The consul waved his hand and said to the unsightly secretary-general: "You can go out first."

"Ah!?" The secretary-general was confused. Don't you need me to stay to protect you?

The Archon didn't understand the look in his eyes, otherwise he would just despise the other person's belly, which is bigger than that of a pregnant woman. It's really not certain who protects whom.

The secretary-general finally closed the door and left, seemingly unwilling to leave.

When the door closed, there were only two people left, but the atmosphere did not change at all.

"What? Surprised?"

The Archon had a smile on his face. Faced with extraordinary power, he was always passive, especially when it came to using the rat-throwing weapon. He seemed clumsy every time.

This is not a question of ability, the other party is to play?

But now, standing on the same starting line, the Archon is naturally not afraid.

Only when you have cards in hand can you win.

Ganis's mood at this time was completely opposite. He clearly remembered how utilitarian the man in front of him was, and his belief in faith was entirely from a utilitarian point of view.

How can such a person have faith?

Ganis doesn’t believe it at all, just like those women who smoke, drink, get tattoos, dance, and have abortions, do you believe she is a good woman?

Seeing his appearance, the Archon knew that he could not accept the fact that he was also a 'devout' believer.

As a politician, he didn't panic at all.

"Since you don't want to talk, you might as well listen to me tell a story."

Ganis stared at the other party.

"About a hundred years ago, there was a young man about your age.

He is crazy obsessed with the Yuren epic and firmly believes in the once glorious mythical history.

He also founded a Featherman Society, the one you join.

Later, relying on this enthusiasm, he gained the support of some Yuren blood descendants and entered the political arena.

But the reality is cruel. There seems to be no miracle in this world. The more you know, the more desperate you become.

Until one day, he learned about the existence of angel civilization, and the society he founded happened to have an outstanding young man under his command, so he sent him there..."

The Archon told his own story, but of course the real situation was different.

He just chose the track of Featherman Legend in order to gain the recognition of some powerful people, not for the so-called belief.

From the beginning, he was a utilitarian.

But the real experience, coupled with the beautification of Yidiandian's language, sounds completely different.

At least Ganis was shaken. These things can be checked. No one has time to check the Archon's past, but there is no way to check.

Moreover, the two of them were connected because of the same club, so they naturally felt a sense of closeness.

Although the stereotype is difficult to change, it is at least a reason to relax his attitude.

When the Archon saw this, red flames lit up in his hands, and he said with a sacred face: "Everything can be faked, but faith cannot.

The return of the sacred flame will cleanse my blood, time will tell. "

Yes, everything can be faked, except faith.

Ganis was persuaded, but he still kept his distance from the consul.

"Your Excellency Archon, since you are also a believer in the Lord, why don't you join me in changing this dirty world?"

"Don't tempt me. Faith makes us strong, it won't make us stupid. You know it in your heart. The world can't be changed by just one more person." The consul didn't accept the move. This kind of little trap was too much for him. It’s superficial: “What we are fighting against is the entire interest class, not a single individual. Not only will there be no benefit to me exposing myself, but it will trigger a more intense counterattack.”

Ganis acknowledged this, but could not agree with it.

"Faith should try to avoid sacrifice, but it should not be afraid of sacrifice. We are different."

"It's just a little disagreement." The consul was even more relieved, and he signed the application casually: "Look, my method may not be wrong, I can help you secretly.

It's best for you not to be caught on personal grounds these days. We are just about to start pouring dirty water on the sect from this aspect. "

This feeling of the opponent's big boss jumping directly in front of him made Ganis feel very strange.

"Thank you! We'll be careful."

"I don't know the specific plan, and I won't tell you if I know it. I need to protect myself.

We must treat our faith in the Lord as a long-term work and not be greedy for temporary pleasure. "

The Archon spoke a lot, and he gave Ganis much advice, which the young man lacked.

Once entering a political struggle, this lack of experience may be very passive.

Finally, he took the initiative to ask: "If you don't mind, can you tell me about your recent plans? Don't tell me that you are really going to do promotional activities."

The consul did not believe a word of the application sent by Ganis. This was just a diversionary target.

This clumsy method made him feel that these young people were inexperienced, and presumably many people could see that.

Ganis was a little embarrassed. He felt the consul's contempt and he was indeed inexperienced.

After hesitating for a while, he finally revealed part of his plan: "We decided to fish for law enforcement..."

The Archon was impressed. Although the method was a little immature, the effect was very good and he made full use of the permission of the Extraordinary Management Bureau.

"Okay, you can do this first. If it were me... I would definitely apply for a related project and then hide the purpose. Although it may be exposed, it doesn't matter if it is exposed to your advantage. Getting official endorsement is more important. "

The consul talked for a while, but seeing that Ganis was a little embarrassed, he changed his tone and said, "Of course, it's not bad to attack in the east and attack in the west. I'm afraid others will have to study your plan."

Ganis said goodbye and left.

The consul sat down and thought for a while, reviewing whether he had said anything wrong.

He was fully prepared to deal with Ganis, fearing that his success would fall short.

Fortunately, no mistakes were found, and trust was initially gained.

At this time, the secretary-general who sent Ganis away came in with his head in the air.

"Consul, what did Ganis say to you? What took you so long?"

It seemed to be concern, but it was obviously too much concern.

The consul was dissatisfied. This guy was becoming more and more arrogant relying on the power behind him.

But as a veteran, he couldn't tell how much the other party was pretending, so he had to be cautious.

"Secretary-general, please say hello to everyone. The Extraordinary Administration may use special means to cause trouble for you recently. I've wiped my butts clean."

He had no explanation and no need to explain. No one could ask him to explain as long as he was a consul.

But the secretary-general obviously made up his own mind. That raw melon and egg guy from Ganis must have been lied to.

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