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After Wu Fen's mother gave birth to a baby, there was no big deal anymore, Gu Chunzhu re-entered into a repetitive and busy life, and dazzled and looked up to the day of the list.

Of course, if it weren't for Fu's sister-in-law to come to see her and see the result, she was afraid that she would not know the result until the little friends went to the house to celebrate the announcement.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Da Zhuang seemingly reluctant, and joked a few words, "Why, our sergeant Jin Ke feels ashamed that he didn't enter the temple to try, is he even unwilling to pay attention to his specific rank?"

Although it is the same reason, Da Zhuang obviously thought more pessimistically, and said with a bitter smile, "Auntie, don't stop fooling me, this list hasn't been released yet, I'm afraid I didn't even list it The wave of candidates on the board."

Fu's sister-in-law clapped her teeth and patted the head of Zhuang Zhuang. She looked loud, but it didn't hurt too much.

Dazhuang didn't make too many arguments while covering his head. He honestly listened to Fusister-in-law's education. "You, a disgruntled kid, can't be a little self-confident and ambitious! I'm your mother, but I still want to give you confidence , You said it was ridiculous!

Then Fusister-in-law tells Gu Chunzhu all the performances of Da Zhuang at home, always sitting in the yard all afternoon and looking at the sky, if any loss, etc., and finally concludes, "I still envy Xiao Cheng they The top ten can be notified early to participate in the temple test, and they will know that they are on the list early, so I don’t need me to worry about growing."

Obviously, Fu's sister-in-law is not as confident in Da Zhuang as she showed, but the family can't all hopelessly and then fight against the big Zhuang who is already very uneasy. In the evening, she would also secretly chat with that guy, and talk about how Da Zhuang's family descended from the famous Sunshan family.

Gu Chunzhu saw the calm anxiety on the face of Fu's sister-in-law, and comforted her with a smile, "Xiaocheng has already got a list, and Dazhuang is also on it. It’s He Guangjing."

It is true that Xiaocheng got the list, but Gu Zhuang didn't know if Da Zhuang was not on it, but he had to be a little confident to convince Fu's sister-in-law.

Da Zhuang was pulled by Xiao Cheng to make the same candidate, and he also found that Xiao Cheng's association was very targeted, so Gu Chunzhu said that he believed it, and then he also comforted Fu's sister-in-law.

An An and the old lady Su also comforted Fu's sister-in-law. Fu sister-in-law finally let go of her uneasiness for a while, and gradually gained more confidence in Da Zhuang's achievements.

"But I'm still scared, or I'll wait for you to come back in the carriage side later?" Da Zhuang is still cherishing that he hasn't been in the top ten, and listing is also a very exciting thing for candidates, even if Knowing that you are definitely on the list, you will also be inexplicably heartbeat and not dare to see the ranking yourself.

"I didn't expect you to be a coward, you know that you dare not come to see it on the list, it's a shame!" An An deliberately used a mocking tone to use a trick, but apparently he was even more disturbed about his achievements. The self-esteem of Da Zhuang still insisted on his decision not to watch the list.

It was exactly the same as when the exam was taken. The place where the list was placed was blocked from afar. The eyes were all black and white, and the carriage could not pass at a distance. In the end, An An supported the old lady Su, and Gu Chunzhu accompanied his sister-in-law, under the protection of a group of general guards, and slowly squeezed to the place where the crowd flowed.

Gu Chunzhu was relatively early when they came, and the emperor list has not been posted yet. Although there are many people and chaos, it is still orderly.

But when a bunch of officers and soldiers came out with the Emperor List, the crowd began to be restless. At the last release, everyone rushed forward one by one, rushing up one by one regardless of the situation, so that there was almost a stampede.

Fortunately, the general guards came out from the barracks, and the crowd was prepared early. When people started to rush up, the guards could still maintain a circle, so that Gu Chunzhu in the middle would not feel the crowd. Feeling crowded and crowded. Even the guards can follow the force and finally squeeze directly to the front.

Because the rankings, names and hometowns of the 100 candidates who entered the list were to be announced, the posted list was very high and very long. Because Xiaocheng and other ten people who took part in the temple examination accounted for the top ten vacancies and had not yet been ranked, they divided a separate area to list their information according to certain rules, and then wrote the information of the remaining 90 candidates according to the ranking. .

"An An, you look back and forth, I look back and forth, this is more efficient." Gu Chunzhu appreciated the name of Xiao Cheng in the front, and began to find the rankings of Da Zhuang and Jin Han together with An An.

Although Fusister-in-law can't recognize a few words, she can still recognize the name of Zhuang, and then glanced at the list.

Gu Chunzhu exploded Da Zhuang's ranking first, and Fu's sister-in-law gave a big breath, and began to smile and wait to find out Jin Han's ranking.

In the end, after looking for a while, An An and Gu Chunzhu successfully found Da Zhuang and Jin Han together. Da Zhuang was the 23rd in Jinshi and Jin Han was the 57th in Jinshi.

"Okay, the outsiders are too crowded, we will still elaborate on the carriage." After searching for the ranking, Gu Chunzhu pointed out the names of the two people to let Fusister-in-law and Mrs. Su appreciate it before saying. Both the old lady Su and the sister-in-law Fu thought that Da Zhuang was waiting for them on the carriage, and they agreed with Gu Chunzhu.

Also under the protection of the guards, Gu Chunzhu and his party went out of the crowd without feeling crowded. However, Gu Chunzhu can still see the hard work of the guards. It takes much more time to squeeze out than to squeeze in, and she is also concerned that the guards are all sweaty under the cold wind in autumn. But even so, Gu Chunzhu they were not affected by a trace, Gu Chunzhu was very satisfied.

"I will give you a big reward after going back." In the end, Gu Chunzhu decided to go back and give everyone more than half a month.

Gu Chunzhu and they came to the carriage for a while. They looked at Da Zhuang standing beside the carriage, turning around and looking nervous. Gu Chunzhu and Fu's sister-in-law smiled and looked at each other.

Seeing them coming back, Da Zhuang hurried forward and asked, without a break, "What's my ranking? Is it really on the list? Why don't you talk, is it because I fell off the list!"

Da Zhuang did not give Gu Chunzhu the opportunity to make illustrations under his intensive speech. He even made up a bleak ending in his brain, his face suddenly turned pale. But in this way, Fu-sister-in-law had to tease him, intentionally pretending to be cold-faced.

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