Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 867 Arrival at the Priest Civilization

The information provided by Michelle was accurate, but it did make Ganis feel greatly stimulated.

In the distant barbaric galaxy, the backward surface civilization of the priest civilization, this primitive civilization that has never had glory, actually met the requirements first.

According to the joint agreement of the three civilizations, the angel civilization has the right to guide the priest civilization on the path of faith.

However, this guidance process has been carried out under the supervision of the other two civilizations.

They cannot provide any basic technology to improve the level of productivity, nor can they exploit planetary resources.

At present, the three civilizations are relatively restrained in the exploitation of new galaxies, and do not involve the ecological planet itself.

It is under this kind of monitoring that Manhab has made achievements.

Of course, faith really has no absolute connection with the level of technology.

Therefore, the Great Xia Empire, as the experimental party, attaches great importance to it.

Derek himself could not come in person, but Qin brought his son Elvis to this backward civilization.

Manhab dressed neatly early in the morning and quietly waited for the arrival of the prince of the Great Xia Empire.

For him, there is no problem of being experimented.

From the perspective of the priest civilization, it is the time when the primitive religion has developed to its peak and is slowly declining.

It was the angels that descended from the sky, bringing back faith and granting divine supernatural powers.

They had no concept of science and technology, only that faith was above all else.

This simple mindset, on the contrary, led to the rapid accumulation of faith.

They also relied wholeheartedly on the angel civilization, unlike the Colossus civilization, which had many thoughts.

With the rising dawn, the earth regained its vitality.

The envoys of the Great Xia Empire completely gave up on landing craft, and Qin, as a representative, drove the angel from the sky.

The morning sun was already dazzling enough, but the angels still shone with their own brilliance.

The believers of the priest civilization had already knelt down, enthusiastically and joyfully welcoming the arrival of the angels.

Simple and pure, perhaps it was also a kind of luck.

Manhab also knelt on one knee on the ground to express his respect.

"Dear Prince, welcome to the priest civilization."

Compared with the sacred bloodline that had visited before, he could now feel Qin's power more.

The supernatural power that was as hot as the sun brought a strong sense of oppression.

Qin looked serious, looked down at the priest Manhab at his feet, and said: "Priest Manhab, please get up, the Lord has cast his eyes and will watch this sacred moment."

"Thank the Lord!"

Manhab bowed sincerely, his heart was full of excitement and joy.

Saved from the abyss of despair of faith, he now cherishes faith especially.

Elvis followed his father step by step. At his age, according to the tradition of Augusta's family, he has begun to be independent.

This time Qin brought him out to see the world and gradually let him go in the future.

As the influence of the Great Xia Empire continues to expand, it is obvious that more living forces are needed, and family members themselves are the most reliable forces.

The priest civilization prepared various welcoming ceremonies. Qin took Augusta to watch the sacrificial dance quietly, fully respecting the culture of the priest civilization.

Respect is never said with words, others can feel it from every move.

The strategy of the Great Xia Empire is not to completely regard the priest civilization as a primitive and low-level civilization.

At least, for the devout believers of the priest civilization, they are willing to absorb them into the Great Xia Empire and enjoy treatment that exceeds that of ordinary citizens.

Because for the Great Xia Empire, every devout superhuman is a reserve soldier and super productivity.

Therefore, in order to make these superhuman believers return to their hearts, they will give normal respect to low-level civilizations.

Priest Manhab felt this respect, so he was even more excited.

He was ready to be discriminated against, and the priest civilization itself would discriminate against some more primitive tribes.

But when they face advanced civilizations, they crave respect.

Therefore, Manhab sighed in his heart: "It is indeed a sacred civilization. We still have a lot to learn."

Qin waited until the ceremony was over before he told the itinerary plan for this time.

"Priest Manhab, according to the agreement, I will grant grace to the fanatics of the priest civilization on behalf of the great Lord, but according to the sacred agreement, you must also send a corresponding proportion of warriors to join the army of the Great Xia Empire and fight with the blood of the Seraphim."

"No problem, the sacred agreement has the highest legal effect of the priest civilization, and we will definitely abide by the agreement." Manhab expressed his position.

For the fanatics, fighting for God is not hard labor, but a good thing to rush to go.

There is no objection to this point, Qin Cai continued: "All the warriors of God who join the Great Xia army will automatically obtain citizenship of our country and obtain corresponding sacred weapons.

In addition, we will donate a certain amount of sacred weapons to your priest civilization on behalf of the Great Xia Empire to help you better listen to the will of God."

There are some detailed treatments, which are the sincerity of the Great Xia Empire.

For the front-line combatants, all kinds of treatment are the same, and there is no deduction.

Manhab naturally has no objection, these are all good news.

But the supervisors of the Blue Star Federation can't sit still. Qin's arrival was very sudden, and they didn't receive the news at all.

At this time, seeing that the Great Xia Empire wanted to provide armed assistance, they were anxious.

After giving the Colossus Civilization Supervisor a hundred looks but no response, he could only stand up and object: "Your Highness Qin, I have objections."

All eyes were on the overseers, who were not popular with either party.

But he had to say: "According to the agreement between our tripartite civilizations, the Great Xia Empire cannot develop within the planet. As far as I know, your angel armed forces are powerful and will affect the ecological balance of the planet."

Of course, these are all excuses. In the final analysis, they are still afraid that the Great Xia Empire will cross the line little by little and be out of control in the end.

Qin didn't respond to him, and he didn't deserve to respond personally.

"We did not break the agreement. The sacred weapons are not a production tool or even a weapon.

Combat ability is only the least important ability of the divine weapon. It is alive and a gift from God. "

The accompanying attendant directly scolded the Blue Star federal supervisor for his accusation.

The latter now felt like he was being targeted by countless ferocious beasts, but his good training still allowed him to insist: "If you insist, please interview Commander Cao Yang, the top commander of the federal front line, otherwise we do not rule out the Blue Star Federation using any means." ”

"Since Commander Cao Yang wants to see me, let him come by himself. I still have things to do in the priest civilization.

In addition... the original verbal agreement was just that we did not want to start a meaningless war, but the Great Xia Empire is not afraid of war, and any behavior that prevents the spread of sacred faith will be severely punished.

Tell this to the top leaders of the Blue Star Federation. This is the bottom line of our Great Xia Empire. "Qin said in person.

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