Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"That's the reason, yes, Mrs. General, this is something I took. It's not a tribute to be careful, please be sure to accept it." A Yinuo said that he was more comfortable after he opened it, and he carried a bunch of hands in his hand. Gu Chunzhu was directly stuffed with objects.

"Prince, this is the inconsistency between you, and I told you not to be polite, what is your pile of gifts?" Gu Chunzhu suddenly saw the pile of gifts brought by A Yinuo and suddenly remembered Xuanyuan Xian wanted to marry An An to A Yinuo's intentions are a bit guilty. Could it be that A Yinuo really intends to marry An An? It must be determined not to allow An An and A Yinuo to meet!

"This thing is nothing. General Su's series of works are very helpful to the Yi nationality. It is nothing more than fur and jewelry. They are all specialties of the Yi nationality. They are not valuable in our eyes. You can rest assured. Take it boldly."

A Yinuo said very lightly, but Gu Chunzhu was surprised to hear, when fur and jewelry can become valuable objects.

But there is a reason for this. The Yi people are better at grazing and hunting, and fur has naturally become an ordinary thing and becomes less valuable. Jewelry is very lacking in practical value. At present, Yi people are still worried about food and clothing, and jewelry such as jewelry cannot afford the price.

The situation in Min Dynasty, especially in Beijing, is very different. Everyone is not worried about food and clothing. With extra money in their hands, they will naturally pursue a higher quality of life.

Gu Chunzhu thought about it and still accepted it. Anyway, Ayinuo said it was to thank Wang Ge for their help, and it has nothing to do with An An. If there is any problem and let Wang Ge go to talk to Ayinuo. Then she ordered Wang Kun to take the gift and put it down.

Wang Kun walked out on the front foot, and mother Liu walked in with the plate on the back foot. "Madam, things are ready, and I brought some pastries."

"Put the things on my side and let the princes of the Yi tribe taste them."


Mother Liu first put the pastry in front of A Yinuo, and then walked to Gu Chunzhu and put the egg **** near her. Gu Chunzhu took advantage of Ayinuo to taste pastries, quietly leaned into her mother's ear and whispered, "You go to An'an, let her stay in her yard obediently, don't run around."

Gu Chunzhu finished the matter freely, and nodded as she watched Ms. Liu's arc, and only then began to observe the egg **** she tried to make this time.

On the surface, it seems to have succeeded, the egg **** skin is fully crisped, and the egg **** liquid is slightly expanded, exuding a sweet aroma. Gu Chunzhu picked up one and tasted it, but the taste was still a bit worse, probably because the temperature of the base made of porcelain could not keep up.

A Yinuo actually smelled a different aroma when Ms. Liu came in, with a bit of sweetness and milky aroma. He thought he would give him a taste, but it turned out that only Gu Chunzhu had it. Now Gu Chunzhu tasted it, and a little crisp sound appeared particularly prominent in a quiet environment. He didn't pay much attention to the desire of the tongue.

"Mrs. General, are you eating solitary food alone?" A Yinuo directly expressed his needs, and his eyes fell on Gu Chunzhu's particularly different pastries.

Gu Chunzhu put down the egg **** in his hand and wiped his mouth and hands with a veil. Then he replied embarrassedly, “It’s not that I don’t give it to you, but that this is the new pastry I tried. I’m worried that it will fail the first time. I decided to try it myself."

"Can it be that Mrs. General was cooking when I came? It seems that I came just right, and today I seem to be blessed." A Yinuo saw Gu Chunzhu's expression before seeing that her attempt was successful, just Smiled and asked her for food.

"Yes, naturally I dare not let the prince down." Gu Chunzhu handed an egg **** to Ayinuo.

After Ayinuo took it, he tasted it carefully. He first carefully examined the new style of pastry. This little thing is only the size of his palm, but the pastry is a bit larger than usual, then the whole color is golden yellow, the outer layer is meringue, and there is no thing in the middle.

He bit off half in one bite, and the meringue and the soft stuff in the middle mixed together, showing a different kind of deliciousness. He said in surprise, "Mrs. General is really powerful, I have never eaten such a sweet thing. But this thing is afraid that the production is very different from ordinary pastries, don't know what the name of this pastry is?"

"It's called egg tart, and it's made in a way called baking. It's really not an unusual practice. Even the making tools were also made by Wangge yesterday." Gu Chunzhu didn't expect Ayinuo His tongue is so sharp that he discovers the difference at a glance, but its speciality is also destined for ordinary people to be unable to engrave.

"It turned out to be a good thing. General Su was so lucky that he could find you such a good lady." A Yinuo solved the egg **** in two, without asking to go directly to Gu Chunzhu to get the second one, and at will Sighed with emotion.

"The prince really has a good eye, and I think so too." Gu Chunzhu also smiled easily, mad at himself, and was very humble. However, A Yinuo likes this kind of character, and also smiles freely.

The two were eating egg tarts while chatting. Gu Chunzhu looked forward to Ayinuo hurriedly away. However, Ayinuo remained immobile until the last egg **** was resolved. He did not mean to leave.

Gu Chunzhu was worried, this prince of Yi nationality will not really come here to see An'an? She was thinking this way, and A Yinuo also asked, "I don't know if An An is at home today, can I meet her?"

"Why did you want to see An'an suddenly?" Gu Chunzhu was relieved when he finally made his request, but he was hesitant and didn't want him to see An'an, so his eyes flickered and asked twice.

"Isn't this an appointment we made earlier? Isn't it to let me see An An, or to determine whether we are going to marry? And I just got free today, so I went to the door to ask." I found Gu Chunzhu's hesitation, just thinking that he came suddenly and did not discuss the time in advance, making Gu Chunzhu a little embarrassed.

"But... Prince, do you really have to meet An An?" However, Gu Chunzhu was still embarrassed, obviously reluctant to let A Yinuo meet An An.

A Yinuo realized the rejection of Gu Chunzhu's request, he nodded firmly, "If you don't let An An meet me, how can we be sure that An An won't like me?"

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