Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 108: The Earth Sleeping Powerhouse (Eighth)

Dong'an City.

A living room in a neighborhood.

The town Uranus and several other world-famous king-level existences were like elementary school students, listening to Li Yu's narration.

In their hearts, Li Yu has reached the ultimate level of power.

What he said naturally benefited them a lot.

In fact, Li Yu used the function of the Wanjie Dimensional Group to have a certain understanding of the modes of various forces.

Not to mention the existence of big bosses such as Thanos, Li Yu has a clearer exploration of the patterns of some powers.

In the heavens and the worlds, although the patterns of some forces are different, in the end they are all in the same way.

Therefore, Li Yu's understanding of some power systems of his own earth can be considered very in-depth.

How can I say that I have two relatives in my family.

They have reached the realm level of the emperor level.

Comparing some strengths with each other actually laid the foundation of Li Yu's cultivation very solid.

"Now that the world has changed, the road to the emperor level has been opened. I think that you will be able to break through the existence of the king level in the near future." Li Yu said slowly.

The first batch of emperors on earth will probably be born in a short time.

And it will be in a blowout mode. 07

After all, the existence of some kings, they have accumulated long enough, long enough.

"Many thanks to the Fire God," said Uranus, Mo Sheng and the others gratefully.

Not only Mo Sheng, who had half a foot in the emperor rank, but the other king rank also gained a lot. If they were given a certain amount of time, they could also step into the emperor rank.

And they can give these things to China, and even the world.

In this way, the number of powerful people on earth will increase.

To be able to compete with the Otherworld.

From the change of the earth this time, the powerhouses of the earth have a better understanding of how deep the Otherworld is.

They also understand that those emperor-level and even more powerful enemies are still sleeping and sealing in their own Otherworld.

"Flame God, if you want to become a god, what do you need to do?" Uranus Mo Sheng continued to ask.

In Mo Sheng's eyes, Li Yu is a god-level powerhouse, so he wants to know more about it.

"God level." Li Yu showed an inexplicable smile, "When you walk out of your own origin, maybe you can become gods.

"The path of origin." Zhen Uranus and the others pondered.

"At that time, you may be able to understand." Li Yu shook his head.

In fact, Li Yu did not follow the path of the powerhouses on Earth.

But just like Li Yu said, the ultimate goal of strength is the same goal.

From fighting against the god-level powerhouses of the Otherworld, Li Yu has also figured out some forms of power.

"Flame God, I have a question in my heart." The Dragon King asked hesitantly, "Otherworld has these terrifying beings awakening from their slumber, don't we Earth not have those powerhouses in the past?

Although some of the original sects appeared one by one after the earth's mutation, but in the era when the earth did not change, their growth rate could not be compared with this era at all.

But now the legendary powerhouses like Otherworld have appeared, and there seems to be no such person on Earth.

"Earth's strong." Li Yu smiled, "Maybe there is, maybe not, maybe one day, they will wake up from their slumber, but now, the most important thing is that you need to improve your own strength.""

Li Yu's words made Longwang and others wake up.

Because of Otherworld's attack and the existence of so many powerful enemies, the Dragon King and others have already flinched.

At this time, Li Yu woke them up.

"Thank you Fire God.

"Flame God, I came here today, and there is one more thing I want to discuss with you." Zhen Uranus Mo Sheng said, "Flaming God, can your identity be revealed to the world?

The town Uranus wants to do this, the big reason is to let the human beings on earth understand that there is still hope.

Li Yu smiled lightly, "My identity is at the top of the earth. It's almost clear. Since I can bring some power to the earth and announce my identity, why not."

"Many thanks to the Fire God," said Uranus respectfully.

Soon after.

After discussing the general matters, the town Uranus and others left one by one.

"Brother, these people still look good." Li Xiaoqing appeared in the living room.

"That's also because of the strength of my brother." Li Yu stood up and stroked Li Xiaoqing's hair.

"Xiaoyu is right, because of Xiaoyu's strength, they will behave like this." Li Cui said softly.

After chatting with his two relatives for a while, Li Yu returned to his home.

For Li Yu, moving house is almost on the agenda.

Whether it's about Li Yu's cultivation or the announcement of his identity, it's no longer enough to live here.

Shaking his head, Li Yu opened the Wanjie dimension group.

The four newcomers who entered a few days ago also slowly adapted to the life of the water group.

The identities of some people in the group, they also know about the same.

It's just a lot of work to understand so many shared files in the group.

But for these four newcomers, it may be nothing.

Like Misaka Mikoto, as the fifth-level superpower of Academy City, her brain is very fast.

Not to mention people like Su Da, Pluton Ah Cha and others.

Like Thor, it is even simpler, and from time to time there is a wave of py transactions with Tony Stark.

Who made them all in the 857 Marvel universe.

And worry about that Marvel boss Thanos.

Although it is said that the difficulty of Thanos wanting to snap his fingers is even greater than before, there is a myriad dimension group.

Nothing can be said.

My sister is mine: "Su Da, in your place, did the white snake come to you? You can't let her die. How can I say she is still a good monster.""

After reading the origin of the white snake, the white snake on the opposite side was still very fond of it.

As for Xu Xuan, well, who is that?

How could her tornado focus on a man.

If you want to pay attention, you should also pay attention to the group owner.

Coquettish little fox demon: "Don't worry, that monster has never come before, if she comes, I will definitely know.

Pluton in the Dark: "I'm a little bored when I can have a full mission.

Playboy: "All-staff tasks are still uncommon. Usually, we can get some points by performing tasks in our own world."

Goddess of Water: "It's so difficult, Aqua feels that the tasks in her world are difficult."

The others didn't say anything.

This goddess Aqua has a very low luck value, so it is not surprising to complete the task.

"By the way, has it been rare recently?" Li Yu said.


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