Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 918: The name of the goddess doctor

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Gu Chunzhu stood at the outermost edge, looked at Shangshan and handled it properly, and stood there to watch the excitement. A group of seemingly menacing servants surrounded Shangshan and Jia Gongzi. Jia Gongzi looked pleased, but Shang Shan looked indifferent.

Listening to Shangshan's words, Jia Gongzi turned around and knocked on his servant who was talking cleverly with a fan handle, and then carefully consulted Shangshan with a smile, "The goddess doctor, see me. Is there a cure?"

"I'm saved, but..." Shangshan unceremoniously opened his hand to Jia Gongzi and asked for a very expensive price in her mind, "Golden Twelve."

Young Master Jia quickly took out a silver ticket from his pocket and handed it to Shangshan. Although Shangxin was surprised by his refreshment, he still checked his face in surprise, and then came into his arms.

"First of all, I must tell you well. You can’t drink and find a woman again within a month. The diet is regular and light. The regularity of work and rest does not stay up late. If you break a day, you will not be guaranteed in the future. You must remember this point. I didn’t emphasize it.” Shang Shan slowly told Jia Gongzi the notes one by one and made the necessary emphasis.

"I must bear in mind the words of the goddess doctor." Gong Gong Jia nodded in consecration.

"Then I will arrange a medicine for you, once a day, and take it after dinner, and I must insist on it for a month." Shangshan also ordered with satisfaction and wrote down the prescription to Jia Gongzi.

Jia Gongzi was happy to take the prescription with both hands, then waved his hands to make everyone around him take a few steps back. He crossed the table and asked quietly upwards, "Goddess doctor, I don't know if I can be more powerful and more powerful. Floor?"

"You insist that you can only see the effect after a month." Shang Shan looked back at Jia Gongzi and hurriedly stepped back, listening to his question.

Gongzi Jia sat back comfortably and became more respectful and flattering towards the goddess doctor. "In the future, the goddess doctor will come to Jiafu to find me. I will do it for you."

"Okay, I'm going to take a rest. You go now." Shang Shan impatiently listened to this, and hurriedly urged Jia Gongzi to leave.

Young Master Jia looked back one step at a time, and left reluctantly.

Gu Chunzhu watched the vast group of people leave, and then came to Shangshan, congratulations, "presumably the name of the future goddess doctor will spread throughout the capital and outside, and the people who come to you for treatment will be endless."

Shang Shan showed a bit of a wry smile, as if he didn't want to face the meaning of this picture that would be exhausted.

Gu Chunzhu’s language soon came true. On the one hand, it was the blessing of the big and elegant propaganda, on the one hand, the peculiar picture of each free consultation, on the other hand, the blessing of Jia Gongzi, under various factors, the goddess doctor The top score is played out completely, and very loud.

The nobles who ate there urged Dasha to rush to let Shangshan go to treat them with diseases. Gu Chunzhu also asked Shangshan to go to see the doctor every ten days. But unlike the registration system below, the above is a bidding for the medical quota of ten people each time, which can be said to be naked to grab money.

However, those nobles will not be hindered! And the cost of this place does not include the money for treatment.

For the first time, the people who were treated by Shangshan took the dozens of places for ten places, and the transaction price of the last place even reached one hundred and two! Shangshan really speaks for the luxury of the capital’s nobles.

And, speaking, eight of these ten patients are free of problems, just want to come together to see what the goddess doctor looks like. There is also a chronic disease, where the symptoms have just appeared and they are not obvious enough to attract attention. Shang Shan pointed out and prescribed a prescription at a glance.

Only the owner of this last place is really a little intractable, and he couldn't be cured by searching for famous doctors. They wanted to ask Hu Fei this time, but Hu Shenyi came and went without a trace, and they were afraid that they would not be delayed, so they came to the newly emerged goddess doctor.

Shang Shan left to look at the right, and finally determined the patient's illness and cured it on the spot.

"Really Doctor! Doctor!" The family thanked Shangshan with great joy, even making Shangshan embarrassed.

However, for a few days, the name of Shangshan, the goddess doctor, had a tendency to overwhelm the name of Hu Fei.

It was still the study, it was still a dark night.

"Oh? Goddess Doctor?" Xuan Yuanxian sat behind the desk, his face hidden in darkness, and the arc of the corner of his mouth was evil and terrifying.

A dark guard knelt in front of him on one knee, and told Xuan Yuanxian of Gu Chunzhu's preparations for Shangshan and his good deeds, and waited for Xuanyuanxian's instructions quietly.

"I can't take a moment to teach Gu Chunzhu, and she finds herself a sense of presence. Since this is the case..." Xuan Yuanxian told Dark Guard his plan and ordered Dark Guard to fulfill it.

"The mission will not be insulted." The dark guard bowed his hand and disappeared into the vast night.

Xuan Yuanxian's inquiries and calculations are diametrically opposed to the popular Taiya. Gu Chunzhu also carefreely watched the recent receipts of Dasha Taiya and planned to add bricks and tiles to the development of Dasha Taiya and help it go further.

Shangshan also looked at himself next to a large amount of silver coins that he had just harvested after seeing a doctor. He smiled like something, "Mrs. General, you can't spend all of your life saying so much money."

"In the future, you will understand that in this capital city, there are always smart businessmen who can let you spend all your money overnight." Introduce all kinds of luxury consumption in Beijing.

Shang Shan was dumbfounded, quietly covered the money he had just got, and smirked, and pushed all his gold and silver to Gu Chunzhu in front of him, "Why don’t Mrs. General help me keep the money, I will use it and find You want it, otherwise I’m really afraid I’m accidentally being emptied by a smart businessman.”

"All right, then come to me if you need it." Gu Chunzhu also agreed readily.

Early in the morning the next day, the doorway of the vulgar and elegant was full of people like some days, because today is the day when Shangshan is doing free treatment.

However, unlike in the past, the person in front of me today yelled while holding his belly, and there were a few people around him, who shouted in his mouth, "The big custom is losing money, what do you ask to break the doctor, let me Brothers have been robbed!"

"Yes, a woman is not good at staying with her husband at home, what is it like to run out and show her head! Is it Ji Chen Sichen!"

With that said, this group of little ruffians laughed together.

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