Power makes people addicted. The Archon felt the extraordinary power born in his body and couldn't help swinging his fist.

The whistling fist wind made him feel the power, but also made him understand that there was no turning back.

This was the optimal solution based on the current situation. If he didn't betray the Colossus civilization, the Colossus civilization would betray him.

It sounds incredible, but this is the cruel reality.

He was determined to introduce the power of the Angel Civilization, thinking of restoring the aristocracy and passing on power in a legal way.

He just didn't expect to invite the wolf into the house. The power of faith broke the previous rules of the game. Seeing that the cult began to take power, he knew that the situation was over.

Although it seems that the power of the cult is still weaker than the entire regime, he has seen the prelude to the collapse of the building.

Moreover, the Archon is not hereditary. Even if he has achieved the ambition of social privilege, he just hopes to become a member of the aristocracy, perhaps nobler than most people, but definitely not the most noble ones.

Now betraying the Colossus aristocracy is just a change of track.

Under the command of the Angel Civilization, there may not be fewer privileges.

Of course, the prisoner's dilemma is also an important reason.

He didn't know how many people from the noble class had joined the Daxia Empire camp.

He was shaken from the moment Michel took out the extraordinary potion.

He could pretend to be a devout believer of the Lord, and so could those nobles.

Facing the possibility of being backstabbed at any time, he could only strike first.

After all, most of the members of the Colossus Cult were from civilian origins, but some were from powerful families.

For example, Ganis, he was the descendant of a small powerful family.

After all, he was able to insist on the bloodline theory, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

The excited archon began to think about what to do in the future.

Unlike Ganis, he had rich experience in politics and governance. He knew that he had to show enough value - not servile but valuable. The same traitor had different status.

Of course, first of all, he had to make sure how many traitors were around him.

As an excellent politician, he didn't believe that the Daxia Empire was so honest and didn't tempt others in advance.

And it was easy to do this. The extraordinary people would sense each other, and they could easily detect each other's identity when they were in close contact.

It just so happened that the affairs of the cult were very troublesome for the government, so he held a meeting to continue discussing whether it was reasonable and legal.

Soon, the high-level meeting of the Colossus Civilization Government was held on time.

Everyone knew what to discuss, and they all knew that a thousand-mile dam could be breached by an ant hole, and they did not despise the temporary organization such as the Supernatural Administration.

After the high-level people arrived one after another, the Archon stepped in on time.

As a leader who had fought out of a group of competitors, he was qualified to enjoy privileges, and others had no objections.

However, today's Archon's footsteps obviously paused, and his expression management was almost out of control.

"Michelle..." The Archon roared in his heart, he knew that he was tricked again.

The other party's constant hints made him mistakenly believe that many colleagues had chosen to backstab.

So, he chose to become a supernatural under pressure.

But now looking around, where is there another supernatural?

The high-level of the entire Colossus civilization, pure as it can be.

Don't look at this small time sequence, as the first backstabber, the Archon will inevitably lose the trust of the powerful class in the future.

After all, as the representative of the interests of the powerful class, what does it matter if you surrender first?

The powerful class who felt backstabbed would never trust him again.

The Archon sat down with a gloomy face. He admitted that this move was beautiful, which separated him from the powerful class and dismembered the opposition forces of the Colossus civilization to the greatest extent.

This is the means to deal with political creatures.

To deal with Ganis, even if it is to check and balance, it will be done through covert means.

Because he is more "naive", so try to keep this innocence.

But for an old fox like the Archon, kindness will not make him grateful, on the contrary, only strong hands will win respect.

It is to tell you openly that we want to dismember the powerful class. Do you have any objection? Do you dare to have an objection?

The Archon, who was not in a good mood, spoke very toughly: "The Extraordinary Administration is a temporary agency, specially set up for the recently appeared extraordinary people, in order to avoid internal conflicts.

But power must not be unbalanced, even for extraordinary people. Let's discuss how to limit the loss of control of power."

It was not unexpected that the Archon spoke to limit the power of extraordinary people.

The powerful supported the church to find a legitimate theoretical support for their rule, not to find a father to go home.

Now that the church is disobedient, they will of course treat the church as an enemy.

Gannis is very busy, but in a good mood.

The government's concession finally allowed the church to take power.

Although it is only a temporary organization and is subject to great restrictions, it is a good start.

The first thing he did when he took office was to deal with the case that caused the conflict this time.

But he soon found that the situation was a little more complicated than he thought.

The government gave him power, which was a compromise, but the church must also compromise with the government.

Joining the existing power structure is not without cost.

If you choose to join, you must respect the rules.

Otherwise, the church will be in the wrong.

But according to the existing rules, murder is a serious crime, and killing an official is the most serious.

If a mistake is made, it is not the turn of the extraordinary to administer justice. From a legal point of view, there is no difference between the rights and obligations enjoyed by extraordinary people and ordinary people.

Ganis must face a choice, whether to turn against the entire regime or compromise.

The consequence of compromise is that the extraordinary who kills people will be sent to prison.

The death penalty is definitely not enough, but he will definitely spend some years in prison.

As for medical parole, changing names, and imprisonment on a list, these methods are definitely impossible to use.

But he promised to bring people back safely.

If he respects the rules of the game, he will inevitably break his promise within the cult.

If he does not respect the rules of the game, then the entire cult will be finished, and there is no reason to bring the conflict to the government this time.

This situation was something he did not expect.

Gathering the core members together, Ganis explained the situation, and they were immediately outraged.

"These officials are just too cunning, and they are setting traps for us."

"Patriarch, the church needs sacrifices, I will go and persuade him."

"At worst, we can fight them, but we can't compromise with them."

As expected, everyone has different ideas, but most can understand Ganis's difficulties.

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