Gannis left very easily. As a member of the system, he certainly knew the power of this system.

Therefore, he had the heart to challenge the entire system, but was afraid of the other party's powerful power.

It was not until Michel's enlightenment that he established confidence.

Of course, he also accepted Michel's advice to wait and see how the situation changed, and there was no need to leave a handle for others.

He did not do nothing. The first time he returned, he summoned a group of extraordinary people in the name of discussing doctrine.

Not all extraordinary people are suitable to be warriors, just like a person with a gun may not necessarily become a qualified soldier.

These extraordinary people summoned by Ganis are all talented in fighting and have strong enough spiritual will, suitable to be extraordinary knights.

He even has a group of sacred weapons in his hands, which are all from the assistance of the Great Xia Empire.

The Colossus Civilization Government protested severely against this, but it was eventually left unresolved.

Before, Ganis was concerned about the government's senses and only formed a cult, but did not form a cult armed force. Even the sacred weapons were rarely used and were basically sealed.

Until this time, these precious sacred weapons were unsealed.

The extraordinary people of the Colossus civilization who were summoned did not know what the matter was at first.

They became excited only when they saw the familiar faces around them and the activated sacred weapons.

"Patriarch, are you going to take action against those inferior bloodlines?"

Facing the excited believers, Ganis said calmly: "No, I said that the main task at present is to promote the faith of the Lord.

I summoned you here just to form the armed forces of the cult. Just in case, we will not take the initiative to attack the government."

This result disappointed the radicals, but relieved the relatively conservative believers.

Not everyone wants to solve problems with violence.

"The Patriarch is right. We must have the ability to protect ourselves, but we don't have to take the initiative to cause conflicts. Sooner or later... the faith of the Lord will spread throughout the civilization."

Although there are differences, the differences within the cult are not serious.

After a brief communication, a consensus was quickly reached.

It is of great significance to establish the cult's armed forces, even if they cannot wait for the government's approval.

For the Colossus Cult, this is the first step to change the nature.

Then... it is training and waiting.

Ganis's mentality is completely different. He was afraid of a conflict before, but now it is the other way around.

But if he really wants a conflict to break out, it just doesn't go as he wishes.

After waiting patiently for several months, finally... he got what he wanted.


Hart Harbor!

As the administrative planet of the Colossus civilization, basically large factories have been far away from here.

Moreover, the materials of the interstellar era ensure that basic survival is no longer a problem.

But the sharp social contradictions have never disappeared.

Exploitation and being exploited, as an exploited, it is not that you are honest and dutiful and nothing will happen.

The exploited are themselves a kind of consumables.

Whether it is to satisfy certain desires of the exploiters or other special purposes, it will lead to various extreme situations.

With a loud bang, a young life disappeared.

In the past, when such things happened, someone would definitely deal with the aftermath soon.

Various aftermath measures such as communicating and reconciling with the family of the deceased, issuing an accidental death certificate and then cremating quickly, and even monitoring the disrepair for a long time will be carried out simultaneously.

This is not the first time that something similar has happened.

But this time... the situation is different.

When the extraordinary person in charge of the local parish got the news, the anger that had been suppressed suddenly broke out.

As mentioned before, many of these extraordinary people were born ordinary people, and their natural stance is the same as that of ordinary people.

At least now, under the positive guidance of religious beliefs, he still maintains his original intention.

While the security guards were still cleaning the floor and dealing with the tail step by step, the extraordinary person had already broken into the police station.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

A security guard found the stranger who broke in and stood up and shouted loudly.

"This is a confidential area. If you don't leave, I will arrest you."

The extraordinary person turned a blind eye: "Where is your superior? Where is the body of the girl who jumped from the bar?"

This question is very sensitive, and the security guard immediately became furious: "The details of the case cannot be disclosed. Who are you? Do you want to make trouble?"

Of course, some people recognized the extraordinary person.

As a local extraordinary person, he must have registered at the police station.

But it was too late. When someone tried to handcuff the other person, a flash of white light passed by.


The alloy handcuffs were broken into two pieces, and the extraordinary man lifted the security guard with one hand.

"Don't force me to kill! Tell me... where is the body?"

He had sent people to the funeral home, but there was no response yet.

"Extraordinary, you... this is... provoking..."

The captured security guard had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem and wanted to threaten the other party.

The extraordinary man, whose reason had long been burned away by anger, turned his hand and broke the other party's arm with a click.

"Forget it, I'll find it myself."

The destructive power of the extraordinary man is very terrifying, at least in terms of individual combat ability, no security guard can compete with him.

When he pushed all the way to the office, many pieces of evidence had not yet been destroyed.

Although the body has been cremated, the security guard will keep some evidence to protect himself.

This is his guarantee. At least if he is accidentally arrested one day, his family will be taken care of.

But now, this has become a death warrant.

The extraordinary person who has always maintained a little restraint took off the other person's head in anger.

After calming down, he immediately called Ganis.

"Patriarch, I'm in trouble."

He also knew that the Patriarch had emphasized restraint recently and could understand the reason for restraint.

So, he was mentally prepared enough.

But Ganis's response surprised him.

"Wait, protect yourself first, don't have a bigger conflict with the government, I'll be here soon, the cult will support you."

Ganis didn't listen to the details, and he didn't need to listen.

He directly summoned the extraordinary warriors to go out.

If it was his own fault, he would choose to clean up the door.

If not... then let the government listen to the voice of the cult.

In fact, the support of the cult came earlier than the government's armed forces.

When more than a dozen holy armed forces descended from the sky, the people who were confronting the security guards suddenly cheered violently.

Obviously, the extraordinary people who stood up for ordinary people won the hearts of the people.

Seeing this scene, Ganis already had an idea in his mind.

Then, the small combat airships rushed in urgently. This was already the largest conventional force on the planet.

After all, this is a city. Once a large-scale exchange of fire occurs, no one can withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Seeing the airship arrive, Ganis hesitated for a second, and then said: "Go and ask them to come down."

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