Gannis still lacks some domineering, which is determined by his past life experience.

However, strength is courage, and it has finally changed his character.

At least before, he would never say to "invite" the government to come down.

Compared with Ganis who has some concerns, the extraordinary warriors who come from civilians are not afraid.

The more ignorant, the more fearless.

Especially with the blessing of strength, they don't know what fear is.

Sometimes it is called courage, and sometimes it is called recklessness.

At this time, what is approved by the patriarch is definitely courage.

The holy armed moved and went straight to the airship in the sky.

Even if it is a basic angel-level, it is still a cheating single-soldier force in the planet.

After all, it is a cosmic-level combat unit. Compared with the limited armed forces in this planet, it is completely bullying.

Under the attention of everyone, the holy armed directly dragged the airship to the ground.

"Well done, these lackeys were thrown to death."

"Hahaha, well done."

The onlookers not only did not condemn, but cheered.

This is the will of the people, and the will of the people is never an official announcement.

When the official authority is booed by the civilians, it can be imagined that there is a problem at the root.

Here, Ganis has already met the member of the cult who caused the trouble.

The other party took the so-called evidence and bowed his head to admit his fault: "Patriarch, I was impulsive this time. I am willing to accept the punishment, but... please seek justice for the innocent believers."

Gannis did not speak, and first read the evidence he got.

Then he looked at the member of the cult who caused the trouble: "You did the right thing, this is a just thing, I have no reason to punish you."

From a procedural point of view, Ganis was very dissatisfied with the other party's impulsiveness.

But he could not deny the original intention of justice, otherwise it would be a denial of the cult's ideals.

The member of the cult who got into trouble thought he was speaking in a sarcastic way, and lowered his head to reflect: "I really know I was wrong, Patriarch. If you hand me over to the government, I am willing to go to jail."

"Ha! Aren't you the most clamorous at ordinary times? Why are you cowardly now?" Ganis asked back, then patted the other party on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, the cult is not so cowardly. If justice must succumb to the law, then the law must be wrong."

At this time, the member of the cult who got into trouble really realized that this time the Patriarch was serious.

He was very ashamed. He thought the Patriarch was afraid of the government before, and he slandered the Patriarch many times in his heart.

But he was able to hold on in the face of pressure. Obviously, the previous tolerance was not cowardice, but just for the sake of the overall situation.

The former makes people despise, and the latter makes people admire.

The choice at the critical moment can distinguish the quality.

"Patriarch, what are you going to do? I will be the first to lead the charge." The excited member of the cult said.

"Don't get excited, remember what I said, stay calm.

They can change the law, can't we?

The cult may have never made its own voice, so they think we are afraid, let them know who is afraid."

Gannis seemed to be glowing all over at this time, with a hint of holiness.

Gannis in this state is a true leader who can unite the hearts of the cult.

At least at this time, the chests of the extraordinary warriors around him are straight.

After all, fighting the government for interests and fighting the government for justice have different meanings.

Gannis's communication has been ringing, but he hung up after taking a look.

At this time, he will not communicate with anyone privately.

Everything is upright, he will negotiate with the Colossus government as the Patriarch of the cult, not in any other capacity.

The Colossus government cannot contact Ganis, and it is not to say how furious it is, but it still has to send people with its nose pinched.

Even if it tries its best to block the news, such explosive things cannot be blocked.

Unless all means of communication are shut down, but that is impossible.

Although the number of Colossi is small, the Colossi government has been prepared as if facing a great enemy.

Every war fortress has entered a state of alert, and the capital star is under full martial law.

They are not afraid that the Colossi Cult will attack the government, and those few people are nothing.

They are afraid that the Great Xia Empire will intervene, and then there will be big trouble.

Otherwise, what are these few people?

This arrogant attitude will soon make them suffer a great loss.

As the situation worsened, the main leaders of the region finally came forward to negotiate with the Colossi Cult.

For such things, the Colossi government still wants to control it at the local level, even if some compromises are made, it should not continue to expand the impact.

So, whoever caused the trouble will take the blame, and the local leaders rushed over while cursing.

Of course, Ganis will definitely not sympathize with these people. As an official, he can't even protect the civilians under his tenure. Isn't it right to suffer a little? What's wronged?

When the leaders of the region arrived, even rotten eggs flew over.

The security guard was holding an umbrella in a panic, obviously used to this situation.

Finally, we saw Ganis, who was still waiting in the open space outside the police station, surrounded by civilians.

Looking around, the leader said awkwardly: "Patriarch Ganis, we are all family members, can we go in and talk?"

"Let's talk here, only openness can be fair." Ganis was very firm. He didn't want to get benefits, so why should he talk in private?

This statement caused another round of applause.

The leader had a headache. Fortunately, they had discussed it internally before he came. At this time, they had to sacrifice the car to save the king. They had to compromise and throw out the scapegoat.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited. I have a brief understanding of the process of this matter. I represent the government to express that this is definitely the private behavior of some people. The initial reason is temporary workers... In this way, after we review the evidence, all participants will be severely punished. This brother of the cult will be wronged for a few days. We will apply for a not guilty defense for him. This matter will definitely be resolved satisfactorily."

Punishment, compensation, and even exoneration. The interests of all parties have been taken care of. For the masters, it is a very big concession.

They believe that both the common people and the cult should be satisfied.

The former just wants money? Give it to you.

The latter wants fame, and it is also satisfied.

The government has suffered heavy losses and even lost part of its own humanitarian future. What else do you want to do?

This attitude is undoubtedly arrogant.

Although Ganis had expected it, he still felt cold in his heart at this time.

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