Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 101 World Mutation! Space Cracks! (One more)

Dong'an City.

Since the last several invasions of higher Otherworld creatures, calm has returned to the city.

Those people are gradually forgetting the crises of the past.

And even if those people are worried, they can't do anything.

The existence of earth powers is to protect them.

Since what happened in Zhonghai, the pressure on China is much less.

But those king-level existences in China are making more and more efforts.

They understand that the world is changing faster and faster.

Soon, the Otherworld may be the same as in the past, and its strength will suddenly expand.

If they are not prepared, then the earth will face the crisis of extinction again.

Like the earliest times, when the earth had not yet appeared, the earth was undergoing earth-shaking changes at that time.

Otherworlds appeared one after another, causing a very terrible impact on the earth.

At that time, human beings on earth were almost wiped out.

Fortunately, the rise of mankind is also very fast, which avoids the possibility of extinction.

With the passage of time, the Earth and the Otherworld will form the current situation and confront each other.

Otherworld wants to occupy more and more territory of human beings, but human beings will not allow it.

That's why those king-level existences have been working hard all the time.

A sense of crisis of world change kept promoting them.

Dongan University.

"Xinya, according to your future memory, the earth has changed, and the god-level terrifying existence has appeared since then. According to the time, it will be a month later." Li Yu asked Yuan Xinya beside him.

Although Li Yu did not take the initiative to ask Yuan Xinya some secrets about Yuan Xinya's future.

Those secrets were in Li Yu's eyes, and that was Yuan Xinya's opportunity.

Even if Li Yu had his own chance, it wouldn't be worth mentioning.

Compared with the Myriad Realms Dimension Group, it is really incomparable.

However, Yuan Xinya took the initiative to tell Li Yu about the crisis that the earth would encounter.

If it is Li Yu in the original history, he may not be able to join the beginning of this mutation.

Although Li Yu was also very powerful at the beginning, after he was born, he directly killed the ninth-level powerhouse.

In the eyes of many, that is genius, true genius.

But at the time of the great crisis.

Because of a change in a certain rule between the Earth and the Otherworld, some powerful power owners seized that opportunity and entered the Earth, causing terrible damage to the human beings on the Earth.

In that change, the number of earth powerhouses falling was also very large.

But now Li Yu is much stronger than the Li Yu in his memory.

Yuan Xinya understood what Li Yu could do at this time.

"Yes, Li Yu." Yuan Xinya nodded, "But even so, you also know that many of my future memories have changed, and it is difficult to use as a reference."

I don't know if it's the butterfly effect or because of what, like the last crisis in Zhonghai City, it has already become completely different.

"Maybe." Li Yu smiled, "Although the future has changed, this inevitable thing should still happen.

The history of this world may have undergone earth-shaking changes after Li Yu came here and obtained the Myriad Realms Dimension Group.

In Yuan Xinya's memory of Li Yu, perhaps what he rose up was not the Myriad Realms Dimension Group, but other existences.

Wanjie dimensional group.

The existence of this group made Li Yu's strength grow by leaps and bounds.

It seems that by now, Li Yu already has the power of god level, or kills god level.

Like the god-level dragon that Li Yu slaughtered in Otherworld, although it did not regain its true power, at that time, Li Yu did not burst out with all his strength.

Not to mention, Li Yu's strength is steadily increasing during these times.

"So we have to prepare in advance." Li Yu smiled.

"I know, I will work hard." Yuan Xinya nodded heavily.

Since the last time she returned from Zhonghai City, Yuan Xinya's strength has been greatly improved.

It's almost like a genius in a template.

But to a certain extent, Yuan Xinya was able to improve so quickly, which was a matter of course.

"Yeah." Li Yu's eyes suddenly condensed and looked at the sky.

"What's wrong, Li Yu." Yuan Xinya wondered.

"The world is starting to change." Li Yu said slowly.

A terrifying aura began to fill the sky above.

"Why so fast." Yuan Xinya expressed her shock. According to her memory, it was a month later.

"Xinya, pay attention to your safety this time. 39 Li Yu said.

0.・・For flowers・

Soon after.

The sky and the earth darkened, and countless white lightnings illuminated the earth.

At this moment, it was like the end of the world.

And this kind of change is not only in Dong'an City, the whole China, the whole earth has been affected by this terrible force.

Countless earth powerhouses watched the earth's changes with solemn expressions.

For this change, they are helpless.

This is no longer an area of ​​power that they can reach.

Dong'an City.

Qin He, the King of Black Swords, Weide, President of Dong'an University, Mu Sen and other powerhouses all gathered in the air.

"Senior, the energy around him seems to be thicker and denser. 39 Mu Sen felt the energy changes around him.


"Although the energy has increased, I don't think it's a good thing for the earth." Weide's eyes were solemn.

This kind of world-class change, they can't do anything, they can only watch it.

"Principal Wei is right." The Black Sword King Qin He looked solemn, "This change in the world may be another earth-shaking change for mankind.

"Humanity can either rise again in this change, or be destroyed by the enemy, there are two options.

When the black sword king was changing in this world, he had a feeling that the realm above the king level seemed to be slowly opening.

In the past, for the powerhouses of the earth, it seemed that they wanted to become kings.

Now that stuff has been made up for.

But this may be an opportunity, but it should also be a crisis.

The Black Sword King thought about Zhonghai City, other space passages on the earth, and the movements of those Otherworlds.

They seem to be waiting for an opportunity.

A time to invade Earth.

Last time, as if there was no such unfamiliar powerhouse, who killed the Emperor level of Otherworld, Zhonghai City would probably face destruction.

After careful discussion by the king-level powerhouses, they came to the conclusion that the world had changed.

As a king-level Black Sword King, he naturally knows it.


Thunder and lightning streak across the sky.

It was as if space cracks appeared in this area.

Do not


In other words, it was a real space crack.

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