Michelle arrived in a timely manner, so timely that it made people wonder if he had installed surveillance on site.

Because of their positions, both sides were determined not to give in.

And this is not a question of who is strong and who is weak. As long as there is no ability to completely solve the problem, it will not be strong.

For the higher-ups of the Colossus civilization, the introduction of angel civilization beliefs was originally for the benefit of the entire class.

But it was obvious that fighting in unfamiliar territory made them miscalculate.

Now that the situation is getting out of control step by step, they dare not lift the table.

Seeing Michelle at this time, the consul's eyes were filled with resentment, and he didn't know if he was regretting it.

Michelle turned a blind eye to this.

He waved his hand and said, "Please let everyone else get out of the way first."

Anyway, the Archon has already cleared the field once and is surrounded by insiders from both sides.

Colossus Civilization glanced at the Archon, who nodded slightly, and then retreated obediently.

Michelle pulled over a chair and sat between the two of them.

"You two, there are no outsiders now, we can sit down and talk."

The consul couldn't hold it back and complained with a bit of complaint: "Count Michel, your religious group has gone too far this time. Can the religious group interfere in the work of the government?"

He is reasonable on this point. Regardless of whether there are official crimes, those are what the government should deal with, rather than resorting to personal violence.

This is the legitimacy of the regime and the collective choice of all people in the entire civilization.

Personally, what happened today was outrageous.

But please believe that the Archon himself does not want this to happen.

Michel corrected his statement: "Your Excellency the Archon, I must correct one thing. The cult was completely formed spontaneously by the followers of the Colossus civilization and has nothing to do with our Protestant religion."

This is the basis for negotiation and the basis for influencing and intervening within the Colossus civilization.

Otherwise, we will fall into the consul's language trap and turn internal affairs into conflicts between two civilized regimes.

Seeing that he had not taken advantage, the consul simply did not continue to entangle with words.

He just pressed: "I want the Protestants to give me an accurate answer now. Can religious groups interfere in the internal affairs of the government?"

"Of course not." Michelle was very straightforward. The religious should be religious and the secular should be secular. Once the two are confused, there will definitely be backlash.

The Daxia Empire itself is very clear about the distinction and will never confuse the two.

After getting the answer he wanted, the consul smiled: "Then ask the religious group to hand over the person and let the government conduct an investigation and trial."

"Impossible!" Ganis was also very determined. Even if Michelle said this, he still said: "If you want people, kill us all. Our religious order cannot compromise."

The consul looked at Michel, as if wanting to see how he would handle it.

Michelle is naturally on the side of the cult, and there is a difference between close and distant relationships.

But...we need to put it another way.

"People should be left to the government, but Ganis is also an internal member of your government, right?" Michelle asked the consul directly and was caught off guard: "Faith and religious orders are bound to expand. Your government can't stop it, so just set up a The new department manages extraordinary beings born because of their faith, and I think Ganis is very suitable to be the person in charge.”

The most critical conflict between the two is the ownership of power. Of course, the government will not compromise.

But integrating civil forces such as religious groups into government agencies will naturally solve the problem.

The conflict between the two is gone, or there will be disagreements within the government, and it is impossible to continue to fight with the religious group.

The Archon instinctively felt the danger. The addition of a force like the Order to the government system was itself a form of subversion.

"This is illegal. How can the cult exercise public power?" the consul retorted.

"Why not? This is not the religious group exercising public power, it is the people exercising their own power, and it does not violate the Colossus Civilization Constitution.

As the number of extraordinary people increases, doesn’t the government need to set up a special organization for management? Ganis did not join the government on behalf of the Order, he represented the common people, the extraordinary civilians. "Michelle completed the logical loop.

It can be heard that he has definitely studied the laws of the Colossus civilization.

From a legal basis, this is entirely reasonable.

Downplay the existence of the cult and emphasize the power of the collective.

This is no different from other government agencies now. The only difference is that they are managed by extraordinary beings.

But extraordinary people can be regarded as a single group, just like doctors, lawyers and other professions.

It just needs to be managed individually and then handed over to the judicial authority.

The consul knew that he was in trouble again this time, and the other party was well prepared.

Relying on the power granted by civilians, he cannot deny the legitimacy of this process.

Ganis, who had always been serious, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had no choice but to be tough. To say that he was not worried would definitely be a lie.

Facts have proved that Lord Michel is on the side of the Order and has found legal support for himself.

Michelle knew how long she had been preparing for this day. A group of people studied the legal system of the Colossus civilization over and over again.

After all, the power of the government is, to be precise, granted by law. This is the basis of everything.

Of course, this move can temporarily solve the problem and force the consul to retreat, but it cannot solve the fundamental conflict.

After all, this is a conflict between the old ruling class and the challengers, which can be eased... but cannot be eliminated.

Michelle smiled as the Archon compromised with anger and temporarily established the Extraordinary Management Agency, and watched Ganis smile as he handled this bad incident.

At least now it seems that the crisis this time has been resolved.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ganis was busy, and he took the initiative to invite the Archon: "Your Excellency Archon, the on-site affairs will be temporarily handed over to Ganis, let's go over there?"

The Archon stared at him for a long time, afraid that he would do something weird again, but finally nodded and agreed.

He wanted to see what this Count Michel wanted to say.

Michel certainly would not put all his eggs in one basket. No matter how cooperative Ganis was, he would not completely trust him.

Power with constraints is the safest.

Uncontrolled power may not be a good thing for Ganis.

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