Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

Dong Xiaocao had just left the front foot, and Shangshan came to Gu Chunzhu in the back, because she recently had a hard time knowing how to arrange for Hu Fei to eat. In addition to being delicious, Hu Fei is also new, so every time she asks Shangshan to have a few dishes that have not appeared before, so she quickly hollowed out her "family", and now when she mentions cooking, she is One head and two big.

For every meal recently, Shangshan had to empty his mind and scratch his scalp to arrange a table that Hu Fei was only slightly satisfied with. So when this lunch was about to come, she hurried to Gu Chunzhu for help, and she had no time to sort out her bun that was torn by herself.

Gu Chunzhu saw a good hen with a chicken coop on his face, crying without tears, and wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to hurt Shangshan's heart. After all, looking at her now is already miserable enough, and you can't laugh at her under the ground. She coughed twice to suppress the laughter that had flown into her throat, and asked with care, "What kind of big problem are you doing, Shangshan?"

"I have been facing Hu Fei's problems one after another, and none of them have been properly resolved." Shang Shan sat down next to Gu Chunzhu and smiled bitterly, and then told her the latest troubles," It’s not Hu Fei’s picky mouth. I still admire myself for being able to hold on for so long.

"Do you feel tired and want to give up?" Gu Chunzhu knew that Hu Fei was arrogant and let Shangshan keep chasing him to run is a dangerous thing. People who insisted on it would also give up because they couldn't see hope, so she Carefully tentatively asked about Shangshan's attitude.

"I don't. I have to do it for such a powerful thing. I don't believe I can't heat up his hard stone to eat it." Shangshan sat upright and shook his head decisively, and burned again. Gu Chunzhu is a bit skeptical that she likes Hu Fei now, or if she simply refuses to accept the defeat and simply competes with Hu Fei.

Before Shangshan came in, she was not energetic and went straight to the seat beside Gu Chunzhu. Now she rekindled her fighting spirit, and she found a nest of eggs on the table as she sat upright. And with her many years of experience in the mountains, this is definitely the egg of wild birds in the mountains. Then her eyes light up suddenly. Isn't this just the best fresh ingredients?

"Mrs. General, can you give me this nest of eggs?" Shang Shan asked expectantly. His shiny eyes continued to stare at the nest of eggs, and he couldn't bear to look away.

Gu Chunzhu thought of Dong Dong’s injury, his eyes turned, and you said wanderingly, "Do you know how this nest of eggs came from? Do you know how to make this nest of eggs best to eat? ?"

"I don't know." Shangshan found out that he would only make eggs simply, afraid that Hu Fei would not be satisfied in the same way. After a little disappointment, he looked at Gu Chunzhu expectantly, "So Mrs. General Can you teach me?"

"This can be okay, but you must promise me a condition."

Before Gu Chunzhu finished speaking, Shangshan excitedly interrupted her, "Don't say one condition, and I will promise you another one, so let's go to the kitchen now? Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up for a while."

Gu Chunzhu calmly pulled the impetuous Shangshan, "Don't worry, let me finish the story behind this bird egg first. When you came in, you should have met a little girl who just went out?" Shangshan nodded.

"This bird egg is the gift she gave me, because her father had cut the wood and hurt his foot before, unfortunately, the family broke the source of life and had to pay her father's medicine, and I helped her solve her current dilemma. So should you want this nest of eggs to help this poor little girl?"

"That's the reason." Shang Shan nodded without thinking, agreeing with Gu Chunzhu's statement, and really thinking about how he could help her.

Without waiting for Shangshan to come up with a way out, Gu Chunzhu already told Shangshan about his condition, "So you go to her home in the afternoon to quietly help her father heal the foot injury, and the eggs will not be taught until you have solved it. do."

"Why don't I have to think of another table for Hu Fei to eat at noon? This is a big embarrassment for me!" Shang Shan looked at Gu Chunzhu pitifully, and waved his hand.

"Okay, I will teach you some new dishes at noon, which should be the deposit paid to you first."

"Great wife of the general!"

Gu Chunzhu took Shangshan to the kitchen and saw it first. It was still some common ingredients, but only a few fresh fish were kept lively in the water basin. Probably it was also sent from Zhuangzi. The cook also confirmed this conjecture and said that it was prepared for the evening.

Anyway, Hu Fei couldn't eat much, and Gu Chunzhu came out and wanted to teach good cooking sauerkraut. Shangshan stared at the fish for a few moments and suddenly said, "Will this fish get me at night, we will learn something else at noon?"

"Why, do you have any happy events to celebrate?" Gu Chunzhu had already squatted down and was preparing to catch fish. As a result, he heard such a sentence. Intuitively, there was definitely a greasy one in it. .

"It's nothing, let's talk about it again in the afternoon." Shang Shan smiled awkwardly, Gu Chunzhu reluctantly agreed to her with a lot of doubts, then stood up and let go of his sleeve and gently put it on the sleeve Folds smoothed.

Gu Chunzhu thought about walking around in front of the ingredients, and finally thought of some special dishes. After asking Shangshan and confirming that she had not learned before, she began to teach, and she made a copy and Shangshan made one. Copies. Of course, Gu Chunzhu did it for themselves, and only the good ones were shared with Hu Fei.

Shang Shanxi smiled and took his own dish, then Gu Chunzhu ordered the kitchen lady to watch a few more dishes, and went back to prepare the meal, and also accompanied Yingying and Xiaoling for a while.

"Mother, you see this is the big word I wrote today." Gu Chunzhu was found by Yingying just after he arrived. Yingying held a piece of rice paper high and ran in front of Gu Chunzhu. He said "beginning" in a dazzling expression on his face.

Gu Chunzhu glanced at it. It turned out that the two children had begun to copy the large characters, the material was "Thousand Characters", and the font was also the standard block letters used in the official documents of Min Dynasty. Yingying has just started to learn. Although the structure ratio is not right, it is already great to write it. Of course, Gu Chunzhu exaggerated Yingying, and did not pull Xiao Ling down.

When the praised Xiao Ling blushed, he still had to learn from his brother Xiaocheng, suppress the happy and excited heart, and nodded calmly, "Thank you for your praise, I will do better in the future."

"Me too, me too!" Yingying reluctantly responded with a loud voice.

Gu Chunzhu smiled happily, looking at his pair of well-behaved children, only feeling that his heart was warmed.

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