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Xiaocheng soon took Da Zhuang and Jin Han to leave the General Mansion, and did not return until after dinner. Gu Chunzhu also wanted Wang Kun to go out to investigate Xiaocheng's news, but was blocked by Su Wangqin.

"Xiaocheng has grown up and has his own measure, no need to worry." Su Wangqin looked at Gu Chunzhu with determination and perseverance. Gu Chunzhu also gradually compromised under Su Wangqin's insistence. But she still insisted on waiting in the flower hall, hoping to see Xiaocheng's return as soon as possible, and Su Wangqin was of course with her.

The sun had sunk completely to the west, and the sky grew darker, but Xiaocheng still did not return. Gu Chunzhu rose again to look for the role, and was once again pulled by Su Wangqin. Su Wangqin held Gu Chunzhu tightly in his arms and obeyed her long hair at once, "Children have to learn to fly alone when they grow up, we fathers and mothers will be patient at home, okay?"

Su Wangqin gave a soft kiss on Gu Chunzhu's hair. Gu Chunzhu also knew that Xiaocheng had already learned to fly or even preyed eagle, and had soared high in the sky.

But the old saying is very good, and the mother is worried for a long time. This deep maternal love will not fade because the child grows up and is separated from the protection of his parents.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed first. Xiaocheng will return to Wang's housekeeper and tell Mother Liu to tell you later, okay?" Su Wangqin continued to gently coax Gu Chunzhu, and the thoughts in Gu Chunzhu's heart were barely suppressed by her. The sensible side returned to Gu Chunzhu again.

Gu Chunzhu pushed Su Wangqin's solid arms away, and he was all joking, "The child will fly alone, and I can already fly alone as an adult, so don't you always use the child's suit to treat me?"

"But I think Mrs. is my baby, and I need to hold it in my arms, and coax it every day, or I can't find a place to reason with Mrs. Madam." Su Wangqin looked at Chun Chunzhu to recover Spirit, following Gu Chunzhu's joke, she leaned into her ear and said in the most charming voice.

Facing Su Wangqin's beauty plan, Gu Chunzhu was still unable to stop him, and he was a little bit soft immediately, but it was still not enough. I don't know what Su Wangqin learned in the barracks all day, saying that these rumors are getting worse day by day.

With such a disparate strength comparison, Gu Chunzhu finally followed Su Wangqin and went back to Anjuyuan to sleep. However, Gu Chunzhu woke up suddenly after not sleeping for a long time, but it was not a nightmare to frighten him, it should be because he still remembered Xiaocheng's situation. Now that he was awake, Gu Chunzhu put on his coat and went outside to find his mother Liu.

Mum Liu just happened to be a vigil tonight. At this time, she was struggling outside, but she kept closing her eyes and lowering her head. Gu Chunzhu gently woken up Ms. Liu, Ms. Liu stood up in shock, and the whole person was awake at once.

"Mother Liu, bother you to see if Xiaocheng is back. Then come back and tell me that you have to go to sleep. I don't need you to stay overnight." Gu Chunzhu also distressed Ms. Liu at such an age, anyway. Su Wangqin accompanied him with a turbulent wind and he knew it. Moreover, Ms. Liu is also old, and the lack of sleep throughout the night is quite harmful to her health.

Mother Liu fought several times and was finally persuaded by Gu Chunzhu. Then she hurried to look at it and found that Xiaocheng had returned to the general's palace to rest. She also met Wang Kun halfway through. Wang Kun said that it was too late when Xiaocheng came back. Xiaocheng was reluctant to disturb Gu Chunzhu's dreams, and specifically asked Wang Kun not to inform Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu was completely at ease after listening to Mother Liu's words. After mother Liu sent Gu Chunzhu back to the room, she also found a maid to watch the vigil, and then she followed Gu Chunzhu and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, Ms. Liu came to Gu Chunzhu to get up and dress up. She waited for Gu Chunzhu to replace her and then went in with her maid carrying warm water. At this time Su Wangqin had already left, and Gu Chunzhu also changed his clothes to wash and dress up. Gu Chunzhu looked at Ms. Liu's energetic spirits, and was slightly surprised, "Mother Liu, you just slept for a little time. Why is your spirit so good?"

"Old slaves are used to getting up so early, and do not feel sleepy when doing things. Besides, when I was sleepy, it was also noon. At that time, due to the kindness of my wife, old slaves had the opportunity to take a break." Mother Liu smiled. He wetted and wrung the veil and handed it to Gu Chunzhu. Gu Chunzhu took Fear and started to wipe his face.

Gu Chunzhu still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by An An, who rushed and roared. Before Gu Chunzhu expressed his dissatisfaction and scolded An An, An An tweeted and said that he didn’t give Gu Chun Zhu a chance to intervene. What come out of the room!"

It’s easy to wait for a time when An An was relieved, Gu Chunzhu quickly said, "An An, look at how you look in such a hurry, there is nothing like everyone's girl show, did you forget everything that Grandma Zheng taught you? I know you I have a better relationship with Yunlan and want to say good things to her, but I still hope to respect his opinion on Xiaocheng's marriage."

An An is anxious now, and he did not clarify the clues, so Gu Chunzhu thought that An An was saying good things to Chu Yunlan. After listening, An An knew that Gu Chunzhu had misunderstood, and found that he didn't make clear the cause and effect, and quickly made up, "No! My maid Mengzhi told me that last night a maid went to Xiaocheng's brother to climb the bed!"

Mercy is the most powerful lady who can dig information around An An, so she learned from Xiaocheng’s vigil **** that Xiaocheng secretly ran into Xiaocheng’s room in the middle of the night and tried to climb the bed. Then he turned around and told An An, and finally An An came to Gu Chunzhu to complain.

"What are you talking about! You will find such things! Are the vigils and patrols all decorated! Why no one stopped the girl!" Gu Chunzhu was furious when he heard the news. The severity of this crawling bed is much more serious than the secret delivery of Qiubo when tea was delivered yesterday, and it has once again exposed the drawbacks of in-house supervision.

When An An heard this, she felt bad. Did Mo Niang want to punish the night watch eunuch? Anyway, he learned that the news was still dug from the man, and An An hurriedly said a few good things for him, "That maid didn't get in! The **** of the vigil found her and stopped her. But it was... finally I don’t know how to hold it, but I just let the person enter the house."

"Okay, your news is a lot of hearsay, I will find relevant people to understand well." Gu Chunzhu smiled coldly.

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