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Gu Chunzhu soon gathered all the relevant personnel in the courtyard of Anjuyuan, mainly Wang Kun and the guards who patrolled last night, as well as the little **** who guarded the night, the little girl Xiaohui who crawled on the bed, and the house with her Maid. And Gu Chunzhu also asked Wang Kun to summon all the maids in the General's Mansion to Anjuyuan. When he could not stand, he stood outside the courtyard.

In the process of waiting, Gu Chunzhu asked the next man to move the Taishi chair under the eaves, and she sat comfortably on it.

The unrelated girls shuddered down their heads one by one, daring not to gasp for fear that they would make Gu Chunzhu angry.

The ensuing vigil **** and climbing bed maid were pressed to kneel in front of Gu Chunzhu, and the guards stood behind Wang Kun with shame.

After all the people were together, Gu Chunzhu remained silent. She was obviously not too tall sitting, but still let everyone in the room feel that it was a majestic mountain pressed down in front of her.

Obviously Gu Chunzhu's expression was calm and calm, but everyone was sweating.

Is Gu Chunzhu really as calm as the surface or is not angry at all? No, she was overwhelmed with anger. Just like the water of Yamaguchi Lake on the eve of the eruption of an active volcano, the first second was still peaceful and peaceful, and the next second would boil.

The tension in the atmosphere became more and more obvious with the passage of time, and the air was like a net that sealed everyone tighter and tighter. The state of tension finally reached an apex, and the collapse was in the line.

Wang Kun prides himself on having experienced a lot of strong winds and waves. At this moment, sweat drops quietly slipped from his temples, one after another.

Gu Chunzhu finally spoke at this moment, "What happened last night, besides the **** guarding at the door, does anyone else know? The patrolling guard? The lady who is in the same room as the little **** the bed? This unhealthy wind has completely suppressed it, so you will give me a clear explanation one by one, you eunuchs, please tell us the details of last night."

What happened last night was similar to the core content that An An told Gu Chunzhu before. The **** suddenly woke up when he was drowsy and found that Xiaohui wanted to sneak into Xiaocheng's house while he was dozing off. The **** immediately rushed over and stopped in front of Xiaohui. Seeing that the **** did not yell and yell, Xiaohui tried to make the **** and her consort.

The **** firmly refused, and when he wanted to start calling, Xiaohui covered his mouth and still stuffed a few pieces of silver in his hand, "I will leave immediately, please don't put Speak up about this matter?"

After squeezing a few pieces of silver in his hand, the little **** wanted to heartily think about this matter, knowing that I knew the little girl knows, and that the little girl had not really ran into the house of Master Xiaocheng, then I had silver Shouldn’t it be feasible to say no? But I didn't expect that the little maid was also a ghost. Sure enough, people who dare to put the climbing bed into practice are still a little bit.

After the **** was attacked by Yinzi and unconsciously relaxed, the little **** let go of the **** and slipped into Xiaocheng's room. The **** followed very nervously and then intercepted Xiaoyao before she approached Xiaocheng's bed, but the **** had to lower her voice and reprimanded, "How can you say it without faith! If you leave now, I can still act as You haven't been here."

The little girl looked at the **** sarcastically and said in a cold voice, "Look at what you are holding in your hand. After you said I was caught, you said you were bought by me and let me in. What would happen to your wife?" Treat you?"

The **** hadn't had many opportunities to see Gu Chunzhu before, but he often heard that Gu Chunzhu was a good master. But he also thought that a servant who eats this kind of tricks usually has two endings, and if he buys it lightly, he will die. He shivered at the thought of this, but sternly retorted, "Mrs. Such a benevolent, will definitely believe me."

Because the eunuch's attitude was firm, the little girl finally returned without success. The next day, the **** handed over the task of serving Xiaocheng. When the whole person walked backwards because of staying up late, he was caught and chatted by Minzhi. He was also embarrassed, coupled with his anger at the little girl's backlash, he directly told everything to him except the money he received.

The **** actually wanted to cover up a little bit of truth when he first came, but Gu Chunzhu's long-term silence and coercion scared him. Finally, he chose to cry and give everything to Gu Chunzhu and Pan. After hearing this, Gu Chunzhu immediately finalized the punishment, "Press and buy it, then the guards talk about your negligence."

The captain of the guard spoke on behalf of all the guards last night, and said neatly, "Please also ask my wife to punish us. Yesterday we inspected the entire general mansion. We did not find any casual movement of the little girl."

"Your negligence should also be punished, and you will be fined half a month and a month." Gu Chunzhu said lightly, the guards also put their hearts hanging in the air, and thanked Gu Chunzhu for his kindness and then stood aside.

There were eight people in the same room with Xiaohui, but only one said that Xiaohui had gone out at night. At that time, she happened to come back to the toilet, and she found that Xiaohui had to leave. She didn't notice the unusualness of Xiaohui's clothes without deep nights. At that time, she naturally said to Xiaohui, "You also go to the toilet." She recalled that Xiaohui was very anxious at the time, and she thought that Xiaohui was too busy to use the toilet and did not ask much.

Gu Chunzhu nodded after listening, and said nothing more, which made the girl more nervous. Then Gu Chunzhu asked the other maids again, whether they knew Xiao Hui's plan last night. The rest of them shook their heads forever, and they did not hesitate to smash their foreheads, leaving blood stains on the ground.

Xiaohui was left at the end, but Gu Chunzhu did not intend to ask her from the beginning, she waved her hand directly, "Wang Guanjia, tie me this restless maid, and give me a salt whip to pump All other maidservants have a good look at the restless end. When they are unconscious, they wake up with salt water and hit me a hundred times before saying."

In fact, Gu Chunzhu didn't have much idea about whether the maid was a lady or not. After all, she was deeply influenced by the concept of equality for all. So if this matter is free to fall in love with two people, Gu Chunzhu's probability will not matter, or just two nagging words.

But in this incident, the maidservant moved her crooked brains, trying to take advantage of Xiaocheng's drunkenness and forcefully use raw rice to cook mature rice.

Xiaohui thought that she might be bought like the eunuch, but she did not expect Gu Chunzhu to kill her! She was crying out of breath, she didn't cry at all, she cried and begged Gu Chunzhu for mercy, but Gu Chunzhu was completely unimpressed, and even felt noisy, waving her hand to let her next Hui's mouth closed.

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