Catching criminals and directly attacking the warships of the Great Xia Empire are not the same concept at all.

At least there must be a sufficient reason before attacking.

But the Minister of Defense could not give this reason.

He could only glance at his shocked subordinates, and then helplessly talked to the chairman.

"Chairman, Elvis hid in the fleet of the Great Xia Empire. We need to negotiate with His Highness Qin first."

The chairman also wanted to curse. If he could catch the person first, the difficulty of the matter would be lowered.

But now... this is the worst result.

"I know, I will communicate with His Highness Qin, and you should also be prepared."


After hanging up the communication, the chairman adjusted his expression and found Qin.

At this time, both parties received the news, but there was no direct dialogue.

This is a means of maintaining restraint. For example, at this time, it means that there is no chance for both parties to ease.

But Qin is not worried about his own safety.

"Mr. Chairman, it seems that Elvis hid in my flagship."

Qin said directly, and the result can be guessed by looking at the chairman's expression.

The chairman did not deny it. There was no point in deceiving at this time.

"Your Highness Qin, I believe that the Great Xia Empire is a civilized country. You should understand our approach."

"Yes, I understand." Qin frankly agreed with the other party's words, but did not give the other party a chance to be happy: "So you should also understand the culture of the Great Xia Empire."

"We can negotiate this, but Your Highness Elvis must hand it over first." The chairman was very tough.

"Impossible, we have extra-legal jurisdiction." Qin also decisively refused.

Then there was silence. Extra-legal jurisdiction is a fart.

Unless the Great Xia Empire shows its strong strength, the Blue Star Federation will not recognize it.

"Extra-legal jurisdiction does not mean that you can do whatever you want. I believe that Your Highness Qin is a smart man and knows what will happen if you refuse our reasonable requests." The chairman's voice already has a hint of threat: "Some things, once they happen, are irreversible."

Once the Blue Star Federation is forced into a corner, it will not only capture Elvis, but also detain the entire Great Xia delegation.

You must believe in the credibility of a civilized regime, but you must also know the degree of shamelessness of a civilized regime.

In response, Qin, who had seen a lot of storms, smiled easily. In the uneasy eyes of the chairman, he gently said: "Chairman, you know nothing about the Great Xia Empire. Although I don't want to say anything that hurts the Blue Star Federation, please remember... Please don't speculate on the power of the gods with the ignorance of mortals."

The chairman felt extremely uneasy. The other party was so confident that it was obviously not stupid, but it was relying on something.

But the Blue Star Federation knew nothing about this, just like a blind man staggering forward, not knowing when he would step into a pit.

But the Blue Star Federation had no choice.

He could only suppress his impatience and politely responded: "Your Highness Qin, we mortals want to see the greatness of God, so that we can better understand God, but before that... please cooperate with our arrangements."

"Whatever." Qin was very free and easy, but his smile seemed to be a little sarcastic, as if he was laughing at them for not knowing their own abilities.

The chairman left angrily, but he really didn't dare to do anything to Qin now.

He dialed the Minister of Defense and ordered decisively: "Attack, catch the person first."

After a pause, just when the Minister of Defense was about to hang up, he heard the chairman's voice again: "Be careful, the Great Xia Empire is not that simple."

Before he could ask more questions, the communication was hung up.

"It's not simple, of course I know it's not simple."

The Minister of Defense laughed at himself, and then notified his subordinates: "Launch the attack, catch the person first, I'll be there soon."

At this time, the Minister of Defense naturally had to go to the front line in person, otherwise how to boost morale?

It was unknown whether the morale had changed, and the soldiers who received the order all screamed and started the attack.

As a sovereign civilization, the Blue Star Federation had frequent wars with other civilizations. There were times when they suffered losses and times when they took advantage, but they couldn't swallow the anger of watching aliens committing crimes in their capital.

At this time, they were authorized and naturally held their breath to catch the murderer.

Moreover, this is the capital planet, their home ground, and there is no possibility of failure.

At this time, Elvis was ready inside the warship of the Great Xia Empire.

"Let the warship test the water first and see how the latest warship of the Blue Star Federation performs on the battlefield."

Although there is a trump card, Elvis is not in a hurry to reveal it.

This is a rare time to directly record the actual combat data of the Blue Star Federation, so let the bullets fly for a while.

As for the losses that will be caused, Elvis doesn't care.

Kindness cannot command the army. Kindness is indispensable for the superiors, but it cannot be trapped by kindness.

Even Albert thinks Elvis is too cold for this.

The people of the Simon family are cold, at most they chop people with knives.

But the coldness of this little Augusta is a river of blood.

There are various energy cannons flying outside, but it is peaceful inside, which looks quite poetic.

But the chess pieces in it will definitely not feel that there is any beauty.

Fortunately, all this did not last long, and Elvis was not strong enough after all.

Seeing that the warships he carried could not withstand the fire suppression of the Blue Star Federation, Elvis shouted: "Grandpa!!"

The Seraphim that had been activated in advance suddenly came to life.

Derek's will reached across space in an instant through an indescribable link.

"Consumption still has nothing to do with distance."

Although he had experimented several times, every time he descended, Derek had to marvel at the extraordinary power.

It was completely inconsistent with common sense. The rapid loss of energy had nothing to do with distance, but only with his own extraordinary power. It was really idealistic.

However, the feeling of being powerful was exactly the same, but the endurance was shorter.

With a glance at the battlefield, Derek knew what was going on.

"This kid... deserves a beating."

He knew that Elvis was acting on his own again. This kid was braver than his father.

There was no reason for Derek to indulge this bad habit.

He slapped Elvis on the back: "I'll teach you a lesson when I come back."

Time was limited, and Derek flew out of the spaceship.

In the surprised eyes of the people in the Blue Star Federation, he made a brilliant appearance.

"How is it possible? Clearly no super energy reaction was detected, how could the energy level rise so quickly?"

The Blue Star Federation had already checked the fleet of the Great Xia Empire by various means, and there was absolutely no sign that the Seraphim was here.

And according to the intelligence from the front line, the Seraphim had clearly not left.

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