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While Gu Chunzhu and A Yinuo were in a round-about, An An also got a message from Mother Liu. She asked doubtfully, "Mother Liu, who is it? How can the mother let me hide?"

"Why didn't the lady let you miss you? I don't know the reason, but I know that the coming person is the prince of the Yi nationality." Mother Liu told An An a little news that she only knew.

An An understood the worries of his mother when she heard the "Prince of the Yi Nationality", probably because she was afraid that the prince would insist on seeing herself, and she also fell in love with herself and wanted to take her away from the Yi Nationality. Of course, she was able to find the reason so quickly. It was all because Gu Chunzhu asked her the day after the incident happened. From Xuanyuanrong's poison plan to Xuanyuancheng's plan, she analyzed it with her one by one.

Xuan Yuanxian was ruthless to her. She knew from the beginning that An An had been disappointed with Xuanyuanxian, but when Xuanyuanxian exchanged her future for her own benefit, she still couldn't help but feel sad. Fortunately, Gu Chunzhu was with her at the time. Gu Chunzhu hugged her in her arms and coaxed her like a child.

An An came out of the memory and began to think about the current events. She believes that since A Yinuo will come today, she must insist on seeing herself before leaving the general's palace. So she was amazed and smiled slyly, "Liufang, bring me all the rouge. Chulei, you can find a piece of black charcoal in the kitchen."

"Miss, what are you doing?" Mother Liu was very puzzled when she looked at An'an. At first I heard that Miss was looking for Liu Fang, thinking that Miss wanted to dress up beautifully and went out, and then found Chu Lei to get black charcoal afterwards, which made Ms. Liu completely incomprehensible.

"You just wait and see, I will definitely let the Yi prince take the initiative to give up." An An smiled mysteriously at the mirror in front of the dresser.

On the other side, the atmosphere in the flower hall gradually became more depressed. A Yinuo smiled at Gu Chunzhu's cold noodles, but he did not give in and insisted on seeing An An.

"I think An An will definitely not like you. Since you don't see the coffin and you won't cry, I will let you meet. Wang Kun, please invite the lady to the flower hall." Gu Chunzhu snorted and walked outside the door, waving Wang Kun was asked to command him, and added a whisper, "Remember to make An An dressed as plainly as possible."

"Yes, ma'am." Wang Kun was ordered to leave.

Gu Chunzhu was too lazy to go in and deal with A Yinuo. He stood at the door and casually looked at the scenery. After a while, he looked at the trees in the courtyard, and then looked up at the birds or the blue sky on the eaves.

"Mrs. General, there is really no need to be so vigilant to me, I am really a good person." A Yinuo also came out and stood beside Gu Chunzhu, looked up at the free bird on the eaves, and sincerely defended himself .

"Bad guys don't write the words "bad guys" on their faces. What you say is not credible with me. You are coveting my daughter. I didn't hit you out. You've been given preferential treatment. Was it?" Gu Chunzhu expressed his anger very politely, and then walked aside a few steps in disgust, and it was a bit funny to see A Yinuo.

A Yinuo also wanted to explain a few more words for himself, but was shocked by a person who came in, "Mrs. General, is this An An?"

Hearing A Yinuo's question, Gu Chunzhu withdrew his eyes and looked at the door, which was a little shocked by An An's operation.

It turned out that An An had found those things not to dress up, but to be ugly. She first used black charcoal to make a lot of black spots on her face, probably to disguise as pockmarks or black moles. Immediately after that, she applied two groups of unusually blushing blushes and a thick layer of red on her mouth, which can basically summarize her makeup with unsightly eyes.

Gu Chunzhu laughed awkwardly and affirmed A Yinuo's answer. But Gu Chunzhuye got used to it after looking at it more, but praised An An's wit, but the ancient makeup tools were too shabby and the makeup was too thick and unreal.

It might have been a little frightening to see from a distance. When An An approached, A Yinuo looked closely and found many flaws. First of all, although the lady An An used thick rouge to cover her beautiful face, but her smart eyes were not covered, and her skin was delicate and smooth, white and tender, certainly not as many pocks.

An An knew nothing about it, and thought he was very successful in cross-dressing, suppressing the excitement and coming to Gu Chunzhu, "Mother, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, let me introduce you to you. This is the Yi nationality prince. The prince, this is my daughter An'an." Gu Chunzhu pulled An'an and then introduced the two to each other.

A Yinuo stared at An An interestingly for a while, making An An inexplicably a little uneasy and hiding himself behind Gu Chunzhu. A Yinuo withdrew his eyes and raised his lips, "Mrs. General, your daughter is as interesting as you are. If any of us don't like it, we just refuse, An'an even ugliness, I really admire."

An An was very shocked to hear A Yinuo's words, and jumped out and asked, "How did you find out? I think I've painted quite realistically!"

A Yinuo smiled and said several reasons for himself, "First of all, I have seen your sister, you can’t look too different from them, that is, you can’t be too ugly. Second, the face is full of pockmarks. More or less, there will be some fear of others looking at your face, some inferiority, but your eyes are very confident and lively. In the end, your rouge and that black spot melt together."

An An hurriedly turned around and shook her head in annoyance. She really failed! Now that A Yinuo saw it, she took out her handkerchief and wiped away all the messes on her face. Then she turned and said to A Yinuo, "Since you say you can directly refuse, Then I will say it straight. I don’t like you and I won’t go back to the Yi tribe with you. Just give up!"

"But I hope to have a reason for rejection. Isn't it handsome enough or not rich enough?" A Yinuo touched his face, seeming to be quite confident in his appearance.

"You can still grow up, but it's not my dish. My family also has money, so you can't attract me with money. Also, the Yi people are too far away, I can't bear to leave my parents." An An looked seriously In view of A Yinuo's appearance, although still a little handsome, in her opinion, she still prefers Wei Xingzhi.

"The children always have to leave their parents to grow up, don't you still depend on your parents so much now?" A Yinuo is not very acceptable to An An's reason. After all, the Yi people are never here, and the children will leave at the right time. Parents grow up on their own.

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