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Master Hai, who had left in a hurry, quickly came to Liu Xiniang's small yard, and then immediately slowed down to fear that she would disturb Liu Xiniang and the children in her stomach. He walked into the room quietly and looked at Liu Xi Niang, who was reading a book, without disturbing the beauty who was immersed in the book. He just walked to her and sat down, holding his hands and watching her quietly and spoiled. .

"When did you come, Master, why didn't you wake up the concubine?" Liu Xiniang finally watched the content and spit out a turbid breath. She was about to stand up and walk around for a while. Master, quickly got up and asked him a good question and then asked three-pointedly.

Suddenly, Master Hai didn’t like Liu Xiniang’s so gentle and polite behavior towards her. She took her hand and admitted wrongly and tried to make her no longer so polite to herself, “I’m sorry Xi Niang, I promise not to go down. Once. In addition, if there is anything wrong with me, would you please point it out to me?"

Liu Xiniang did not directly agree to it. She knew that this was the preferential treatment of Master Hai when the two were in a strong relationship, but she must keep awake in her heart and could not treat the temporary tenderness as water forever, so she smiled. I turned directly to the topic, "I don't know what's the matter for Master to find a concubine?"

"I'm really sorry. I haven't been paying attention to you since I was too busy recently. I even learned about your pregnancy from Madam General. I don't know if you are in good condition now. I'll arrange a doctor to diagnose your pulse at any time. Master." Master Hai looked at Liu Xiniang with an eyebrow apologetically, holding Liu Xiniang's hand tightly in both hands.

Liu Xi Niang still smiled softly, and took out one of his hands from Master Hai's hand to try to smooth out the raised eyebrow of Master Hai's eyebrow. "Master Hai, don't worry about me, I'm fine, and my sister has asked a doctor to give I’ve seen it, and I’ve been taking birth-preservation medicine recently, that’s why I lied to you that it’s a medicine for body health.”

"Then I should find some time to thank Mrs. General. I also have to thank the doctor to help you adjust your body and protect the baby." Master Hai's senses about General's House are getting better day by day, and he is also more determined to stand with General House. Attitude on the same side. So he held Liu Xiniang's hand for a long time, and promised to give birth to a boy this time and flatten her to his wife.

In fact, it’s not that Master Hai didn’t take Liu Xiniang seriously, but that Liu Xiniang’s identity was always flawed. He didn’t want to rashly raise Liu Xiniang up to high position and be subject to the guidance of everyone. point. But the situation will be greatly changed after the boy is left, and Liu Xiniang's becoming a wife is more justified.

Of course, Gu Chunzhu didn't know anything about Master Hai's considerations and decisions. On the contrary, she fell into a sullen mood after talking with Wang Kun after Master Hai left. With a sad look on her face, she sighed slowly and walked slowly in Hoi An Ju Yuan, and in the middle she listened sadly and looked up at the sky.

Mother Liu thought Gu Chunzhu was only a sudden emotion, this low emotion will not last too long, but after returning to Anju Garden, Gu Chunzhu was still in a sad look, sitting at the window and sighed. Mother Liu went up to ask Gu Chunzhu why he was curious, and wanted to enlighten Gu Chunzhu. After all, she did not follow Gu Chunzhu for a long time, but Gu Chunzhu took her heart out of her, and she was not happy when she looked at Gu Chunzhu. Her heart was as uncomfortable as anything.

Gu Chunzhu turned his head to look at Ms. Liu and said again, leaning against the window, and said, "Mother Liu, do you understand the feeling of'I don't kill Borenboren but die because of me'? Obviously you know everything It’s all accidents, but I still can’t help but think about what I did at the beginning, and now it will be completely different. Do you understand this very deep regret?”

At first glance, Ms. Liu even thought of the recent accidental death of Pan, but she didn't realize that this matter had anything to do with Gu Chunzhu, except that she promised Haifu to take Pan from the county back to Beijing. However, she looked at Gu Chunzhu and was stuck in myth, thinking that Gu Chunzhu was too soft-hearted.

"Ma'am, you can't think that way. I never heard anyone say that things in this world have already been arranged, and it is not something our humans can rely on. So you really don't need to blame yourself too much. There is really a fixed number in the midst." Ms. Liu used a very simple language to describe a very simple theory of destiny to enlighten Gu Chunzhu.

However, who knew that Gu Chunzhu stood up in the next second, with a solemn expression and firm command to mother Liu, "Mother Liu, please go and invite the old lady, and also send someone to Lingfu to invite Miss Peony back."

In the gap that people haven't arrived yet, Gu Chunzhu went to the flower hall to wait and by the way, he was also playing a belly draft. She really didn't know how to talk about the next thing to be told to Mrs. Su and Peony. Even she was afraid that she would choked as soon as she spoke, and she was also afraid that she would be a huge deal for Mrs. Su and Peony. Shock.

So she immediately said to a maid who was behind her, "You have to invite Miss Shangshan too." Because she was afraid that the old lady Su could not withstand the blow and fainted, she always had to prepare for the worst.

As a result, it was the earliest that Shangshan informed the latest. Even she heard about Gu Chunzhu and went to ask Mrs. Su and Peony. They guessed that it was mostly a matter of their own internal affairs. Find yourself an outsider. But when Gu Chunzhu explained to her clearly, she could not help but said, "I will stand outside the door when the time comes, and you will call me whenever there is a situation."

"Then I would like to thank you first. If there is no accident, it would be best." Gu Chunzhu rarely leaked such a weak and bitter smile in front of Shangshan, and then thankfully sent Shangshan to the door, and then Shangshan directly Fly up to the roof. After all, Shangshan did not want Old Lady Su and Peony to discover that she was listening, making them feel uncomfortable.

Soon, the old lady Su also came to ask Gu Chunzhu what she was going to say, because she was inexplicably panicked the moment she found her when Ms. Liu found her. But Gu Chunzhu still kept his mouth shut, saying that he must tell the two of them together when Peony came. The old lady Su can only continue to comfort herself in her heart, and then waits for the arrival of Peony.

Finally, Peony arrived, and after the people came, Gu Chunzhu was finally willing to tell the truth. I saw her take a deep breath nervously and gritted her teeth. "Sanya, she is gone."

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