has prepared N plans.

The wisdom of the cluster can ensure that any situation that arises can be dealt with - within the scope of their knowledge.

"I am both a servant of the people and a believer of God." Ganis was neither humble nor arrogant, and showed his attitude for the first time.

The Archon was quite satisfied, at least it was not the worst result.

The extraordinary power was very strong, so strong that he felt a little scared when sitting in front of the other party.

But Ganis was not enough to confront the entire Colossus civilization.

If he directly answered that he was a believer of God, then he would face house arrest and death.

As for deception, it can be concealed for a while but not for a lifetime. At this time, I don’t know how many experts are evaluating his psychological activities frame by frame in the high-definition video.

"I admit the greatness of God," the Archon nodded slightly to show his awe, and then said: "But we are mortals. Under the gods, there are still countries. No one can represent God, just like no one can interpret God. That is not blasphemy, that is stupidity."

When dealing with religious elements, rulers can directly persuade them physically.

When dealing with religious elements with extraordinary powers, rulers must persuade them ideologically.

It can be said to be sophistry, or it can be said that this is the limitation of religion.

In fact, the Colossus civilization has long been prepared.

Appropriate compromise can not only gain extraordinary power, but also complete the institutional change from equal rights to privileges.

After all...what else can produce privileges more than religion?

If Michelle hadn't planted a nail in advance, Ganis would have fallen into the trap directly.

But at this time, knowing the wider angel pantheon disputes, his thoughts have been completely different.

He is a Colossus, but he is also the inheritor of the power of the Seraphim. The dual identity offsets part of the influence of the native civilization.

So he agreed with the Archon, very much, but the two of them had different ideas... a little bit of deviation.

"Yes, I also think that interpreting God is a foolish act, and the more mediocre the blood is, the more so.

The sacred blood once gave us power, but it was because there were too many foolish people that our ancestors lost the power of blood.

Now... we need to learn from it and cherish the blood that has returned."

The Archon was very satisfied with Ganis's advice, but pretended to be unhappy and corrected his statement: "No, your thoughts are a bit extreme. We are the people's servants. I believe that everyone is equal. This is also the belief of all of us."

The Archon seemed to be glowing at this time, as if he was sacred.

However, as a former member of the system, he was very skeptical about the truth.

But at this time he was very firm: "I don't want to argue, but the facts can prove whether I am right."

The Archon felt a little pity, it would be better if he was more direct.

The conflict was not intense enough, how could he make an excuse to play.

It's a pity that Ganis's political sensitivity is still too low.

But from this point of view, it seems that Ganis is not a fanatical religious person.

This is very important. If accepting extraordinary power will lead to a change of mind, I am afraid that the top leaders of the Colossus civilization will be very hesitant.

However, the voice of the expert came back from the ear communication: "Archon, Ganis's faith has increased, but it is not certain whether it is a natural increase or an external force."

This subtle change cannot be concealed in the eyes of these professionals.

This is a little different from the judgment of the Archon.

Therefore, the final result is neither good nor bad.

The Archon is satisfied. As long as it is not the worst case, there is room for operation.

If you want to introduce extraordinary power, you naturally have to pay some price, which is within the acceptable range.

Therefore, he also threw out the plan he prepared in advance.

"Gannis, I look forward to you proving yourself, but I prefer to believe... you will re-identify with our ideas.

Now that God has shown his holiness, we can't continue to be ignorant.

According to the decision of the Archon Joint Meeting, you will be given the power to form the Colossus Church, and the church will be given the power to form a church.


The Colossus Civilization Government gave Ganis a lot of permission, and also provided a lot of human, material and financial support.

Obviously, after a long period of research and testing, they finally made a breakthrough.

Of course, the deeper reason is that the political family that holds the power of the Colossus civilization is no longer satisfied with the current way of power inheritance.

The concealed power inheritance, which is obviously based on inbreeding of blood and kinship, has to be covered with a legal cloak, which really makes them impatient.

They can jump directly to a high position, but they still have to make a move step by step, and accept the pointing and directing of the people, which makes them even more disgusted.

It is undeniable that the Colossus civilization government was pure at the beginning of its establishment.

But which long-term regime has no place to go at the beginning of its establishment?

But time is the most powerful poison, enough to corrode all visible and invisible things.

Ganis was vaguely aware of it, but soon put it behind him. He now feels that he is no longer on the same level as these stupid and inferior bloodline lives.

The secular power is meaningless. What he needs is to welcome back the sacred bloodline as soon as possible, then form a sacred army and join the Seraphim pantheon.

This point is more important than anything else.

So, he pretended to know nothing and tried to increase the number of feathered people first.

As for how to increase the number of feathered people, His Highness Michel had already told him.

Faith, devout faith.

Purifying blood with faith will soon usher in the revival of feathered people's blood.

Ganis, who got the authorization, showed a very strong motivation.

He almost non-stop selected sites and built six new churches at the same time. If the church could not provide limited personnel, he would definitely be willing to increase investment.

However, the speed of fission is very fast. These stupid and inferior bloods think that they can rely on the power of the mortal world to restrict the development of the church, but they have forgotten how powerful the collective power is.

Ganis knew that he was not fighting alone.

Especially when His Highness Michel told him a new piece of news, it stimulated him to work harder.

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