Without Ganis present, Michelle didn't have to worry about being frank.

He believed that as the leader of a regime, the Archon didn't need to use official language.

For conversations at this level, the simpler and more straightforward the better.

"Sir Archon, you and I both know how power exists, so I want to put a shackle on the cult."

"Does the Earl admit that your Great Xia Empire interfered with our government?" The Archon seemed to have a breath left.

Michelle smiled and didn't care.

"If the Archon thinks so, it's not wrong.

But I think there are no eternal enemies, and our Great Xia Empire is not necessarily your enemy, Archon."

"You want to bribe me, I want to hear how you bribe me." The Archon looked like he was listening attentively.

He was really curious, and the people of the Great Xia Empire would not be unaware of their own weight.

"Faith, is this enough?"


The Archon sneered, how could someone like him have faith?

He could believe for the sake of profit, but how pious he was was up to no good.

He really thought he was a young man like Ganis who could be fooled.

He firmly believed that the other party had not really made an offer.

"Faith is power.

If the Archon is willing, it is not impossible to obtain the extraordinary."

The Archon blinked his eyes and figured it out.

The Colossus government must have studied the birth of the extraordinary and knew that it was necessary to have firm faith.

Could this thing also be operated in secret? What is the difference between gods and us?

If the sacred is no longer sacred, faith is even more nonsense.

The Archon looked strange and wanted to complain a few words, but he held it back.

"Count, do you know what the consequences will be if Ganis hears this?"

Faith collapses, beliefs are gone, and self-abandonment, what other consequences can there be?

"The Archon misunderstood, the Lord's gift can bring extraordinary power, but the Lord's gift is not needed by everyone, so... it can be manipulated a little."

"You... do this too?" The Archon felt that he had to get to know the Protestants again.

Michel denied this, of course: "No, I hope you don't joke with your life. If the knights of the Protestant Church hear you blaspheming the Lord, they will probably fight you to death.

As for me... my sacred blood and faith are not fake, otherwise I would not have been able to form a Protestant Church.

I need to remind you that even if you have obtained extraordinary power, if you don't have confidence in your faith, it's best not to join the church, otherwise you will attract the attention of the Lord..."

Michel didn't finish, but the Archon had understood the threat of the other party.

In his understanding, this is an opportunity to go through the back door.

Although it can't be used to break into the church, it is still very useful.

Once you prove your identity as a "faithful" believer, it won't be so difficult to deal with the Colossus Cult.

As for why you don't join the cult, it can only be said that the two sides have different ideas, not that there is a problem with faith.

This is not to mention the other benefits brought by extraordinary power.

The Archon was moved. He had realized that the infiltration of faith would become more and more intense, and secular power might be swallowed up bit by bit.

At this time, he needed a layer of amulet.

"I can think about it. If the Lord gives me a chance, I will definitely double my faith." The Archon expressed his meaning implicitly.

Michelle took out a bottle of extraordinary potion. The golden potion seemed to be flashing with light red starlight, which looked very beautiful.

"We believe that the Archon can continue to steer the ship and let the Colossus civilization sail in the right direction."

Michelle certainly knew the result of the spread of extraordinary power in the upper echelons of the Colossus civilization.

Inevitably, religion and regime will merge quickly.

When there is no resistance from the old forces, this process will be very fast.

As for the hidden dangers brought about by the unity of religion and regime... What does it have to do with the Daxia Empire?

He is the Earl of Daxia, not the Earl of the Colossus Civilization.

When the new and old forces of the Colossus Civilization merge, if they are obedient, it will be fine. If they are not obedient... the cleansing of pagans within the religion will be a more brutal internal struggle.

Doesn't the Archon know that there may be a pit here?

Of course he knows, but he has to jump even if there is a pit.

If he doesn't cooperate, there must be others who will cooperate.

By then, this only chance will be gone, and the result will be the same.

It is better to take the initiative to seize power, at least to control his own destiny a little.

As for informing... Michel has already warned that the knights of the church can take his life, but the warriors of the cult will not?

Once it comes to blasphemy, these crazy supernaturals will really fight to the death.

The Archon quickly put the supernatural potion into his pocket and breathed a sigh of relief.

At least now he can attack or defend, and he doesn't have to worry about being beaten to death.

He now doubts whether he is really the first one to be bribed?

The only thing he is afraid of is that there are a lot of "devout believers" under his command now, and they will all defect when the time comes... He couldn't help shivering. He would read the Bible more after returning, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for a devout believer to know nothing.

Although the Archon compromised, he returned to the scene with a stern face.

Those who should defect will defect, but those who should act will act.

What identity corresponds to the reaction, this point cannot be wrong.

With a stern face, he sent people to keep an eye on Ganis. It is definitely impossible to hand over the newly established temporary organization to the Colossus Cult.

The Archon returned to the base camp after seeing that the process could not be completed in a short time.

Then he quickly convened a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Colossus Cult.

Because he had the extraordinary potion in his pocket, he now looked at everyone as a traitor.

You see this old guy staring at my pocket, did he feel something?

And this kid spoke for the Cult, has he found a way out?

And this sick guy has recovered recently, has he taken the extraordinary potion?

With this mentality, the Archon looked at everyone with tinted glasses.

It was not easy to arrange a bunch of countermeasures, such as placing people to keep an eye on the new agency, such as legislating to restrict the power of the new agency as soon as possible.

After all the arrangements were completed, he made another absolutely uncompromising speech, determined to fight the Cult to the end and resolutely safeguard the power given to him by the civilians.

After the polite words, he quickly returned to his residence, sent everyone away, and took out the bottle of extraordinary potion.

I didn't look at it carefully before, but now I have time to look at it slowly.

To be honest, it's very beautiful... and then there's nothing.

Neither sacred nor extraordinary can be felt.

According to Michelle's instructions, just drink the potion in one gulp.

After hesitating for a few minutes and ruling out the possibility of poison, he closed his eyes and drank it in one gulp.

After all, this thing is unique and there is no way to test the toxicity.

He just analyzed it logically, and there is no benefit at all for the new religion to poison himself.

After the potion was swallowed, he felt warm all over, and a stream of heat ran everywhere, and then some power began to grow inside the body.

It was a very wonderful feeling, and he already understood that this was his extraordinary ability.

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