Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 111 Blood sacrifice to Luoyang (two more)

Datang World.

Baling, if replaced by future history, is called Yueyang here.

It is a city in Lake Province, of which Yueyang Tower is the most famous.

Baling was a prosperous city in the Sui Dynasty.

But now Baling City has become a city of death.

There is no life and no vitality in it.

Just like a piece of underworld, there is only endless death.

This Baling City was the city that was slaughtered by those mysterious powerhouses in the past, and not a single citizen survived.

They are all dead.

Standing outside Baling City, you seem to be able to hear those miserable mourning sounds.

It was this city, the cries of those who faced death-death.

And this originally magnificent city, for some reason, looks very dilapidated, as if it was affected by some kind of power.

The rocks outside the city walls were glowing with lifeless light.

Like a ghost town.

It can be said that after this city was emptied of blood sacrifices, the surrounding people did not dare to come to the place that was too close to the city.

For those people, it was like hell for these people to die, and there was no way they could escape.

At this time, an old man wearing a Taoist uniform slowly came to Baling City.

"Baling, the place where blood was sacrificed." The old man's eyes were solemn, and even when he looked at the city, he could feel the residual power.

That power is like heaven and earth.

His strength can't be compared at all.

You must know that this old man wearing a Taoist uniform is the great master of this world, the loose person Ning Daoqi.

As the great master of the Central Plains, when something like this happened to Baling, he naturally wanted to come and see what was going on.

Legend has it that those terrifying powerhouses have said that Baling is just the beginning, and other cities in the Central Plains will also conduct blood sacrifices.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Daoqi slowly stepped into Baling.

After walking in, Ning Daoqi seemed to see countless mourning sounds around him.

in front of his eyes.

Tables and chairs, the building is rotten.

One by one fell to the ground, the corpses in the room were like mummified corpses, without any vitality.

But Ning Daoqi could still see the fear and pain on the faces of these corpses.

Before they die, I am afraid they will face great terror.

It's like a hell here, a real hell.

It's no wonder that this kind of thing happened here, and no one came to collect the corpse, after all, scenes like Baling City.

That is simply not something that a martial arts master can do.

It seems to be made by ghosts, the legendary ghosts.

This kind of understanding is not only common people, but the martial arts masters in the Datang world all have this view.

This may be the fear of the unknown powerful force.

For a city to undergo such a terrifying change, it would only be the Demon God.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly." Walking in the slightly decayed Baling City, Ning Daoqi's face was only anger, extreme anger.

"No matter who you are, even if you risk your life, I will stop you." Ning Daoqi's voice echoed in Baling City.

He understands the terror of the opponent's strength.

But in such a situation, even if he would die, he would rather Dodge not back down.

And what happened in Baling City.

The people panicked, but there was nothing they could do.

Moreover, with ancient information transmission, many people may think that there is only one kind of rumor, which cannot be true.

As for some arena experts, they are considering whether to go to a place like the wild.

So, are they able to avoid being invaded by this force.

Naturally, there are also strong people like Ning Daoqi, they will not let those people do whatever they want in the world of Tang Dynasty.

Even if this life is given out, it is the same.


The capital of the Sui Dynasty, this capital is also the most prosperous in the whole Zhongyuan.

At present, Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, is definitely here.

At this time, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty made great efforts to rule, and the strength of this dynasty was still in its heyday.

in the palace.

"Your Majesty, the matter of Baling was abuzz, but the thieves didn't catch it, and the thieves said that the matter of Baling would still happen in the Central Plains." A eunuch respectfully said, "Your Majesty, are we temporarily leaving Luoyang? ."

When the stout Yang Guang heard this, he placed his palms heavily on the table, "Are you telling me to escape? Luoyang has countless elite guards, and even if there are thieves, I will kill them." 5

"Your Majesty." The eunuch said helplessly, "Follow His Majesty's orders.

Yang Guang decided, he couldn't say anything more.

Otherwise, he would not have died in the hands of those thieves, and he might have died in the hands of Yang Guang.

"Yeah." Yang Guang's complexion suddenly changed, he stood up from the dragon chair and walked outside the palace, Yang Guang looked into the air.

He saw the red light slowly enveloped the entire Luoyang.

That red light carries an extremely terrifying, evil aura.

"Damn it, dare to come to Luoyang." Yang Guang's eyes were full of anger, "I ordered to go down and gather Luoyang troops. 39

"Yes, Your Majesty," said a general next to him loudly.

He also saw a scene in the sky.

That feeling of trembling is very bad.

somewhere in Luoyang.

"It's actually going to attack Luoyang." An extremely handsome man looked up at the sky.

This person is Shi Zhixuan.


After being easily defeated by Li Yu in the past, Shi Zhixuan entered the cultivation stage.

This time, because of the Baling incident, it was rare to stay in Luoyang, so this kind of thing happened.

At the same time, both martial arts masters and ordinary people in Luoyang discovered this scene.

They slowly began to panic.

Over Luoyang.

Several figures floated in the air, looking coldly at the city below, only indifference in their eyes.

These people are those who are reincarnated.

For these reincarnators, the human life in these reincarnation worlds is not human life at all.

Just like ants, they kill casually.

"Captain, it looks like I can hear the wailing of this city again." A man dressed in white looked down with a longing smile.

Seeing the horror of those dying, this man in white will be very happy and very exciting.

"It's a pity that such blood sacrifices can't be carried out often, the reincarnation space will not allow it, and some teams in the reincarnation space will also target us, otherwise..." Another thin man in blue licked his dry lips.

Through blood sacrifice life, enhance their own strength.

This speed is very fast.

"Well." The man in red nodded, "So we have to improve our strength and become the leader in the reincarnation space. When the time comes, what we do, no one can control us."

"You must know that there is a reincarnation team who sacrifices the life of the whole world as the object of blood sacrifice." Enter.

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