Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 1026: Su Lao San's final ending

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Even if it took so long to prepare himself, Gu Chunzhu still couldn't hold back the soreness of his heart at the moment of speaking, as if he suddenly came to the throat with a breath, and it was very difficult to say this. Sad news. And when Mrs. Su heard the news, she clutched the armrest of the chair directly, and asked with difficulty, "What do you say?"

Gu Chunzhu was also very heavy-hearted. After all, she was just such a small child. She heard Old Lady Su's sad and weak voice and her eyelids twitched. "Sanya disappeared as early as the pair of beasts on their way to Beijing."

After Gu Chunzhu confirmed again, Mrs. Su rolled her eyes and collapsed directly on the back of the chair. Gu Chunzhu, who had been expecting it, suddenly had no idea what to do when she suddenly felt stunned. , "Shangshan! Come to save people! My mother fainted!"

The moment when Shang Shan's footsteps suddenly became messy in the house, she was expected. As soon as Gu Chunzhu's voice fell, she had swept to Su Su's side, and then she opened her eyes slowly. Then Mrs. Su held her chest full of tears and couldn't stop her tears. "Chun Zhu, how did you say Sanya died? How hard was she to live?"

Peony, who was also very shocked when he heard the news of Sanya’s death, suddenly rushed to Su’s side because of Su Su’s sudden fainting. Now when she heard Su’s talk about Sanya, she also started to ask why, “Uncle Mother, I beg you to find the murderer to punish him fiercely! Sanya is only a child of five or six years old! How can he do it!"

It turned out that after Master Hai left, Wang Kun came to Gu Chunzhu to reply to the news that she had ordered the task of going to the county town to find the whereabouts of Sanya. According to the news brought back by the people who went to the county, when the third son Su was instigated by the Pan family to find a job in the capital, the third son specially took Sanya out of the orphanage.

The wife of the county prince was actually blocked at the time, but Su Laosan was indeed the father of Sanya and Su Laosan was brazen enough, so he had to agree to take him away. In the end, the main reason why Su Lao San took away Sanya was actually wanting a free maid on the road.

Su Laosan doesn't take Sanya as a person at all. You have to know that Sanya is only a child and a girl in the main character, so she has no strength at all. It's easy to mess up. However, this kind of thing didn't happen to Su Laosan because the child was too young to do it. Instead, he blamed him more and criticized Sanya.

With all these hardships and a lot of hard work all the way, Sanya, who was already weak, was sick halfway along. When Sanya's condition was still very mild, Su Laosan didn't pay much attention to it, and she didn't buy Sanya's medicine. Directly led to the last three Ya's condition getting more and more serious, and then died because of wind chill, which Gu Chunzhu seemed to be a minor disease.

Su Laosan got up one day and routinely wanted to call Sanya, but as a result, she saw Sanya cold and lost her breath. The most unexpected thing for Gu Chunzhu was that he didn't want to be an individual at this time, he threw Sanya's body directly into the woods next to it and left. According to the people who searched, there were beasts in the woods over there. They did not find the body of Sanya.

"So... Sanya didn't even have a whole body in the end? All entered the mouth of the beast in the woods?" Mrs. Su asked in disbelief, crying, and said she had signs of fainting again. Staying by my side and waking up Mrs. Su in time.

Peony also burst into tears, and then clenched her hands to tremble, she gritted her teeth fiercely, "I really want to kill something that is not human, and if he is in front of me now, I will definitely pounce Go up and strangle him directly."

"Yes, I also want them to try what is called a land of no burial! The mass graves are cheap for them. I want to let them be swallowed up by the beasts directly when they are alive, and take a good look at what Sanya suffered. Suffering." Mrs. Su added sullenly.

However, she has always been able to come up with such a fierce method, and she has to say that Su Lao San's irritability is so powerful that she turned the honest people into ruthless people. However, this was Su Laosan's own responsibility, not only selfishness but also disregarding the lives of others or even his own daughter. Even if you know, even tiger venom knows not to eat children.

Gu Chunzhu, while relaying the news she got to Su and Mrs. Peony, slowly regained her composure and even said that she was indifferent. She was indifferent to Su, and she comforted Su and Mrs. Su in her eyes. Rest assured, I will let them send them a huge gift later to ensure their satisfaction."

After Su's third son was abolished by Su Wangqin, Gu Chunzhu didn't pay any attention to them because he was too lazy to manage. After learning about Sanya, she had a new idea. At the beginning, Su's third son was also lucky, and Fan's, like the fascination, had always been to him, and he was paralyzed when he was finally rescued.

In the end, Fan's took Su Lao San to settle down in the pigsty of his family. Although he was very dissatisfied, Su Lao San was currently their best choice, and then Fan also went to find a little work to make a little money To provide two meals for two people and the medicine money for Su Lao San. It can be said that it is very difficult, and Fan's still has to take care of Su Lao San who has a very bad temper day and night. In fact, her physical condition is gradually weakening.

After knowing this situation, Gu Chunzhu didn't directly cut off the lives of the two people, but let Fan Shi earn only enough money for the two of them to drink rice soup. The first thing to do is that both the husband and wife of Su's family can't get enough nutrition, and the body will definitely decline step by step. Secondly, Su Laosan's medicine can also be left untouched, and the wound on his body will always hurt from time to time.

Su Lao San, who has never been so bad-tempered, especially to his family, has a bad temper. He must not be able to bear the pain of his body. He must be venting his inner pain to Fans. Gu Chunzhu also wants to see how Fans can treat Su. To what extent did the third son leave?

After knowing Gu Chunzhu's plan, Su Su and Peony barely accepted her idea. Then Mrs. Su thought about Sanya's aftermath, "Okay, let them torture each other by themselves. We still have to think about how to give Sanya an aftermath, although the body can't be found. Can get a clothes mound out."

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