Wanjie Dimension Group

The 103rd chapter is going to die! Also standing to die! (Third)

When those king-level, even emperor-level powerhouses rushed out from the cracks in space.

The whole earth is caught in a tragic war.

Countless earth's top king-level powerhouses are fully resisting those Otherworld enemies.

Even if there are those emperor-level powerhouses, even if they will be killed, those king-level powerhouses have not flinched.

If they back off.

The casualties of human beings on Earth will only become more severe.

They want to protect the living force of the earth.

Fortunately, at one point, the king-level powerhouses of the earth discovered that the power of the emperor-level existences in Otherworld seems to be a little weak.

In fact, the emperor-level powerhouses in Otherworld are a little weak in the eyes of humans, and there is a reason for that.

First of all, the king-level powerhouses of human beings are not ordinary king-level people, they have risen in countless battles.

Compared to the otherworld's king-class, the earth's king-class, their combat power is more ferocious.

On the other hand, the strength of those otherworld emperor-level powerhouses has not really recovered.

They are just taking advantage of the changes in the earth at this time, to invade it for a short time.

But even so, the realm of emperor level 07 is vastly different from that of king level.

Emperor level, also known as the emperor.

The limit of mundane life.

This limit is the same for any life, such as otherworld dragons, elves, giants and so on.

Compared with the human beings on earth, it is similar.

It is also the limit of human strength.

Therefore, to be able to be called emperor-level, their strength is very unusual.

Dong'an City.

"Stupid humans, wanting to rely on king-level strength to fight us, wishful thinking." The terrifying giant beast, his claws ripped forward.

The astonishing energy destroyed the defense of the Black Sword King in an instant, and then this force knocked the Black Sword King out.

Qin He's face was pale.

Qin He, the king of the black sword, was not among the top-ranking people among China's king-level powerhouses.

In the face of the emperor-level monster in front of him, there is no resistance at all.

Similarly, Qin He also saw Wei De and Mu Sen, and their situation was extremely critical.

If you are not careful, you will be killed by those otherworld powerhouses.

No, or rather, go on like this and they're dead.

Those supernatural beings who came from Dong'an City towards the sky were not at all the opponents of those who suddenly arrived in the Otherworld.

"Even if you die, you will have to give something." The Black Sword King's eyes radiated a firm light.

An astonishing sword energy erupted from his body.

It was black sword energy.

This black doesn't have any gloomy feeling, instead it has an upright and domineering air.

A huge pitch-black long sword was formed in the air, which was the power combined with the power of the Black Sword King's source.

The vast and huge breath carries the awe-inspiring power of a king.


Attacks that could easily destroy countless mountains fell on that emperor-level monster.

"Very good power, but the king level of Origin Star, you must understand that the gap between the emperor level and the king level is more terrifying than you think. The claws of this monster grabbed into the void.

An invisible force rushed away.


The black giant sword slashed down and remained motionless in midair.

"Bang" sound.

In the end, the long sword broke in an instant, turning into pieces and scattered in the air.

Black Sword King Qin He's complexion became even paler, and he took a few steps back.

The power of the source just now was defeated at once, and it was also a huge damage to the Black Sword King Qin He.

"Damn it." Black Sword King Qin He looked at the enemies in front of him.

The countless enemies of the emperor and king levels simply made the Black Sword King despair.

"Only the last attack can be made." The Black Sword King Qin He took a deep breath, he had no other way.

Self-destruction was his last resort.

Although such a method may have no effect in the face of the emperor.

But at the moment, there is no way out.

Rather than being destroyed by this Otherworld enemy in front of me, I might as well do something.

"Little guy, do you want to blow yourself up?" The ferocious beast's eyes contained deep meaning, as if he could see through Qin He's desire to do something.

This remark shocked Qin He, but he didn't expect his own thoughts to be seen through.

"Don't you think we would be stupid." The monster said lightly, "Unfortunately, even if you really blow yourself up, it will be of no use to us."

"Of course maybe you can try.

There was mockery in the monster's eyes.

"Then let me die. The wings of the 35 monsters fluttered, spinning with cutting energy, like a hurricane, the heaven and earth were also surrounded by this energy.

"Will I die?" The Black Sword King held the long sword in his hand and rushed over, "Even if I die, I will die standing up.

"Our human territory is not something you ugly monsters can do as they please.""

A high and cold voice seemed to sound from the sky.

A purple light shot from the sky and hit the monster's attack.

I saw that this purple light easily tore apart the opponent's attack and continued to attack the monster.

"This power." The monster's pupils shrank, "Emperor level.


The purple power slammed on the monster, and the purple light erupted in the air like a mushroom cloud, rippling.

When the purple light disappeared, the severely injured giant beast was revealed.

I saw that the entire body of the giant beast looked bloody, and some of them showed some skeletons.

To know as the emperor-level powerhouse.

His body, even the king level can't break through.

Only the emperor can cause this kind of damage to him.

"How could human beings be born at this time of the emperor level, and it is such a powerful emperor level." The monster couldn't believe it, and looked at the purple figure that appeared not far away.

The purple figure was dressed in beautiful clothes, with a ribbon on his head fluttering in the wind, the red lips at the corner of his mouth had a hint of pride, and his eyes were that kind of aloof.

This woman is Li Cui.

Li Yu's sister, now she already has the strength of the emperor.

Otherworld powerhouses want to destroy Dong'an City, but Li Zhao will not allow it. After all, this is their hometown.

As the emperors of the Otherworld, their strengths have not fully recovered.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Cui said high above, "Since you came to Earth, I think you should also be prepared, prepared to die."5


Li Cui disappeared like a flash of purple light.

"Dons." "The three-eyed giant saw this scene and wanted to rescue him.


Pink petals keep falling from the sky.

With girly laughter.

"Giant, let's fight."

Li Xiaoqing also appeared.

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