Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 917: The name of the goddess doctor

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"I'm really good!" The patient put the wine bowl on the table violently, and touched his body up and down in surprise. The feeling of itching all over him disappeared completely. He jumped happily and left the vulgar. Daya. And there are not many people who are so happy to leave the world.

"I'm sorry, it's time to close. If you want to eat tomorrow, please come early. If you want to see a doctor, come back on the third day."

This afternoon was in the process of such a fantasy treatment, and the guests passed away in constant wonder. Ms. Miao helped comfort those who were unable to see the disease, and then everyone reluctantly slowly left Dasha and Daya, and then the doors of Daya and Daya could be closed again.

Everyone gathered together in the big and elegant hall, and counted the income of the day and the number of Shangshan doctors.

I didn't think it was in the morning, but Shangshan was really overwhelming all day long. After listening to the report of Xiaoyiyi, she realized that she had seen almost 300 patients throughout the day. She was surprised by her own efficiency and asked, covering her mouth, "Is this a real number? Am I so interested?"

"Yeah, and all of them came back with satisfaction, and in the future, the big folks will rely on the goddess doctor to bring more!" Gu Chunzhu said with a satisfied smile, and raised his hands to be a good man, and said teasingly.

The rare book is a cheerful person, and he responded to Gu Chunzhu's words with carelessness. With a big hand, he said that he would be covered with vulgarity, which caused a lot of people to laugh. Shangshan was confused, and turned to ask Gu Chunzhu, who smiled the most gently, "What are you laughing at?"

"We are laughing. Today, under your blessing, the income doubles!" Gu Chunzhu, who will tell the truth, praised Shangshan again, and other people also laughed and echoed Shangshan From head to toe, I slammed it.

Although she is a little nervous, Shangshan is not stupid. Before she immediately reacted, everyone was laughing at her. She knew that everyone was very kind, so she pretended to be angry but she forgave them. 'S expression, said, "Huh, you laughed at me. But it's okay, I can forgive you once when my prime minister can hold the boat in his belly.

"Then thank the kind Miss Shangshan." Then there was a smile full of joy.

After rejoicing, the shortcomings must also be summarized. Gu Chunzhu first said that the number and mechanism of doctors must be reformed. "In the future, it will not work like today. Next time I will establish a registration system and only look at the first 150 patients."

Shangshan hesitated to worry that this number was too small, but Gu Chunzhu insisted that they should not be allowed to taste the sweetness completely, otherwise they would rely on Shangshan in the future.

So Daya Daya posted the instructions the next day. Although a lot of people complained, Daya Daya’s tough attitude quickly shut them up, fearing that Daya Daya would be completely angry and cancel this. Kind of welfare.

Shangshan's free clinic is on the right track, and after two free consultations, the name of Shangshan's goddess doctor gradually spread among the civilian population, and there is a tendency to spread to the upper level because of the upstairs Some of the people who ate also asked if the goddess doctor could help him see a doctor.

The vulgar and elegant are always kept mysterious, and then they have to tell the goddess doctor to reply to them. In fact, it is waiting for the ten-day period that the famous fermentation continues and Gu Chunzhu arranged.

Finally, during the third free diagnosis and treatment event, an aristocrat who ate above even sent someone directly to buy the last number, and personally came down to let Shangshan treat. However, the style of the nobles is naturally different. He bought the last number to avoid being mixed with other people, but sat alone in front of Shangshan surrounded by a group of people.

Shang Shan treats the nobles calmly, like the attitude of other civilians, and asks about the nobles' illness.

The first person to come to eat crabs is naturally very different. In fact, he is not ill. He slumped softly on the table without bones, and approached Shangshan with his hands indefinitely. "My Goddess Doctor, I haven't thought about tea for a few days. I still panicked in my heart. Do you know what is the disease?"

Shangshan spit out several disease names indifferently, and the nobles shook their heads one after another, and then he pinched the moment before Shangshan lost patience, "I'm because you are suffering from acacia."

Worried that the coming person was finding fault, Gu Chunzhu happened to be nearby. Hearing this sentence, he suddenly got goose bumps and thought about how this person didn’t change his face or even sentimentally speaking about this embarrassing earthy taste. Love words.

Shang Shan still cares about Hu Fei in her heart, but even if she doesn't, she won't believe a person who hasn't even met her face, and naturally her eyes are coldly cold, "If you are not sick, I will go."

"Do you know who this is! This is Mr. Jia, please be careful!" The dog-leg next to Mr. Jia looked so good at being so ignorant, and immediately jumped out and accused him.

Jia Gongzi did a generous look, but in fact he still looked down on the bottom of his heart. He pressed his dog's legs and pretended to rebuke, "How can I be so rude to the beauty and not give me back."

"Goddess doctor also forgive my servants, or you will take care of me, so that you can treat the disease and stay healthy." Jia Gongzi smiled warmly, and pretended to be a handsome person and took out the fan. Fan, but now it is still very cool.

Shangshan lifted his eyes and glanced up and down Jia Gongzi. The cold voice sounded, but he heard Jia Gongzi angry, "I see your eyes flickering, his eyes are godless, and his face is slightly yellowish blue. Most of the time, the kidneys are not good, often do not sleep at night, drink alcohol and have too much pleasure. If you do not take good care of it, it will be an ornament in the future."

"Don't you dare to curse me!" Jia Gongzi snapped up on the table and pointed at Shangshan with his teeth gritted.

Shang Shan was not at all ill, sitting calmly in his position, looking up at Jia Gongzi’s eyes and said seriously, “If you don’t believe you can try it, but you will have backache in three months. After three years, your ability will obviously decrease, and after three years, hehe."

The last words Shangshan did not say, but it was self-evident-Jia Gongzi was afraid that he would never use that place again.

Jia Gongzi was probably frightened by Shang Shan's words and cold eyes, sweating behind him, his feet softly and his eyes slumped back silently. The next man was busy consoling Jia Gongzi and scolding Shangshan loudly.

When Master Gong returned to his mind, he immediately clenched his teeth with a fan handle and beat his servant, "This is a goddess doctor! You are all kind to me!"

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