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Two hairy heads on the wall lay quietly on top of each other, and there were two people standing opposite each other and talking. The two on the head of the wall stared curiously at the people below, struggling to pierce their ears to hear the conversation between the two under the wall.

Gu Xiaohu was unable to persuade the persistent Dong Xiaocao, so he had no choice but to say the gift and asked, "Did you have lunch? Why didn't you come to me early? Today my housewarming new house is hosting a banquet to entertain guests."

"You are all benefactors, how can I come to rub you this meal, and I haven't given it as a gift yet." Dong Xiaocao was outspoken about his family's suffering, and it was a girl with a good attitude. Gu Chunzhu looked at Dong Xiaocao before and thought she was a little girl who knew nothing about the world. Now she sees that this little girl is actually suppressed by life but still maintains her optimistic temperament.

"Okay, thank you for your gift. Should I take you back?"

"No need, goodbye." Dong Xiaocao turned around and left happily, Gu Chunzhu was a little disappointed. Didn't the two have any ambiguity?

Without gossip, he could continue to pick up, and Gu Chunzhu and An An clapped their hands and left the wall, but they just collided with Dong Xiaocao who was leaving. Because I was just peeking next to me, and now I can't prevent myself from hitting the righteous leader. Gu Chunzhu and An An are still a little embarrassed. The first reaction is to turn around and pretend that I haven't seen them and continue to flee the scene.

But Dong Xiaocao took the initiative to say hello to Gu Chunzhu after she discovered it. Of course, she had no doubts about why Gu Chunzhu appeared here. "This lady is really destined. We have met again. You are out here again. Garden?"

Gu Chunzhu was inexplicably a little nervous when he was called, but Dong Xiaocao did not find that she had found a suitable reason for her. Her heart was completely put down, and she turned around and smiled naturally at Dong Xiaocao, "Little You didn’t come to the yard again, but what are you doing this time?"

"I came here to give Xiaohu food, and speaking of it, I really have to learn some of you, Mrs. General. If you tell me Xiaohu's preferences, I really don't know how to give back to others." said Dong Xiaocao He ran outside the door and asked Gu Chunzhu to wait for her.

Gu Chunzhu nodded and agreed to wait until Dong Xiaocao ran away, then An An asked Gu Chunzhu how she knew the girl curiously. Gu Chunzhu shared what happened before to An An. An An’s first reaction turned out to be such a good girl. Xiao Hu should be married to be the daughter-in-law, but recalled the expression of the two and thought it was quite unreliable. .

In addition, An An’s first impression of Dong Xiaocao is similar to that of Gu Chunzhu, but now after carefully observing her words and manners, An An really feels that it is necessary to judge people by appearance, and she also shared her views with Gu Chunzhu, "Mother, I am now I feel a little bit like Dong Xiaocao's temperament is similar to what you used to be, and also full of resilience."

This also caused the two people to begin to recall the past life, lamenting Dong Xiaocao's experience, and still not talking about Dong Xiaocao, holding a large bundle of things in his hand and appearing in sight.

"Mother, I think Dong Xiaocao's arms are like...firewood?"

"That should be it. After all, their family is chopping wood and selling wood for a living. Could it be that they would thank me with firewood?"

The two simply guessed a few words. Dong Xiaocao had already carried the pile of things to the front. It was really a bundle of firewood. Gu Chunzhu was a little crying and laughing. This thing was difficult to bring back. It was really difficult for such a young girl. Here comes this bundle of firewood.

As Gu Chunzhu expected, Dong Xiaocao really gave her the bundle of firewood as a gift, but Dong Xiaocao was apologetic but not embarrassed. He generously said, "Madam, my family does not have any valuable goodies. I can only send you a bundle of firewood, but if you want, I can send firewood to the general house for free in the future."

"What's your father's situation now? You don't need to send firewood. When you need money now, I'm taking advantage of a big bundle of firewood." Gu Chunzhu quickly quit and raised Dong's injury. Come to persuade Dong Xiaocao.

Speaking of Dong Dong's injury, Dong Xiaocao's emotions have obviously changed, and there are deep worries in his eyes, because Dong Dong's situation is indeed worrying. Although he was lucky to meet Gu Xiaohu and took him out of the mountain forest, it was because the mountain was too far away from the pharmacy. After all, it was a lot of time. The doctor said that his leg needs rest for at least two months for complete recovery.

It is said that a hundred days of injury and bone injury, not to mention that Dong's injury is still a bit serious, so regardless of whether it is medicine or tonic bone soup, etc., you need a large amount of silver to eat support. Father Dong is the mainstay of their lives. Now that he falls, it means they have lost their source of survival.

The firewood saved by the family's father in the past probably won't be able to buy a few dollars, and the necessary expenses for the present are really a lot of money. After buying, even if Dong Xiaocao can barely pick up some firewood at the foot of the mountain, or occasionally the weather is good to gritt his teeth and enter the mid-mountainside to pick up firewood, he can still have a large bundle for two or three days.

But this large bundle of firewood can sell a few more money, probably enough for the father and daughter to barely maintain their lives.

The difficulties I faced passed through my mind quickly, but Dong Xiaocao did not intend to ask the wife of the extremely high and rich general in front of her, so she reluctantly replied with a smile, "Thank you for your concern, the doctor said My dad had just raised it for three months. The wife who gave the firewood refused to ask me if she refused me, but you can tell me if you need me."

Gu Chunzhu understands that Dong Xiaocao is not willing to trouble others, but she also understands that even if Dong father can get well soon, the family has lost the possibility of making money, so she actively said to Dong Xiaocao, "In fact, if you still have firewood or you If you can get firewood, even if you go to Daya and Daya to find a man named Aunt Miao, she will take the firewood you brought, and it will cost you two more papers than a bundle sold at the market."

"Ma'am, I really appreciate your kindness, but it's too much trouble for you, does it really have no effect?" Dong Xiaocao was very grateful for Gu Chunzhu's kindness, but he didn't want to ask him hesitantly because he caused trouble for Gu Chunzhu. .

"Do you know where it is?"

"I know, it is a super fire restaurant."

"So, this restaurant is cooking a lot of days, but it takes a lot of firewood. The firewood you sent us can definitely be eaten!" Gu Chunzhu said to Dong Xiaocao with confidence and pride. It was a complete dismissal of her doubts.

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