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As long as the old lady Su remembered that Sanya didn't even have a corpse in the end, the old lady didn't even sigh and couldn't help crying, "How can a child like Sanya die on the hands of the unscrupulous guy? Well, he died on the way to Beijing, even if we made the clothes tomb, I was afraid that her soul would be unavoidable."

Gu Chunzhu supported the old lady Su with the same sorrow, but still calmed down the old lady Su with the sadness of the heart, "It doesn't matter, then we will find a powerful person to pull the soul of Sanya back."

Soon, things were in full swing. First of all, Gu Chunzhu went to earnestly ask a powerful Taoist priest in the capital to attract the soul of Sanya. In addition, he also invited the host in a well-known temple to supersede Sanya. Then let the Taoist find a piece of Feng Shui treasure and buy it to make a grave for Sanya. Finally, under the guidance of the Taoist, he bought several children's clothes and buried it in the grave. As for the tombstone of Sanya, it was also carved by Su Wangqin, and then erected in front of Sanya's clothing mound.

The day when Sanya was buried was still a bright sunny day. Gu Chunzhu felt that this was Sanya expressing the joy of returning to her family in the sky. She covered the bright sunshine with her hands, and looked at the cloudless blue sky like a clean sky and smiled gently. Sanya, I hope you will meet your best parents in your next life, and you will never have to suffer from this world again.

On this day, all the people in the General Mansion and the people in Ling Man came to the ceremony. At the moment when the little coffin with a few clothes was buried in the soil, Peony covered her mouth and wept, almost fainting. Fortunately, Ling Xiao stood beside her and kept supporting and comforting her.

"Don't cry, I think your sister certainly doesn't want to see her sister suffering so much for her." Ling Xiao hugged Peony very distressed and kept calming her with words.

"And Sanya is also a kind of relief, your pair of unscrupulous parents are not worthy of being a person at all." Ling Xiao originally had nothing to do with Su's husband and wife, and now he hates him completely.

"Peony, you also have to think about it, maybe Sanya will be reborn in your stomach in the future, we will still be loved ones in our lives, and even we can still spoil her well in the future to save her from suffering." All kinds of words said After all, Peony still sobbed, but this time Peony, who was talking about Sanya's reincarnation, finally responded.

Peony still sobbed, but looked up at Ling Xiao with expectant eyes, "Are you talking about true? Is it really possible for my sister to be reborn in my stomach? Then our first female Is the baby called Sanya?"

"Everything is up to you, our eldest daughter is called Sanya." Ling Xiao finally saw the words he said, and he began to distract Peony's attention from the future expectation of the peony girl. And this trick is also really useful. Peony gradually came out of the distress for Sanya and began to expect that she will give birth to a girl exactly like Sanya.

Gu Chunzhu was always concerned about the situation of Mrs. Su. When she heard the news that day, Mrs. Su's two coma also made Gu Chunzhu frightened. Although Hu Fei was later asked to recuperate Mrs. Su's body, she is now in a much better condition, but Gu Chunzhu has always been with her, and a large part of the matter of quickly entertaining guests has been pushed to Su Wangqin.

When the guests were sent away at night, Gu Chunzhu sent Mrs. Su back to the house to sleep, and she finally let her breath down and rubbed her sore shoulders and waist to Anjuyuan while walking. Su Wangqin had been waiting for Gu Chunzhu at the door of Anjuyuan. At the first moment of seeing her, she greeted her and directly picked her up and walked to the house.

Gu Chunzhu was indeed exhausted now. After thinking of no outsiders at night, he let himself sit in Su Wangqin's warm and stable words, then slowly closed his eyes while shaking, and his breathing gradually eased. Su Wangqin walked back to the house and looked down to find that Gu Chunzhu was completely asleep, so he put Gu Chunzhu on the bed lightly and then took off her shoes and socks to cover the quilt.

Su Wangqin went out and whispered to mother Liu to bring warm water, and then let all the servants go back to rest. He carried the water into the house by himself and wiped Gu Chunzhu's face and feet. He gently wiped Gu Chunzhu's face clean, and then looked at Gu Chunzhu's red and bright face, and finally Gu Chunzhu murmured to bring him back to reality.

Then he quickly wiped Gu Chunzhu's hands and feet, which made Gu Chunzhu sleep peacefully in the quilt. Su Wangqin admired Gu Chunzhu's beautiful sleeping face for a while, and then went out to give the sewage to the maid who was guarding the door. He went to take a quick shower before going back to sleep and hold Gu Chunzhu together.

The Sanya incident also triggered a lot of follow-up time. For example, the general palace was quiet for a long time. An An was reluctant to go out to find little friends to play with. Old Lady Su began to read Buddha, not because her body did not allow her She doesn’t even want to eat meat for fasting. Gu Chunzhu has no way to do this, after all, she is not in a good mood.

In addition, the most shocked is probably Peony. After she went back, she could not eat for a few days. Ling Xiao has also coaxed her patiently, and will try to compress her office hours to accompany Peony. So a few days later, Peony began to be willing to eat, and then he still took Ling Xiao to do some creative movements.

Although Ling Xiao has a little bit of benefit from it, he also clearly felt Li Mudan's lack of heart and strong purpose. Ling Xiao had to think that Peony wouldn't really coax her into her heart. She really wanted to get pregnant quickly and let Sanya be reborn in her stomach?

As long as I think about it, Ling Xiao is even more distressed about peony. I also want to find a day to talk to Gu Chunzhu about this issue. I hope Gu Chunzhu can enlighten me.

It took a few months in the blink of an eye. On the surface, calmness gradually returned, and An An went out to find partners more and more frequently. Mrs. Su gave life to eating Zhai Nian Buddha and made the whole person's state sublimated. Similar. As for the peony, it gradually became more peaceful, although occasionally, Wang Yuan looked away from his eyes and looked at who was obviously missing.

Ling Xiao, who had always wanted to chat with Gu Chunzhu, finally found a time to find Gu Chunzhu, and finally dragged Peony to propose that he wanted to find Gu Chunzhu to freely spend a day to accompany Peony to the General's Mansion. Ling Xiao guessed that although Peony's mental state has improved a lot recently, wouldn't she look for Gu Chunzhu just to get pregnant?

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