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"Then you sit here for a while, and I will speak to Aunt Miao immediately."

"thank you."

Dong Xiaocao slowly sat down on the clean and bright chair, and continued to look around the whole big and elegant lobby, his eyes were amazed and praised. Ms. Miao sat in front of her and she didn't find it, but Ms. Miao didn't bother her. Aunt Miao has put a lot of affection for this restaurant, and she is always proud and happy whenever she sees someone who likes big and elegant.

After I came back, I found that there was one more person beside me. Dong Xiaocao took a deep breath with his beating heart and recovered a few times before calming down. "Are you Ms. Miao? I am here to ask if you need it. Chai's."

"Well, your affairs Mrs. General have explained to me. I can collect as much firewood as you like. The price is two words higher than the market price as stated by Mrs. General." Ms. Miao because of Dong Xiaocao's courtesy and Mrs. General She took care of this matter directly, but thought that Dong Xiaocao could sell but her father's previous accumulation.

"Mr. Miao, I still want to ask if I can be a stable and stable supplier. I have discussed with many of the wood-cutting masters in my village. They will provide me with enough firewood. I just don’t know. Can I qualify for this opportunity, and how much firewood do Dadai Daya need every day, I have a good plan." Dong Xiaocao saw that Ms. Miao was as refreshing as Gu Chunzhu, and she directly told Ms. Miao what she wanted.

In the past, there were some people who supplied firewood, but they were scattered, but sometimes there was also a danger of lack. Miao Miao thought about it and thought that this time would be an opportunity. With Dong Xiaocao's fixed supply, if there is a good business day and more firewood is needed, it can still be purchased on the market, and the possibility of lack of firewood is much less.

"Then I will say it first. We need at least two trucks of firewood. I don't know if you can get enough firewood?" Ms. Miao told Dong Xiaocao about the usual purchase amount. Dong Xiaocao estimated it, almost It can be put together, that is, the transportation is very troublesome and she does not have enough funds now, she also told Ms. Miao this problem.

Ms. Miao thought that Dasu and Daya usually have purchased cars. In the afternoon, the car was free. She agreed with Dong Xiaocao to send a car to Daxu and Daya, and she also had to hire a car, and then every afternoon Go to her on time to get matches. Then Ms. Miao first settled the money for tomorrow's firewood, but this time is a special case, and she will still deliver the money in one hand.

"Yes, that's it." Dong Xiaocao informed Ms. Miao of her home address, and agreed to come to her tomorrow to transport firewood.

Before Dong Xiaocao could not have expected that this matter would be so easy, he would have to urgently discuss with those uncles and uncles. The hoard of firewood in his home can fill up half of the car, so the remaining car has to be helped by the uncles and uncles.

Fortunately, these wood-cutting people still have some hoarding goods, enough for Dong Xiaocao to gather enough firewood for two cars, and the rest is waiting for the village head to rent a oxcart the next day to help the vulgar and elegant. .

"Your little head is clever enough, and you will do it well in the future." Gu Chunzhu himself started as a business. He is very appreciative of this kind of business savvy and is more satisfied with Dong Xiaocao. Upstairs. I was not impressed with Dong Xiaocao before, but now I feel that Gu Xiaohu and Dong Xiaocao are really good.

"I think you came so early, you shouldn't have eaten yet. I'll ask the maid to send some snacks for you to pad your stomach first." When Gu Chunzhu was recruited, he would let the maid beside him take it, completely disregarding Dong Xiaocao's resignation.

When Dong Xiaocao saw that things had come to an end, he had no choice but to pull out a handful of grass nests from the basket placed beside his chair. Gu Chunzhu looked at the grass nest that Dong Xiaocao held in front of himself curiously. It turned out that there were some small bird eggs with more than twenty in it. It seemed to be directly connected to the nest, and I didn’t know what it was. bird.

"Mrs. General, our family is poor, and there is nothing precious to give you, so only this is to express my gratitude with a gift from Dashan. Don't disdain me, I tried it deliciously, whether it is roasted or boiled in white water "The nest egg was discovered by Dong Xiaocao when he followed Dong Dong to the mountain. At that time, Dong Dongcao did not allow her to climb the mountain.

Later, Dong Xiaocao wanted to go up the mountain to get the bird's eggs down to fill his body. Before the bird's nest was dug, Gu Chunzhu introduced her the way of selling firewood. Dong Xiaocao thought to give Gu Chunzhu the taste of the game in this mountain.

The two then chatted about the scenery and things in the mountains, but they didn't find that the maid had put the cake on the table. However, Dong Xiaocao still glanced at those exquisite and small pastries, which looked very beautiful. It was different from the pastries she made before. She also decided that she should never take advantage of the general’s wife. Eat These exquisite snacks.

She was a little distracted. Gu Xiaohu had lived in the General Palace before and must have been used to these delicious pastries. Last time I gave him such a rough cake, I was afraid that he wouldn’t get used to it, and I didn’t know if it changed hands and threw it away.

"Xiao Cao, Xiao Cao, what's the matter with you?" Gu Chunzhu also found Dong Xiaocao's distraction, and after screaming a few times, he couldn't wake Dong Xiaocao, so he stepped forward and gently pushed her twice.

"Ah? Sorry, Mrs. General, I was probably a little tired last night and accidentally lost my mind. I'm really sorry." Dong Xiaocao also knew that it was extremely impolite for him to be distracted when others were talking, so he stood up suddenly Quite guilty and bowed to Gu Chunzhu to apologize.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, you can take these pastries back, and then take a rest early, don't put yourself down, it's too much to lose." Gu Chunzhu held Dong Xiaocao friendly, and then ordered her to take the pastries They were packed up, because there was no oil paper for packaging in the house, and they used a food box directly to Dong Xiaocao.

Dong Xiaocao's first response to Gu Chunzhu's kindness was to refuse. However, Gu Chunzhuhu stressed that he was giving it to Dong Dong for a taste, and also condolences to the injured Dong Dong. Dong Xiaocao didn't even talk about Gu Chunzhu in the end, and came home with a basket of pastries in a trance.

After knowing Gu Chunzhu's concern and care for his family, Dong Dong repeatedly instructed Dong Xiaocao to do a good job of delivering firewood to Dasu Daya. Later, if he found something good in the mountain, he would also like to want the general's government immediately. These small gifts were sent to Gu Chunzhu. This also coincides with Dong Xiaocao's thoughts, really deserves to be a father and daughter, are all the same kind of gratitude.

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