Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 102: Killing as You Like It (Second)

"Why is the sky dark and what happened. 39

"Not only is the sky dark, don't you feel that the earth is constantly shaking?"

"How could this happen? Could it be that the enemy of the Otherworld invaded?"

"Impossible, how could it be the enemy of Otherworld, but we have powers to stop them."5

"But if that's not the case, what would be the reason.

"Is it the end of the world? It's impossible for individual power to do this. 99

“We felt it was too dangerous to go to a safe place and stay in Dong’an.35

The people of Dong'an City were talking nervously and fearfully.

The changes between heaven and earth have gone beyond their comprehension.

Just like those ordinary people, they are not very clear about what kind of terrifying power they have over the king-level powerhouses of human beings.

In fact, the owner of king-level strength has been able to have a certain influence on the world.

And this time the changes in the world, not only Dong'an City.

This kind of change is in every corner of the earth, no matter where you go, it is impossible to escape this kind of world change.

"Wait, what is that, is that lightning?"

"What a big thunderbolt, wait, it seems that some shadows are slowly appearing.

Over Dong'an City.

A crack that covers the sky and the sun is across the sky, and when viewed from the ground, it looks like the sky has broken open.


With terrifying power, countless powerful men with terrifying energy slowly emerged from the cracks.

Some even look huge and ferocious monsters.

"The enemy of Otherworld is here." The black sword king Qin He looked at the strong men who appeared from the space crack, his expression was extremely ugly.

As a king-level power user, he can feel the enemies emerging from those cracks, and the lowest is the strength of a ninth-level power user.

Even he was able to see many king-level existences comparable to him.

It turns out that there are not many kings in Otherworld, why at this time, it seems to be very many.

More importantly.

There are some enemies that even he can't see through, the kind of heavy and terrifying power.

Even his Black Sword King was trembling.

This gave him the urge to run away.

That's a biological instinct.

But as the guardian of China, how could he, the Black Sword King, run away.

Even in death, he will stop those Otherworld enemies.

However, the Black Sword King also understood that those enemies he couldn't see through, those with a terrifying aura, might be the legendary emperors.

In the past, there were no emperor-level powerhouses in Otherworld at all, but now, when the world is changing, so many have appeared all at once.

And you must know that this is only the area of ​​Dong'an City.

If this unit is converted to the whole world, the number of strong people in the Otherworld will be terrifying.

Can humans survive?

In fact, the Black Sword King really thought too much.

Dong'an City, perhaps because of the particularity of its geographical location, this time-space crack appears here, and the enemies of the Otherworld may invade.

If every city has such a space channel.

It is indeed very difficult for human beings to survive.

But the truth is, even in China, at this point in time, this kind of enemy invasion is rare.

Only a limited number of cities have encountered such a situation.

Most places don't have that experience.

But even so.

There are so many emperor-level existences, under the strong human beings who have no adjacent strong people, they are completely tortured and killed, and there is no trace of resistance at all.

And the distance between a city, for those emperor-level powerhouses, that is also very close.

It only takes a short time to be able to come to another city.

So even if there are not many enemies in the Otherworld this time, it will be devastating to China.

Similarly, not only China, but other countries on the planet are also facing such a crisis.

"Qin He, it seems that this time is dead." Weide looked at the terrifying powerhouses in the sky and shook his head.

Although Weide does not have the strength of a king.

But he can also see what kind of terrifying strength some of the enemies of the Otherworld possess.

Moreover, the current change in the expression of the king beside him can also be seen.

"Principal Wei." The Black Sword King Qin He was speechless.

In the current situation, comforting or something seems to be of no use.

They are all powerhouses standing at the peak of their strength, not those ordinary civilians. …

So they also understand the current situation.

Also at this moment.

Many powerful people around Dong'an City also rushed here at an extremely fast speed.

As for those weak abilities in Dong'an City.

To them, they have nothing but expressions of fear.

It is impossible for them to have any idea of ​​resistance at the ninth level and above.

The gap between the two sides is really too big.

"Headmaster Wei, let's work hard together. We need to be able to kill as many people as possible." Qin He took a deep breath and said slowly.

No words of comfort are needed for these people.

To get to where we are today, everyone has experienced too much.

They all have only one purpose, to protect the earth, and they cannot let the powerhouses of the Otherworld wipe out the earth.

above the sky.

A ferocious monster with two wings flapped its wings, and there was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

There was a terrifying aura about him that was completely different from that of a king.

If Li Yu was here.

He can easily find out that the other party is an emperor-level powerhouse.

Entering the Otherworld and slaughtering the flame dragon, Li Yu still knew the emperor very well.

After all, the guards of the flame dragons were all emperor-level powerhouses, and even those king-level guards could not become the guards of the flame dragons.

"This is the Origin Star, very good, very good." The giant beast with a terrifying aura said slowly, 1.6 "Unfortunately, the Origin Star has not really recovered, and we can't stay in this world for too long. "

"Now that the Origin Star has changed, it won't take long before we can truly come to this world." A terrifying giant exuding golden light, he has three eyes and is looking down.

He also saw the Black Sword King and Dong'an City.

"Haha, below is the powerhouse of Origin Star, it seems to be a little weak." Another otherworld powerhouse with ordinary stature showed a ray of light, "Then let them feel what despair is first.

"Good, good, then go.

"Kill as much as you like, kill.""


The oppressive power continued to permeate down.

The entire Dong'an City was shrouded in this force in an instant.

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