Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

One morning in the morning half a month later, with the anger of the sun, a loud cry also rang through the small courtyard.

Wang Kun, who was anxiously waiting outside, rushed into the room at the moment when he heard the child crying, but he was still held by the two servants who were at the door and helped the two, "Wang Guanjia, you can't break in at this time. go!"

Just as several people were entangled, the door of the house was pushed open with a creak, and Wen Po walked out with a little baby.

I saw that the folds on her smiling face were several degrees deeper. She walked in front of Wang Kun and said, "Congratulations to the housekeeper, Hexi housekeeper, your wife gave you a little girl, and she looked white and tender. Now."

Wen Po then went on to say a few words to wish Wang Kun's daughter a happy life, and so on, but Wang Kun didn't listen to his ears. When he saw his daughter, he had no time to pay attention to others.

He carefully took over his daughter after Wen-po approached, grinning wide and muttering about where his daughter looked like himself and where his daughter-in-law Yunyun was.

Several servants who came to help also looked up at Wang Kun's little girl, and they murmured to Wang Kun.

Wenpo has been waiting with a smile on her side, she thought, although this family only gave birth to a daughter, but seeing how happy the host family is, you can still get some benefits.

When Wang Kun passed the start, he also put away his smirking face and happily took out some of the broken silver that had been prepared from his pocket, saying, "Thank you for your help, be careful not to pay respect Hope to accept it."

The servant and Wenpo both smiled and accepted, then Wang Kun sent the children back to the room, and then came out to send them away.

Everyone who came to help left, and the small courtyard returned to quietness.

Wang Kun smiled and walked back to the house to see the situation of Wu Fenniang and her own girl. At this time, the two were still asleep, and the two were leaning side by side, making Wang Kun sit on the bed and watching them fascinated. If it were not for a while, the child would cry because of hunger, Wang Kun would definitely be able to watch The whole day.

In order to take care of the children and Wu Fenniang, Wang Kun also found an old lady early. So when the child was hungry, the wife took out the milk that had been warmed up to the side, and gave the baby a little spoon to feed the baby. Wang Kun also followed and watched, even eager to try.

As soon as the child cried, Wu Fenniang also woke up, and after a little sleep she was also slowing down.

But for the time being, she still couldn't help but lay on the bed and moved slowly, barely allowing herself to sit up against the wall for a little while, and she saw Wang Kun watching the scene of his wife feeding her. She waited until the wife finished feeding her milk, and then whispered, "Brother Akun, I want to see the baby."

"Fen Niang, you are awake!" Wang Kun turned around and looked at Wu Fenniang in surprise, then carefully took the girl from the wife, walked carefully to the bed and placed the child beside Wu Fenniang , "Look, Fen Niang, this kid is like you!"

The wife over there just happened to wash the dirty bowl, and just left the room to give the couple a comfortable space to get along with.

After seeing enough children, Wang Kun discussed with Wu Fenniang and decided that such a joyous event must be shared with others, and he was prepared to send ten bucks to everyone in the general's palace.

The news quickly reached Gu Chunzhu's ears. The next day Wang Kun came on a business trip. Gu Chunzhu saw his first sentence and asked, "Wang Guanjia, why don't I have any money?"

"Where the lady can see this little money, so we replaced it with red eggs." Wang Kun felt that it was too strange for his wife to use money, and finally decided to replace it with gifts. The red eggs were cooked and brought this morning, When Gu Chunzhu asked him, he brought the basket he brought to Gu Chunzhu and said.

Gu Chunzhu happily accepted the red eggs and glanced at random. Obviously it was the configuration of his own one or two people, and even even counted the small Chengdu. Then she asked about something she was a little surprised, "Wang Guanjia, it is said that your family has a daughter? I have seen so many people who are more patriarchal, do you seem to mind that it is a daughter? "

"Hey, giving birth to a boy like me, short and small eyes, it doesn't look like a good person at all, but I'm not willing at all." Wang Kun behaved very exaggeratedly, he despised himself severely One pass, and then said with a smile, "It is a lovely girl, looks like Fen Niang! And the daughter is the father's padded jacket, anyway, I prefer the daughter."

Wang Kun’s reasons and exaggerated performance made Gu Chunzhu laugh, and she said simply, “Actually, I also like my daughter. In order to celebrate the similarities and differences seen by this hero, I decided to also give ten monies to the people of the whole government.”

"Thank you, Madam." Wang Kun thanked deeply and thankfully. Gu Chunzhu's behavior was not about the amount of money, but to show an attitude. Gu Chunzhu trusted him very much, and his butler's position was more stable.

Then Gu Chunzhu asked the child's name again, "Did you name the child? I also want to know how to call this little baby."

Speaking of the name, Wang Kun also had a good discussion with Wu Fenniang yesterday afternoon, so he said directly, "I and Fen Niang thought about it, and it will be five days before the list is released, and the birth of this daughter is a good idea. The name is small bricks. In addition, the hard bricks are also hoping that she will not be bullied in the future."

Gu Chunzhu was a little speechless when he heard the name. The couple were really named ghosts. When they heard something like a little brick, they felt like a boy. I’m afraid that their girl would really become a strange girl. Women?

"This is a good meaning, but it sounds like a boy." Gu Chunzhu briefly commented with a smile, and then said that he would give a gift to the child," the small bricks are barely processed stones, then I will give A polished stone." After all, she ordered Ms. Liu to go to the warehouse and bring a good jade Buddha to Wang Kun.

Wang Kuncai really thought that Gu Chunzhu was going to send a stone, and only when he got it from Ms. Liu did she know it was such a precious jade! Although the Jade Buddha is indeed a "cut stone" in Gu Chunzhu's mouth, the value is quite different. He thought that he had only given Gu Chunzhu some red eggs. How could he accept the Jade Buddha whose price did not know how many times he had turned it over?

"Just hold it and say that this is for the small bricks, not for you. You can't refuse me for the small bricks." Gu Chunzhu said in the end that he still forced Wang Kun to accept it.

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