Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 109: Upheaval in the Tang Dynasty! Reincarnation Killer! (Ninth)

My sister is mine: "When the group leader appears, everyone avoids.

Railgun: "Avoid +1"

Playboy: "Avoid +2"

For World Peace: "Welcome to the President.

Lonely Captain of the Fifth Division: "Although the appearance of 婠婠 is a little less, the time that these time will appear is also a little less.

For the peace of the universe: "Could the president be doing something unspeakable again?"

Pluton in the dark: "It's very possible, and I'm also very worried that the president will find me personally.

Ah Cha in the underworld showed a smile.

I am also very interested in Li Yu and Ah Cha.

Because of Li Yu's existence, she was able to leave the dark underworld and enter the heavens and the world.

Moreover, with the existence of the Myriad Realms Dimensional Group, she can also improve her strength, and it may be possible to deal with the gods in the future.

All because of Li Yu's existence.

Goddess of Water: "Ah, so, then I'm also worried, what will happen when the president becomes a bad person."

Justice of Soul Society: "President, am I going to have a righteous judgment?"9

Looking at the constant discussions among these members, a few black lines appeared on Li Yu's forehead.

"It seems that everyone is going to experience the banquet." Li Yu said.

For a moment.

The group fell silent.

The deterrent effect of the banquet is still there.

They are used to the water group, if they are silenced for a long time, it will be a very boring thing.

Like Thanos, Captain Yamamoto and others, the bosses sitting in their respective worlds, they want to find someone to chat with.

Like in this ten thousand world dimension group, they are able to speak freely.

What about the demon girl: "Group master, a big thing has happened here."

"A big thing? What's the matter, is there a traveler or something in your world." Li Yu asked.

Like the world of the Tang Dynasty, the overall level of force is not very high, and there will be no major crisis.

If it is like Marvel World, White Snake World, etc., then it is hard to say.

After all, even if Li Yu knew, it was the tip of the iceberg.

The butterfly effect, for those who know the plot, also exists.

But like the Tang Dynasty world, Wei Wei owns the Evil Emperor relic, and has obtained some points before, which can be exchanged.

The strength of 婠婠 can be said to be a thousand miles a day.

Unless those great masters take action, it is impossible to deal with it.

Railgun: "Ah, you're okay.

The last time I performed a mission in the Marvel World, because they were about the same age, the relationship between Yu and Misaka Mikoto was still very good.

Coquettish little fox demon: "Yeah, 婠婠, if someone deals with you, tell your sister, I will deal with him."

As a demon in the world of demon gods, dealing with people in the world of martial arts is really like chopping melons and vegetables.

Pluton in the dark: "Well, who would dare to deal with 婠婠.

For the peace of the universe: "Looks like I'm going to go out."

The group members swiped.

From this, it can be seen that the popularity of 婠婠 in the group is still quite good.

Perhaps this is also the cuteness of 婠婠, which makes many people in the group like this little girl.

Even Thanos and others are the same.

Actually, the same goes for someone like Aqua.

Although the stupid Aqua is often complained by the group members.

But everyone still likes Aqua in this state.

This is also through some of their own videos, everyone has a general understanding of everyone.

Like Aqua, actually speaking, is a very simple god.

Like Thanos, Aizen, Yamamoto, Uchiha Madara, etc., they also quite identify with this kind of simple character.

What about the demon girl: "Everyone, nothing happened to me, but my world seems to be in crisis. It is said that a city was slaughtered, probably because of those who reincarnated."

"Come on, a city was slaughtered to the ground. Could it be that the other party hasn't left yet?" Li Yu asked.

What about the demon girl: "No, because the other party seems to have said that he will do such a thing.""

For world peace: "Group lord, it looks like we are going.

Lonely Captain of the Fifth Division: "This is a rare situation that is not a mission, and it seems that we need to prepare points.

If not in the form of quests, they will cost a certain amount of points if they exist in a certain world.

For the peace of the universe: "President, do you see what you can do?"

"The way." Li Yu's eyes shone with light, looking at the Wanjie dimensional group, "Something happened in the world of the Tang Dynasty, can you take the initiative to stimulate the task?""

In the past, for reincarnators, the Myriad Realms dimensional group was carried out with foresight.

But because the number of members of the Wanjie Dimension Group is limited, they are not always performing tasks.

In other words, there is a big gap between the reincarnation space and the Wanjie dimension group.

The Wanjie dimensional group will not put all their eyes on the reincarnation space.

"`"Ding, take the initiative to activate the mission, the Samsara Killer (a top Samsara team will sacrifice the life of the Tang World in exchange for powerful power), kill the Samsara team, get 30,000 points, and the staff is limited to ten people, It is up to the group owner to decide whether to publish or not.

In front of Li Yu's eyes, such a message was inspired.

This is a system task.

But for Li Yu, such a situation can increase his unfathomable feeling in the eyes of the group members.

After all, if that's the case, it's his job to publish.

With the continuous increase of group members, the dimensional group has become a guild, and Li Yu, the group leader, has become more and more powerful.

In this case, even if the number of the entire group becomes larger and larger in the future, Li Yu has great control over the group.

"Everyone, I have a solution." Li Yu said in the group.

Before anyone could ask, Li Yu posted the mission.

Everyone in the group also heard the voice of the mission at this time (Qian Li Zhao).

Only ten people can participate in this mission, but there are 30,000 points.

Among so many tasks, this time has the most points, but it is enough to illustrate one point.

The strength of that reincarnation space is also very powerful.

However, there are also many bosses of Li Yu Wanjie Dimension Group.

He is not afraid.

Playboy: "The president is amazing. This time he was able to actively stimulate the task, and he still has 30,000 points. After completing the task, everyone should be able to gain a lot."

In Shimo Sakamoto: "I found that our guild is getting better and better, and it will definitely get better and better in the future."

Justice of the Soul Society: "Someone has exchanged their lives for power and performed sacrifices. I will not forgive such behavior, President, count me as one this time."

As a tycoon who obeys justice or.

He will not forgive such an evil act.

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