Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 105: Killing God Level (Fifth)

God level.

As a life spanning the emperor level, energy and life forms have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Emperor level is the limit of life.

Then the god level is to cross the limit and reach another level of life.

If it is said that there is a heaven between the king level and the emperor level, then the gap between the emperor level and the god level is deeper than the heaven.

As Li Cui and Li Xiaoqing who obtained the system.

They also have their own understanding of the god level.

When this monster with god-level power came out of the space crack.

The entire Dong'an city was enveloped by an invisible force.

Those fleeing people have an invisible fear in their hearts.

The monster that covers the sky above its head is not something that humans can resist.

It's like a god on a high level.

Those five-level six-level ability users in Dong'an City felt their hearts tremble.

If it is said that the otherworld's ninth-level or king-level powerhouses before, these power users can still grit their teeth.

So now that this god-level existence has appeared, the fighting spirit in their hearts has long since vanished.

The powerhouses who came from the surrounding cities stood blankly in the air.

Emperor level, there is still fighting spirit to perish together.

So god-level, it is no longer what fighting spirit can make up for.

"What a powerful force." Li Cui's body exuded a purple light.

As an emperor-level strength, 840 was still able to break free from the suppression of god-level energy.

"Sister, it seems that we can't deal with this enemy anymore." Li Xiaoqing frowned beside him, and he was not nervous.

"Human." A dull voice came from the mouth of this terrifying monster, "I didn't expect that the Origin Star would also give birth to such a strong person. I really didn't expect it."5

"But when you meet me, this will be a tragic start for you." The monster flapped its wings, "Today, you and the humans below die here."

Terrifying black energy condensed in the wings.

One after another lightning crackled around, which was the continuous condensation of energy.

In fact, the sudden appearance of the god-level powerhouse, he was able to appear on the earth for a limited amount of time.

But even in a short period of time, he was enough to destroy the city below and kill all the enemies in front of him.


The energy of the warped space blasted towards Li Zhao and the others.

Just as the god-level powerhouse said, he wants to destroy Li Zhao and the cities below.

They have killed so many people in the Otherworld just now, and the humans of these origin stars also need to pay the price.

"Brother, if you don't show up again, my sister and I will be killed. Li Xiaoqing looked at the terrifying energy and said suddenly.

"Bankai, the residual fire sword."

A voice sounded slowly in the sky. ,

Immediately, an energy with bright white light slashed towards the dark energy ball.

In an instant, the energy ball was split open, and at the same time, the energy trend continued toward the monster.

"God-level power." The monster was shocked, and he stretched out his claws.

To block this terrifying force.

God level, that is already an attack that can threaten his power.

Although he never thought that such a terrifying power would be born in the Origin Star at this time.


A terrifying force hit the monster's claws, and the dazzling white light spread instantly.

The entire sky was continuously impacted by the aftermath of this energy.

The light disappeared, and you could see that the original monster's palm was charred black.

"Human, don't think you are god-level..."

The god-level monster roared fiercely.

As a god-level practitioner, he is also aloof in the Otherworld.

He, who had regained some strength not long ago, had just entered the Origin Star when he suffered such a blow.

"Remnant Fire Sword - North, Ashes of Heaven and Earth"

Before the god-level monster could finish speaking, the more amazing energy of the residual fire tachi burst out.

Under the attack of the ashes of heaven and earth, the temperature of the sun condensed together, and then turned into the ultimate slash.

Any (ahbg) thing is directly reduced to ashes under such a slash.

This is the ashes of heaven and earth.

Even the sky and the earth will be a little bit unbearable under this move.

"No..." The monster made a final unwilling voice.

He is god-level, and he has not shown himself well, and he was killed by such a beheading at this time.

More importantly, his strength has not really recovered.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were clear and bright, and the monster that covered the sky and the sun was reduced to ashes under this slash.

"Sister Li Mo, and Xiaoqing, you must know that you were very dangerous just now." Li Yu looked at his two relatives.

In the face of the attack of the god-level existence, the two did nothing just now.

The level of danger is really too great.

"Brother, because I know you are nearby, you will definitely show up." Li Xiaoqing said quickly beside him.

"That's right, and Xiaoyu, you just watched us fight." Li Cuibai glanced at Li Yu.

"Okay, let's get rid of the remaining enemies." Li Yu looked at the remaining Otherworld powerhouses.

this look.

Those otherworld powerhouses panicked instantly.

The earth powerhouse in front of him just beheaded the adults of their Otherworld. If they continue to stay here, there is really only a dead end.

Dongan University.

"Li Yu, and his relatives are different." Yuan Xinya watched the battle above.

Whether it is the strength of Li Cui and the others, or the strength of Li Yu at this moment.

This is very different from before her rebirth.

Naturally, before her rebirth, Li Yu's two relatives were indeed very powerful.

"Li Yu, I will also work harder.


"That one should be a god-level powerhouse just now, he can kill even a god-level person, that senior is..." Black Sword King Qin He was already in a daze, and he couldn't react at all.

"It's finally out." Weide looked at the figure in the sky, his eyes were shining brightly.

"He is the two emperor-level relatives who entered Dong'an University just now."

"He was also the one who destroyed the space passage near Dong'an City."

"He is the powerhouse who avoids destruction in Zhonghai City.

"His name is Li Yu.

"This, this..." There was horror in the eyes of the Black Sword King. He had been looking for the legendary powerhouse, but he couldn't find it.

Now this time it has appeared.

And thinking of the age of the other party, he was even more speechless.

"He may be the savior of mankind."

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