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When Wei Xingzhi provoked An An, he pulled his sleeve, and Wei Xingzhi immediately changed from being proud to a dog-legged pleasing expression, and gathered in front of An An and asked, "An An, what are you going to tell me? I tell you, this piece of jewelry finally It must be mine."

"I want to say that if someone else bids, don't buy it. It's not worth spending so much money." An An has been relatively calm so far, and it is extremely difficult. You need to know that the increase in the auction price is just a number. In this case, the price increase is nothing more than a number, and it is easy to make people's minds lose their minds. For example, Xuanyuanrong is a typical example.

Miss Wei and A Yinuo also persuaded An Xing to persuade Wei Xingzhi to give up, the current price is really too noisy, it is not worth it at all. However, Wei Xingzhi didn't mean to go toward the jewelry itself. For the good meaning, he felt that he couldn't spend too much money, but he didn't confess before sending out the jewelry. He could only find another excuse to convince other people.

"I know that you are worried that my money is not enough, but you can rest assured that I am backed by a big and elegant person. You don’t know how much big and big money you make, I don’t know how many dividends I can count every month, even if I buy it again I have more than two sets of jewelry." Wei Xingzhi directly showed off his wealth to show that he didn't care about the price.

By the way, he glanced at the Xuanyuan Rong who was still in front of him holding the sign "Fighting", and sneered sarcastically, "I am not like some people who look bright and beautiful, but in fact they are a poor ghost. I want to grab with others. Things, but no one else has much money."

Facing Wei Xingzhi's provocation, Xuanyuan Rong expressed his determination with his own actions, and directly added another hundred or two. She was particularly naive, although she did not have enough money, but since Wei Xingzhi tried to buy this set of jewelry, then she tried to raise the price so that Wei Xingzhi made a **** blood, so that they also realized that she spent a lot of money to buy Something painful.

With such frequent malicious price increases in the past, Gu Chunzhu ran out as soon as possible. It seems that they did not suffer from Gu Anzhu several times before, but this time the situation was very different. Seeing that Wei Xingzhi didn't want to hang Xuanyuanrong but wanted the jewelry with peace of mind, she found Yuan Qing and told him to tear off the lot.

"But there is no reasonable reason for them to be unconvinced." Yuan Qing frowned and did not agree.

Gu Chunzhu was particularly relaxed. Since he came to the auction house, he must abide by the rules of the auction house, and this rule is not what he said. She smiled softly, "Don't be so nervous, I don't think they are bidding now, they are just betting, is this behavior not a malicious bid?"

Later, more detailed details were arranged, for example, it must be stuck when Xuanyuanrong bids to announce the withdrawal of the lot. The MC also meticulously implemented Gu Chunzhu’s arrangement and stuck a small mallet behind Xuanyuanrong’s bid. “Because the auction time is too long, follow-up bidders are suspected of malicious bidding and this auction is cancelled.”

"Why do you do this!" Seeing that this time we must be able to pit Wei Xingzhi fiercely, Xuanyuanrong must not be willing to lose his chance for such a plain reason, shouting even more powerfully than Wei Xingzhi.

Wei Xingzhi was still very unhappy, meaning that such a good thing he gave to An Anke as a gift was the best place to go, why not sell it. But when he heard that Xuanyuanrong was still not happy, he was happy instead. The enemy's unhappiness is his own pleasure. He smiled and sat down and waved on the stage. "Come on the stage to continue the next item auction. I'm still waiting for good things."

The master of ceremonies smiled and nodded to Wei Xingzhi before continuing to smile at Xuanyuanrong in a false manner, but did not relax at all because of her lordship status, "If you can take out the full amount of cash immediately, this guest , This set of jewelry will be owned by you. But if you can’t, you are invited to sit down and participate in the next auction."

The smile on the stage floated on the surface, and the behavior of the guards on the stage was more direct. All turned round and stared at Xuanyuan Rong, as if she would move forward and control her in unison. Facing the intimidation of words and deeds, and the emptyness of his pockets, Xuanyuan Rong couldn't tell a word from eating a fly, and was unable to jump on his feet anymore.

Order was restored on the spot and the auction continued on stage. Wei Xingzhi laughed at Xuanyuanrong for a while before he put his smile away, and then he leaned over to An An and said, "I originally wanted to give you the jewelry, but I can see her joke and I will be satisfied. Wait a while. There must be something better, I will buy it for you."

An An did not expect Wei Xingzhi to be so obsessed with the last lot for himself, and looked at Wei Xingzhi in surprise, "So you and Xuanyuan Rong have been robbing for me? You said you are stupid, am I missing the jewelry?" , It’s not worth spending so much money. Don’t think I’m very touched because you pay a high price, I just think you’re stupid.”

The words are very terrific, but An An's ears are still quietly stained with crimson color, and Wei Xingzhi has not noticed this detail by accident. He thought that since An An did not want to spend more money on himself, he would listen to her in the future.

Thinking about him, he began to diverge. In the future, when two people are together, his own money is An'an's money. Now he should save himself and let An'an have more money in his hand. Wei Xingzhi even thought of two children born all the way, and when the child had another child, there was a silly smile on his face.

An An felt puzzled by Wei Xingzhi's sudden smirk, but she also successfully transferred a trace of her shyness. She patted Wei Xingzhi. Wei Xingzhi still did not recover from her dream. She had to continue to pay attention to the auction on stage.

The thing in this auction is an organ map of the hand crossbow. The master of ceremonies said that the auction house also built it and tried it out. The brief introduction of the building process was clear. The power of the whole hand crossbow was also extremely shocking. There are hundreds of hits.

Ayinuo looked at the chart on the stage without blinking, and muttered to himself, "If I could get such a delicate object, why would I suffer from the constant invasion of the surrounding tribes! Going back can definitely wipe out the surrounding barbarian tribes in one fell swoop! "

Although An An didn’t understand too much, it can be deduced from the occasional words of Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu. A Yinuo wanted to take a picture of this organ, it was not easy.

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