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The open space in the middle of the garden is a circle, and the distribution of the plants planted in the square is also a circle to surround the middle open space, and in the middle of each place are two plants forming the shape of a yin and yang fish. Gu Chunzhu guessed that the people who designed this yard really liked Tai Chi.

Gu Chunzhu blew the wind upstairs for a while, admiring the style of the small courtyard, and was found by Su Wangqin who came to inform her that she was about to have dinner. Su Wangqin was not prepared to go up. He looked up and admired Gu Chunzhu's beautiful face with a light smile for a while, and then began to call her, "Mrs. is actually hiding here. It really makes it easy for the husband to find it."

"Brother Wang, would you like to come up and see?" Gu Chunzhu said, looking down at Su Wangqin and waving at him excitedly.

"I won't go up, I was here to inform you of the meal, but don't bother us to play and forget to go back, it would be troublesome." Su Wangqin vaguely ridiculed Gu Chunzhu because of the play and went to no shadow to find No one.

Gu Chunzhu didn't mind Su Wangqin's ridicule, he responded cleanly and ran downstairs. Su Wangqin was naturally a little nervous watching this scene, and then dared to go to the stairs to meet Gu Chunzhu. Gu Chunzhu turned around and saw Su Wangqin standing downstairs waiting for him. She saw this scene a little bit hot, and then she spread a brighter smile over the tear.

Su Wangqin then stretched out his hand and steadily caught Gu Chunzhu, who suddenly threw it, frowning slightly and said reproachfully, "Don't play again next time when it's so dangerous, in case I don't stand still or catch you It's miserable."

Gu Chunzhu actually just suddenly felt that she liked Su Wangqin in particular, and wanted to pretend to be a little pretend to learn the little young ones she had seen before. So, after getting the scolding from Su Wangqin, she spit out her tongue cutely, and she usually put her hands together in front of her mouth and looked up. "I know it's wrong. I promise you will not forgive me next time. Hope you forgive me."

Su Wangqin seemed to be shot with an arrow in his heart so soft and cute that Gu Chunzhu could agree with anything he said, not to mention such a small thing. So he bowed his head and dropped a soft kiss on Gu Chunzhu's forehead, compromising, "How come I don't forgive my wife, let's go, let's go to dinner."

When the two went back, the others had already arranged everything. Because they are all acquaintances, there is no intention to divide them into two tables for men and women. Everyone squeezed together to eat at a table. Gu Chunzhu hasn't been so lively with old friends for a long time. When she was in the row, she directly dumped Xiao Ling to Su Wangqin, only with the Yingying sticking to her.

Gu Chunzhu squeezed Ying Fu with his sister-in-law and Luo Xinlan, while Su Wangqin sat opposite the "distant" table and looked at Gu Chunzhu dimly. Gu Chunzhu was so happy that he ignored Su Wangqin's grievances and talked to Fu's sister-in-law.

Although not as exquisite as Gu Chunzhu's cuisine, this table of hometown dishes made by many people, mainly contributed by Bai's and Fu's sister-in-law, is also unique. Gu Chunzhu is also very happy to eat. For example, a vegetable soup made with many vegetables like the stew in the Northeast is not bad, and Gu Chunzhu can't figure out how they made it.

Everyone had a wonderful banquet together. Gu Chunzhu, who did not help in cooking, actively offered to clean up the table and wash dishes after the end. Under her reasonable efforts, she was also agreed by others Too. Finally, she went to wash dishes with Fu's sister-in-law and Bai Shi, and Luo Xinlan's mother and daughter stayed to clean up.

However, when Gu Chunzhu had just washed them halfway, An An rushed to find her, smiling gossipingly and wanted to share a wonderful news with Gu Chunzhu, "Do you know what I just saw?"

Gu Chunzhu was busy washing dishes at this time, and naturally he didn't feel much. He just said flatly, "Oh, what did you see?"

Such a cold reaction was a bit like splashing cold water for An An, an excited person. Her emotions all fell down a bit, but it was just enough to maintain her excitement. "I just saw my cousin being a girl. Called out! At that time, the girl came to find my cousin or the door I opened!"

Gu Chunzhu, who was hooked by this thing, held his hand and turned his head to look at An An. "What kind of girl do you see? Do you know where they went after they left?"

"That girl is as big as me. It's cute. The fat and cheeky cheeks make my hands tickle. I dare not stretch my hands to make me prone to surplus small cheeks. If I can know this girl, I can approach her. Started. As for where they went, I saw them go to the backyard."

Listening to An An, Gu Chunzhu only felt full of black lines. If the girl knew An An’s thoughts, she was afraid how far she would hide, but this description of An An reminded Gu Chun Zhu not only that he had only one side before eating. Dong Xiaocao's fate, could it be that she came to Xiaohu this time?

Gu Chunzhu also wanted to see it in person to verify it, but she still hesitated about the fact that there were dishes to be washed.

"Sister-in-law, I want to walk away for a while, please don't help me wash my dishes, I will continue to wash when I come back." Gu Chunzhu's brain turns so fast that she really came up with a solution. And she was also afraid that Fusister-in-law and Bai's would not listen to her. She emphasized these words again and again, watching Fu-sister-in-law and Bai's nodded seriously before wiping her hands away with An An.

An An led Gu Chunzhu to the backyard quickly, and just as Gu Xiaohu and the girl were standing by the wall, the two of them secretly looked into the low courtyard wall. Gu Chunzhu also recognized at a glance that the girl was really Dong Xiaocao.

When the two came, they had talked a lot, and they happened to meet Dong Xiaocao after giving a lot of words of gratitude, and gave the gift out. That was the warm cookie she made by herself. In fact, selling firewood only barely maintain her life, but she still try to squeeze enough sugar to make Gu Xiaohu sweet.

The sweet pastry was also made with very simple and thick noodles, naturally it was not comparable to the exquisite and ingenious pastries eaten in the General Mansion, but Gu Xiaohu didn't show even the slightest expression. He knew the situation of Dong Xiaocao's family and naturally knew how extravagant sugar was for this family. The first reaction was to refuse.

However, although Dong Xiaocao looked at Sweet but life let her grow up early, she is not a silly white sweet, clear eyes but tough. In the end, Gu Xiaohu defeated and accepted her gift.

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