Qin was very tough in the face of outsiders, which was completely different from his attitude towards the high priest Manhab.

This was very unreasonable.

Normally, one was an important and powerful figure in a first-class civilization, and the other was a native of a primitive civilization. The former must be more important.

The supervisor of the Blue Star Federation was very unaccustomed to this kind of differential treatment and almost changed his face.

Fortunately, he glanced at the knights standing on his left and right and wisely swallowed his complaints.

As for Manhab and his party, they felt proud of it.

They were just backward, not fools.

They could feel what attitude the supervisors of these two civilizations had towards them.

But they were not as good as others, so they could only grit their teeth and bear it.

But now, looking at the attitude of the Great Xia Empire, the people of the sacrificial civilization immediately felt proud.

So what if the technology is powerful? Technology does not represent civilization.

Our sacrificial civilization is backward, but we are civilized and loyal believers of the Lord, which is much more important than you.

They finally felt a little sense of superiority, so of course they would hold on to it.

Qin didn't care how the Blue Star Federation communicated. He followed the arrangement of the sacrificial civilization and began to receive the first batch of promoted sacrificial civilization knights.

As a matter of course, the first batch of promoted knights were all young and strong warriors.

They were strong and healthy, and with the belief that they had been brainwashed since childhood, it was easy for them to convert to the Seraphim and then identify with it.

Then, with the help of various extraordinary potions, they quickly reached the extraordinary standard.

And it can be predicted that the warriors trained in this way will also become high-quality soldiers after awakening.

When rows of devout believers knelt in front of him, Qin had regained his seriousness.

After the ritual of the sacrificial civilization ended, he made another speech on behalf of the Seraphim, and then granted the other party awakening.

Of course, the essence is... Derek, who was far away in outer space, watched the live broadcast on the spot, and then manually operated in batches.

But for the people on the scene, it was a completely different feeling.

If Manhab was an accident, then so many extraordinary knights were definitely not an accident.

Even if it was not a mysterious power, it showed that the cost of creating extraordinary power was not high.

Otherwise, it would not be wasted on the natives on a large scale.

Even the extraordinary potion used by the sacrificial civilization was provided to the other two civilizations, which was part of the agreement.

But it is obvious that there is an effect, extraordinary... go to sleep, there are all kinds of things in dreams.

As for how to stimulate extraordinary power, Commander Cao Yang, who just arrived, has analyzed it countless times in the video, but has not found anything.

Let alone him, the researchers of the entire Blue Star Federation have not analyzed anything.

Everything seems to be the power of idealism, so idealistic that it makes people despair.

As for why he came so quickly, it is naturally that he has been rushing here for a long time.

Since receiving the news that Qin came to the priest civilization, Commander Cao Yang set off immediately.

For the Blue Star Federation supervisors on the scene, Qin's attitude was sudden.

But for the Blue Star Federation itself, they have long analyzed some of the action logic of the angel civilization from many contacts.

Obviously, the angel civilization is a clear stream among interstellar civilizations.

They don't care about the strength of other civilizations at all, but care about the degree of faith.

So the Blue Star Federation should not expect to get special treatment here, and it is not even as good as the inferior stuff like the priest civilization.

I don't know what others think, but Commander Cao Yang consciously set off ahead of time.

Therefore, after rushing, he finally caught up with the important ceremony of awarding sacred weapons.

As expected, the extraordinary knights of the priest civilization signed up enthusiastically, wanting to die gloriously for the Seraph.

Therefore, there is no situation where the bottom line of sending warriors cannot be reached, but we have to worry about all the people running away.

Moreover, the top leaders of the priest civilization itself did not think there was a problem, and they wanted to send all the extraordinary knights away.

In the end, it was Qin who made the final decision and only took half of the elites to join the army of the Great Xia Empire.

It's not that he is so kind, but there is no need to do things that drain the pond to catch fish.

Compared with the continuous flow of reserve soldiers in the future, this batch of soldiers is nothing.

"High priest, you keep half of them, we will train them and strive to master the sacred weapons.

These extraordinary knights can protect the safety of your civilization and train excellent warriors for the Lord in advance."

Qin had a good idea. Leaving these people can train the warriors in the priest civilization in advance.

After becoming extraordinary, they can adapt to fighting on the battlefield, which is very cost-effective.

And as a test subject, the priest civilization naturally has to try everything.

The Great Xia Empire also wants to see whether a pure faith civilization can gain a foothold in the interstellar.

High Priest Manhab felt a little regretful. He really wanted to make more contributions to the Lord.

But Qin Du spoke, so he could only agree: "Then listen to your highness, but these guys are not blessed to serve the Lord."

"Joining the Great Xia army is to serve the Lord, and shepherding the Lord is also to serve the Lord. It's just that the division of labor is different, and there is no distinction between high and low." Qin said the political slogans skillfully.

It's just that the division of labor is different, and there are also different benefits, different wages, different status, and different futures. Of course... You must believe that we don't distinguish between high and low.

As the two talked, the Great Xia Empire had already transported the sacred armed forces to the ground.

Half of them were directly awarded to the extraordinary knights who joined the Daxia army, which belonged to the official military version.

Taking the angel level as the standard, basically newcomers cannot bear the high load.

As for the weapons given to the priest civilization, there are standard angel levels, and there are also special modifications that conform to the image of the priest civilization legend.

This can be said to respect their belief culture, or it can be said to absorb their belief culture.

Through this kind of external recognition, the myth of the priest civilization is transformed into a part of the Daxia Empire, which can gain more universal beliefs.

Under the subtle influence, the belief of an entire civilization can be mastered soon.

Of course, everyone has their own opinions. The specific views can be seen from the expressions of the parties involved.

At least Manhab is very satisfied. This is not only respect, but also the unity of cultural beliefs.

It is also a good thing for him to confirm the integration of beliefs.

Just at this time, Commander Cao Yang's car arrived.

Before the granting of the sacred weapons, a landing craft passed through the atmosphere and landed like a ball of fire.

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