Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 877 Premonition of Mutation

Qin couldn't guess what the chairman was thinking now.

Was he really considering the future of the Blue Star Federation, or was he just saying something for show?

But this didn't stop him from lying.

"What it was before, it will be the same in the future.

Faith is always more important than secular power."

This is the idea that the Great Xia Empire has been exporting to other civilizations to dilute its aggressiveness.

The chairman didn't know if he believed it, but at least he could convince himself.

"I hope to have a deep understanding of the power of faith first."

"No problem, the Lord will only give power to believers, but also allow us to guide the lost lambs to experience the divine power." Qin agreed at once, and said very naturally: "Sometimes, personal experience is also a very good way."

This set of words is very suitable.

The chairman got a satisfactory answer. Since he couldn't stop the Great Xia Empire, he took the opportunity to cooperate.

He is the chairman of the Blue Star Federation, but the Blue Star Federation is not his private property.

Not to mention the members in the cabinet, various capital consortiums also control a large amount of basic means of production.

So, he won't hesitate when it's time to sell.

When the Minister of Defense arrived, the chairman had already figured it out.

"Convene a cabinet meeting. We must resolve this diplomatic... misunderstanding."

The Minister of Defense looked at the chairman deeply. Since it has been identified as a misunderstanding, it is clear what the cabinet meeting will discuss.

However, he did not object. As the Minister of Defense, he was under the most direct pressure. Facing an opponent like the Great Xia Empire, he was really unsure.

If the problem can be resolved through negotiations, it would be the best.

Soon, an emergency cabinet meeting was held.

Everyone actually knew what had just happened.

The chairman briefly explained it, including some details of the conversation with Qin.

"We can't let this matter continue to ferment. We must stop it as soon as possible.

Minister of Culture, you come up with an emergency plan to reduce the impact and dilute the conflict."

Pull out a few consumables to expose the thunder, and you can quickly divert attention.

"It is impossible to go to war with the Great Xia Empire, at least before we find a way to deal with them.

So... I decided to open up faith and let them enter the Federation to preach."

"Wait, Chairman. I suspect that this is a conspiracy manipulated by the Great Xia Empire. Their goal is faith. We can't let them succeed easily." The Minister of Education raised an objection with a grim face.

It's not that he doesn't know the difficulties faced by the Federation, but he has to oppose it.

Faith has always been incompatible with education. The Blue Star Federation education system allows faith to exist, but it is faith under the scientific view.

If the church of the Angel Civilization is allowed to enter the Federation, it will be a huge shock to the education system.

"You can pilot it." Minister He of the Ministry of Commerce supported his opponent: "The Great Xia Empire is very suspicious, but we don't have many choices. The pilot can deal with it and buy us time."

Delay is always a good way to deal with fierce conflicts.

At least before the conflict explodes, this is a panacea.

There are opposing relationships in the cabinet, but it is definitely not for the sake of opposition. It is also common for deadly enemies to cooperate.

Minister He's attitude is also the attitude of most cabinet members. They are all elites... naturally they will not surrender.

Even if they are very passive now, they all want to turn the tables.

Even if he is the chairman, it is impossible to go against all opinions.

After all, the Blue Star Federation is not a dictatorship. The collective will is above all else.

In the end, he had to agree.

"Okay, let's let the people of the Great Xia Empire do a pilot first, and then we will contact the Colossus Civilization to get more information."

The Blue Star Federation quickly gave a reply. It is impossible to open up the faith directly, but it can be piloted.

This is the result of public opinion. Facing the boiling public opinion within the Federation, they can no longer cover it up.

In addition to the potential threat of the Great Xia Empire, they must relax the supervision of faith.

Qin is already satisfied with this result.


Colossus Civilization!

After contacting the Blue Star Federation, the two sides exchanged some information.

This communication was very smooth, not because the two civilizations agreed with each other's beliefs.

The most direct reason is that the Colossus Civilization has recently felt something wrong.

Since authorizing Ganis to form a local religious group, the Colossus Civilization Government has provided great support.

Although it is inevitable to carry private goods, the support is beyond doubt.

They really thought that Ganis was at least one of their own and could be controlled to a certain extent.

And they stuffed a lot of their own people in, they were all relatives with blood ties, could there be any accidents?

But the accident really happened.

Faith is different from the previous business competition after all.

It is not whoever invests more resources can succeed.

Those children of the rich and powerful soon failed in the competition.

Ninety-nine percent of the first batch of extraordinary people cultivated locally are ordinary people.

And even the children of the rich and powerful who sneaked in are loyal believers of the church.

At the beginning, the Colossus Civilization Government did not care.

It is nothing for civilians to stand out, the worst case is to win them over.

Similar situations have occurred countless times before, and these rich and powerful have become very skilled in winning over people.

Money, beauty, fame, power, and even pulling the other party into the ruling class will naturally solve the problem.

So no matter how many talents appear at the bottom, they are not afraid.

But this time, they failed.

Whether it is the government or the private solicitation of the dignitaries, none of them worked.

After several attempts, these extraordinary people all agree with the Seraphim, and with the blessing of the extraordinary relationship theory promoted by Ganis, although they have a high degree of recognition of the Colossus civilization, they also recognize the leadership of the Great Xia Empire.

In their words, they are all from the Seraphim lineage. If they are not strong enough to fight outside, why fight internally?

They believe that the perspective of mortals is narrow, so these government officials will make such futile solicitations.

At the gathering of the native cult of the Colossus civilization!

A superhuman reported: "Patriarch Ganis, the vision of mortals is too limited. They are trying to win me over again. It's ridiculous."

"These parasites who hold power don't understand who our enemies are.

The Colossus civilization should not start internal friction. We should unite to deal with external competition."

"I think we can seize power. We can't let these mortals continue to hold power. This is wrong."

The Colossus civilization government may not have thought that these superhumans have already thought about taking power.

Gannis let them talk, which helps to activate their thinking.

But for such a sensitive topic, he stopped it in time: "Okay, don't say this anymore, otherwise it will cause a strong reaction from the government.

Now our primary goal is to let more people feel the Lord's mercy."

He did not oppose seizing power, but he had to accumulate enough strength first. Now they were too weak.

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