No matter how many impossibilities there are, the Blue Star Federation must now face reality.

This is the mine they buried themselves. I have said before that being a bootlicker will not end well.

When they personally let in the envoy fleet of the Great Xia Empire, the hidden danger was buried.

In fact, it is still a problem of concept. The defense near the capital star of the Blue Star Federation is absolutely in place.

Even if a battleship formation is let in, there is no problem, let alone the small-scale fleet of the delegation?

But the Seraph is obviously a different concept, with a smaller target, a higher energy level, and a more unpredictable force, which directly caused the current dilemma.

When the Seraph rushed out of the battleship, it swept across a circle.

The entire encirclement was obviously expanded.

Inside was a circle of cut-off battleships, and sporadic electric sparks could be seen occasionally.

The entire capital star was moving. If the Seraph came to the capital star... I can't imagine it.

This is the essence of the Blue Star Federation. It can be said that the Seraph may weaken the strength of the entire Blue Star Federation by 10% at once.

On the contrary, they had to be restrained when fighting on their own, for fear of accidentally hurting their own people.

What's worse is that because the battlefield is too close to the planet itself, it can be observed by a single handheld electronic telescope.

The chairman turned around suddenly, and his expression management was a little out of control.

"Why did you bring the Seraphim in?"

He had to suspect that this was a long-planned attack, and the Great Xia Empire had unclear intentions from the beginning.

Yes, he guessed very correctly.

But Qin couldn't admit it.

He even denied this accusation very straightforwardly.

"Mr. Chairman, I have told you not to use mortal wisdom to speculate on the gods.

If the Seraphim really came here, do you think the Blue Star Federation can still exist?"

No matter what else, he would brag as much as he could.

Qin raised his chin slightly and faced the chairman with a proud attitude, just as he behaved domineeringly.

"How can mortals drive gods? Seraphim will not intervene in mortal wars at will.

What you see is either a knight of divine grace or a protection obtained by praying for the blood of God.

So... Seraphim is everywhere and may come at any time, including... now."

Qin's mouth curled up, as if he was laughing at the ignorance of the Blue Star people.

What house arrest and control are all jokes, putting oneself inside the planet is itself a mine.

I can turn the table over at any time, just think about the Seraphim appearing inside the planet...The chairman's forehead is already sweating.

He really has never thought of this possibility, and the Seraphim has shown a strong threat before.

But if all this is just the insignificant power of the Seraphim, how terrifying would it be?

No, even more powerful power is not needed. The Seraphim can come at any time, which is a huge threat in itself.

No need for more, an administrative planet comes once, and the Blue Star Federation can declare it wandering.

The live-action version of the wandering planet movie will start shooting at any time, to ensure the truth.

Of course, his first reaction is that this is all fake, and Qin may be lying.

After all, deception is common between civilizations.

But at least from the current point of view, everything Qin said can be matched.

Nine truths and one lie are the most deceptive.

The chairman quickly decided that he could not continue.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. The Great Xia Empire has demonstrated its ability to strike the Blue Star mainland at any time, so you have to admit it.

The cruelty of interstellar civilization is well known to the Blue Star Federation.

"Your Highness Qin, let's stop here! How about we find a way to continue to negotiate?" The chairman suggested.

The so-called negotiation is actually to bow your head and admit defeat, but it sounds better.

Qin also agreed. If the war can't solve the problem, it's better to give the other party some face.

Although it's refreshing to kill everyone, the sequelae are also great.

"Okay, I believe we can reach mutual understanding."

Qin just agreed, and the Seraph suddenly stopped attacking.

The Blue Star Federation army did not even get authorization and continued to attack.

However, the Seraph suddenly flashed and disappeared in the encirclement.

When he was found again, he had entered the atmosphere of the planet.

"What does He want to do?"

The Minister of Defense was in despair when he saw this scene.

It just so happened that he was still on his way to the front-line battlefield, the kind that he would never reach unless the war ended.

So, the Seraphim almost brushed past them.

Just the huge kinetic energy alone, I dare not imagine the impact after landing.

At this time, the authorization for a ceasefire came belatedly.

"Damn, is the chairman's brain broken?"

The chairman didn't know that he was scolded. The transmission of information was delayed, so he didn't know the actions of the Seraphim.

When he knew it, he could already see the Seraphim with his naked eyes.


The explosion was not as violent as imagined, and the Seraphim fell to the ground.

The red-gold flames spread instantly, along the cracked ground, turning the entire 100-meter range into glass.

This was the result of the Seraphim's control. The precise control of power made the cracks under his feet no more and no less.

The Seraphim looked up at the sky, the Seraphim's sword was stuck on the ground, and his hands were on the hilt.

The flames faded and gradually turned into black rocks.

Soon, the extraordinary power disappeared completely.

The chairman witnessed this scene with his own eyes, just a hundred meters in front of him.

In other words, the flames stopped just below his feet.

He knew that the other party did it on purpose.

But it must be said that this deterrent effect is very good.

Qin Zhenghao said in his ear at this time: "Chairman, I believe we can cooperate in a friendly manner."

The threat of force plus public opinion control, the Blue Star Federation... opened the door.

When the weapon of faith can play a role, the threat of the Blue Star Federation is equivalent to non-existence.

Others don't know that the chairman was really stunned at this time.

This is not a normal force at all.

He realized that the envoys of the Great Xia Empire came with ill intentions, and the tyranny of His Highness Qin was also real.

So... is everything that happened today really an accident?

Don't underestimate the supreme leader of a civilization. Even if it is illogical and there is no evidence, it does not prevent him from skipping the intermediate process and calculating the truth.

Obviously, all this was done by the Great Xia Empire.

"What will the future of the Blue Star Federation be like?" The chairman asked the question he should have asked.

Although this may be a polite remark.

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