"Murder! Obstructing public service! Destroying public security organs! Provoking trouble!... Poor attitude of admitting mistakes, multiple crimes and punishments, the maximum sentence is recommended."

"... The final decision is to sentence him to 233 years in prison."

The closed trial was full of soldiers with live ammunition.

The judge himself was very scared, and his voice was shaking when he pronounced the verdict.

If he hadn't been forced to do so, he wouldn't have come out to take the blame.

The current scene is really scary.

Although it is a closed trial, the cult's application for on-site observation was approved very quickly.

Perhaps some people hope that they can't stand the stimulation and kill the judge, then it will be really worth it.

After all, the life of a small judge is not worth much, and it is worth it to make the Colossus Cult fall.

But all the extraordinary people were very calm throughout the whole process, watching the various evidences calmly, many of which were submitted by themselves.

Watching the trial calmly until the verdict was announced.

Finally, Ganis looked up at the camera. He knew that there must be many people watching him behind him.

"A group of cowardly and corrupt rats."

He stood up, and the extraordinary behind him also stood up.

"Everything is for faith."

The members of the cult who were on trial also said: "Everything is for faith. I surrender today because I follow justice, not because I am guilty.

In the future, all corrupt sins will be judged in a new sacred court, and then a new era will surely come..."

They prayed loudly, expressing their inner indignation.

This is an opportunity for the members of the cult to transform from fighting alone like headless flies to an organized and programmatic revolution.

Ganis is not afraid of his vision being known to others. The war has begun from the moment the enemy starts to take action.

Overthrowing the corrupt government, ushering in a new era, and establishing a sacred country are his goals.

Language never scares people, but faith does.

At this time, behind the camera, I don’t know how many people are fidgeting and feeling extreme fear.

The extraordinary people have mastered the power. It was originally thought that they would rush around like reckless men and finally be caught and slaughtered in the trap.

But what they didn't expect was that the members of the cult were different from the previous revolutionaries.

They had firm beliefs, otherwise it would be impossible to awaken the extraordinary power.

A firm will naturally have stronger restraint.

When there is a new goal, restraint can perfectly exert the power.

This kind of power explosion is terrifying.

After watching the brothers of the cult being sentenced, this power was suppressed to the extreme.

It's like a spring. The harder you press it, the stronger it rebounds.

There seems to be a flame burning in the eyes of every member of the cult, and they may burn themselves and the world to ashes at any time.

After the trial, Ganis didn't stop for a moment.

He took the application report and went directly to the Archon.

That's right, the Extraordinary Administration is a temporary agency, but it happens to be directly under the Archon.

In theory, he can certainly ask to see the Archon at any time, but it's not certain whether the other party is willing to see him.

Ganis didn't have the consciousness of a temporary worker at all, and he went directly to the door.

The staff of the office looked at Ganis as if they had seen the god of plague, and they all avoided him.

When he left, they couldn't suppress their discussions.

This is the status of the extraordinary people in the middle and high-level government of the Colossus Civilization.

The Secretary-General personally received Ganis. If it weren't for his duties, he would definitely not show up.

But seeing Ganis, he also had a headache.

"Director Ganis, what do you want to apply for?"

He took the application form, and according to the rules, the Secretary-General had to personally check the purpose.

He thought it was an application for the Extraordinary Administration to be regularized, but he didn't expect... it was an application for a large-scale publicity campaign.

It's really an unusual way.

The Secretary-General was a little distracted, and Ganis didn't indulge him, and asked directly: "How long will the Secretary-General check? I won't tamper with the paper if I want to do it."

This is the truth. Instead of poisoning, it is more convenient for Ganis to do it himself.

Unless you never see these extraordinary people again, your head will not be safe.

I have never seen such an arrogant subordinate, and the Secretary-General's teeth hurt.

But think about it, this uncle can't be offended.

Rejection and hostility did not affect their sincerity when facing Ganis.

"Director Ganis, I will help you apply to the Archon, but you may not be able to meet the Archon. You should understand how busy he is."

The Secretary General felt that there was no need for the Archon to deal with this guy.

Ganis did not reply, which made the Secretary General leave angrily.

However, when the Archon heard that Ganis was coming, he did not refuse.

"Let him in, and put other things off."


"Don't be anxious!" The Archon stretched out his hand to suppress the Secretary General's words, and said calmly: "Know our enemy, don't be afraid, otherwise we will lose.

No matter how powerful Ganis is, he is just a person, and as a person... there are weaknesses, let him come."

The position of Secretary General is obviously not something that ordinary people can do.

So he understood the attitude of the top leaders towards Ganis and even the cult, but he did not expect that the Archon's realm was so high. No wonder he was the Archon and he could only serve him.

"I was timid," the Secretary-General resolutely admitted his mistake and reflected: "The Colossus civilization is ours, we don't have to be afraid of them."

He walked out with his head held high, feeling full of courage.

The Archon looked at the Secretary-General with pity, I am not afraid of the other party because I also have the power to protect myself. You mortals should be honest, don't be beaten into meat pies one day.

The Secretary-General, who knew nothing, came to Ganis aggressively and said coldly: "The Archon postponed other things and met you specially, come with me."

Gannis felt the change of the Secretary-General, but didn't care.

As he approached the Archon's office step by step, his expression became subtle.

He felt a supernatural power in front of him, so were there wild believers who were fooled by the government? Or other situations?

He didn't think that the Archon would have supernatural power.

Because of the experience learned from the Great Xia Empire, faith is the only source of supernatural.

When he entered the room, all doubts turned into shock.

Gannis almost couldn't control his power, he looked at the Archon in disbelief.

The last time I saw him, he was still an ordinary person. How come he suddenly became a superhuman?

The Archon saw the shock in Ganis's eyes and felt secretly happy. Didn't expect it? Young man, there are shortcuts in this world. Those who follow the rules and believe that hard work will lead to success are all bullies.

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