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Chapter 104

To say that the four treasures of the study set can only be regarded as inferior in today's auction, but it can be auctioned near the middle position is also the blessing of the Tuoqiu examination.

Yuan Qing also learned the cost of Gu Chunzhu anyway, knowing to keep up with the needs of people's hearts in response to current events, so this set of exquisite and impeccable four treasures of the study was so raised.

"Look at this rice paper, which still has bamboo leaves on it, but the paper is still smooth and soft. Look at the other pens, inks, and inkstones, which are also engraved with bamboo, which means that the high rise and fall also symbolize the attitude of humility and void. The starting price is 800. Eighty-two, each time the price increase should not be less than twelve, start now."

The host's voice has just fallen, and even such a high starting price can't stop the people below from bidding with bids. Wei Xingzhi looked at An Anyue's appearance and tried to ask her if she wanted it. An An simply said that he wanted to give it to Xiaocheng, and wish him success in this exam.

Xuanyuan Rong, who was closely watching An An, also caught her words from the noisy environment. Immediately grasping the sign in her hand, she waited for An An to raise the card so that she could raise the price. Xuanyuan Rong didn't wait long, when the players slowly slowed down the frequency of the cards, and the bid price was also added to 1,820 silver, An An raised the price to 2,200 silver in one breath.

While others were still hesitating, Xuanyuan Rong decisively raised the sign, "Two thousand and twelve." Yes, it was so popular, Xuanyuan Rong only raised the price by twelve silver, after all, her main purpose was nausea. An An.

An An also succeeded in making her feel unreasonable because of her unreasonable behavior. She squeezed her fingers. Xuanyuan Rong, since you are so anxious to let me dig you, then I will do what you want. An An immediately raised his card and raised a lot of prices at once, "Two thousand one hundred and two."

The master of ceremonies did not expect that this time the four treasures of a study could shoot double the high price, so excited that the sound was out of shape, "This visitor bids two thousand one hundred and two, is there any higher than her? If not, this set of The four treasures in the study room with the title of Bamboo will be given to this visitor!"

Xuan Yuanrong gritted his teeth and decided to gamble on the dowry money he brought, and gave a sign, "Two thousand and one hundred and twelve."

An An closed his hands directly. Anyway, she felt that Gu Chunzhu, the four treasures of Xiaocheng's study, would definitely be ready. It would be uncomfortable for Xiaocheng to take pictures casually outside. Since Xuanyuanrong wanted to compete with herself so much, let her hold it, and it is not worth it to buy a suite of four treasures at such a high price.

Xuanyuan Rong, who spent all of his money on it, barely counted as a wise man. He didn't argue with An'an for the next few times, but An'an also tried to pat it and didn't feel at ease to buy it.

Until a set of jewelry made by the former emperor to his beloved princess appeared, Xuanyuan Rong and An'an again met them.

On the stage, the master of ceremonies began to introduce this set of jewelry with a good meaning, "This set of jewelry was hand-carved by the emperor of the previous dynasty. It lasted for two years. All the patterns are most appreciated by his favorite concubine. See With the gold hairpin, the phoenix is ​​vivid and the feathers are distinct. The emperor gave an exception to the treatment of a queen concubine."

After introducing the shape and pattern of the jewelry and so on, the master of ceremonies also told the story of raising this set of jewelry to a new level. It was the love and hatred between the emperor and his beloved concubine. The emperor always wanted to make the love princess the queen, but many forces acted as a hindrance. Finally, the love princess could only become a concubine, and the daughter-in-law of the prime minister became the queen.

However, the emperor had never been lucky to marry the queen. Such a treatment, the queen would definitely not want to end up with huge resentment, and hated the queen and the queen together. Later, the queen killed the concubine with a poison meter. It is said that the consort's blood stained the jewelry she was wearing at the time, and finally all the gemstones on the jewelry became blood red.

The angry emperor soon executed the queen and did not enter the harem for the rest of his life. During the rest of his life, he often saw people thinking about the set of jewelry and wrote many poems to miss the concubine.

The jewels on the jewelry were later called rubies, symbolizing the loyal love between the emperor and the concubine. Although it seems unlucky for the concubine to die, the emperor's feelings for the concubine are still very touching, so a small flaw is more acceptable.

After hearing the story, Wei Xingzhi thought about it, and he must take this set of jewelry and give it to An An, so that An An can understand her unfailing intentions for her!

After the auction started, the prices rose all the way, and Wei Xingzhi also made several large price increases, but failed to block the enthusiasm of some rich businessmen or expensive people. With Wei Xingzhi's persistent and unrelenting price increases, other people finally retreated. Just when Wei Xingzhi rejoiced that he could take this set of jewelry, Xuanyuan Rong jumped out.

There is no other nonsense, Xuanyuanrong has been raising prices, and Wei Xingzhi has also kept pace with price increases, but both of them are slowly grinding, but the price still climbs to more than twice the value.

Wei Xingzhi stood up anxiously, holding a sign holding Xuanyuan Rong and holding it up again, gritting his teeth and saying a polite expression, "Rong County Lord is really good at it, I don't know who will pay for you this time, you really Did you pay so much money?"

"The master of this county does not bother Wei Xiaogong. You should worry about your money bag first." Xuanyuan Rong snorted Wei Xingzhi's hand coldly and decisively increased the price by another twelve.

They were so anxious that the people next to them were anxious, wasting so much time and letting them not see the next lot. One of the rich-tempered and impatient wealth merchants couldn’t stand it anymore. After Xuanyuan Rong, he also slashed the price once, “Are you sure you want to grab it? There’s no ambition to increase the price by ten or twenty-two. One hundred two."

Wei Xingzhi bowed his hand, relaxed his smile, and smiled, "You said yes, so I will increase the price by one hundred or two." Then Wei Xingzhi raised his eyebrows at Xuanyuan Rong, instructing her to add it quickly, otherwise the jewelry would fall into his In hand.

This battle, which was picked up unilaterally by Xuanyuanrong, has reached such a point that Xuanyuanrong can't bear it anymore. Unlike Wei Xingzhi, there is the whole government and some big and elegant income behind her. The silver two are mainly the dowry and the monthly money of Chifu, not to mention that the monthly money is still suspended.

Xuan Yuanrong, who was out of money, felt reluctant to retreat, but her impulsive and irritable personality was destined to not raise her white flag so easily to Wei Xingzhi, so things had a new development in Wei Xingzhi's few words.

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