Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 106: The Desperate Dragon King (Sixth)

Before the space crack.

Li Yu looked at the dark space inside, his eyes flickering.

Those otherworld powerhouses came from here.

In fact, this space crack will not exist for too long.

But even so, as long as there is a little more time, the crisis of the earth will be more terrible.

Just like Dongan City.

If it weren't for the existence of Li Yu, the entire city of Dong'an would have been destroyed by now, and that power would have spread to the surrounding cities.

"It contains the power of space.

Li Yu took a hand, and a blue cube appeared in one of his hands.

That's a cosmic cube.

Li Yu wanted to use the same power to artificially close this space channel.

"Exclusive bgm use.

The exclusive bgm has become the focus of everyone, and the lucky value can be kept at the max state.

After Li Yu's previous promotion, the lucky time has been able to last for twenty seconds.

It doesn't look like much though.

But twenty seconds, whether in a battle or in other situations, can play an incredible role.

I saw Li Yu holding the Susanoo in his hand and slashing towards the space crack.

Under this slash, the energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube was also vented.


The dull sound resounded continuously in the space crack.

In the end, it can be seen that the space crack that covers the sky and the sun is slowly disappearing.

This is proof that Li Yu's exclusive bgm comes into play.

Otherwise, Li Yu could play such an amazing role with just one attack, and it is impossible to think about it.

"Sister Li Zhao, and Xiaoqing, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go to other places in China to see. 35 Li Yu said to his two relatives.

Now that it has been exposed, Li Yu has nothing to worry about.

In the future, the self will appear in front of the world in a big way.

"Understood, leave it to us here." Li Cui smiled.

Now that the space crack has disappeared, they don't need to worry about anything.

"Then, I'll go." The Zanpakutō in Li Yu's hand slashed forward, endless energy continuously condensed forward, and finally a dark and twisted space channel slowly formed.

That is the space channel formed by Li Yu with the help of the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

normal situation.

It seems a little difficult for Li Yu to use such a method to open the space-time coordinates, but at present, he still has a great grasp of opening the exclusive bgm.

"hurry up.

Li Yu stepped into this space passage.

The exclusive bgm only has twenty seconds, and he needs to seize this time to deal with those Otherworld enemies who invaded from the space crack as soon as possible.

China, Zhonghai City.

Today's Zhonghai City has become a land of gunpowder smoke.

Terrifying battles broke out in various parts of the city. The city was severely damaged, and the high-rise buildings collapsed one after another, looking like ruins that had been baptized by war.

You must know that it was only a short period of time that Zhonghai City changed from its prosperous appearance to this situation.

The most important thing is that the enemy is too strong.

When the earth mutated, a space crack appeared in the sky above Zhonghai City, and the enemies inside naturally invaded the earth.

There are also emperor-level powerhouses here.

There is no existence like Li Zhao in this city, so in this battle, the death of Zhonghai City was very heavy.

Seventh-level, eighth-level, and even ninth-level powerhouses fell one after another.

Originally at this time, such strength was already able to sit on one side.

But in this battle, these powerhouses are not opponents of the Otherworld enemies at all.

The power gap between the two is too great.

Even the top kings of Zhonghai City, they were just barely holding on.

"It seems that my Dragon King is still going to die in Zhonghai City, which is unavoidable." The Dragon King standing in the air seemed to have many traces of battle on his body, but his expression was still firm.

"Dragon King, keep going." Another man in Chinese clothes blasted away the enemy in front of him with astonishing power.

"Warlord, my strength is not as good as yours." The Dragon King shook his head, "So now I only need to kill some enemies, that's enough.

Battle King, China's real top king-level powerhouse, his level is close to the emperor level.

So this is also the reason why he can fight against these otherworld powerhouses.

But there are too many emperors in Otherworld, and if he continues to drag on, he will probably be killed too.

"Okay, Dragon King, you take one step first, and I will follow you." The War King smiled boldly, and he didn't care about his own life or death.

0...・・ Flowers・

For the strong human beings.

The confrontation with the enemies of the Otherworld, such an ending, they have long been prepared.

"Original..." The breath on the Dragon King's body became more and more terrifying, and purple scales continued to appear on his body.

He wants to explode his own origin.

Just when the Dragon King was about to go all out, the fluctuation of space spread out in this battlefield.

The vortex-like space channel opened, and a figure came out from it.

In his hand he held a long knife that radiated fire.

Like a real god appeared in front of the world.

I saw that under this man's sword, the flames shrouded the world like a giant dragon, and the emperor-level powerhouses of the Otherworld fell with fearful expressions.

How can the emperor level compete with the power of the god level.

The second sword fell after the space crack, and then the crack that covered the sky and the sun disappeared.

The third sword, Li Yu disappeared in the world of Zhonghai City.

The only remaining king-level powerhouses and the other-level superpowers had blank expressions on their faces, and they had never thought of this scene before.

It was as if their battle had never happened just now.

What just happened was like a dream.

Even the king-level powerhouse was not an opponent of the Otherworld powerhouse, but he was killed by a sword, and the space crack was also destroyed by a sword.

Is this still the power that humans can explode?

But when they looked at Zhonghai City under their feet, like a ruined Zhonghai City, they understood that what happened just now was true.

But who is that human who suddenly appeared like a god?

Does China have such a person?

"Is that a god-level?" The War King's eyes flashed incredulously.

Emperor level is already very difficult in the eyes of War King, god level, that is the level of legends.

"That person?" The Dragon King murmured, this figure merged with the previous figure in Zhonghai City, "Senior, you have saved me again.

"Dragon King, you know that senior." The War King noticed the difference between the Dragon King.

"That's the person from Zhonghai City." The Dragon King said softly.

"It turned out to be him, his strength is really unfathomable." Enter.

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